All Chapters of Till Death Do Us Path: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
Chapter 31
" Bianca!!! " Ricardo screamed to prevent her from saying rubbish. The reporters began to give live news on what Bianca just said. " I can't date you Bianca, stop all this childish behavior because it won't help, you," Ricardo said for everyone to hear. As a public figure, anything can destroy his image. " Why can't you date me? I'm probably the prettiest girl in Switzerland, what exactly do you want? " Bianca began to cry, she wanted to gain public sympathy for herself. " Don't make a scene here, I've instructed the police not to keep you under custody so go home " Ricardo said to her with a mean face and he turned to the cameras." I'm happy that I cleared my name, and she will drop the charges against all the companies and reporters," Ricardo said and wanted to leave but Bianca dragged him back. " I will not drop the charges against them and that's final, they must pay for what they did. I don't care what anyone has to say but they must go to hell I don't fucking care " Bianca
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Chapter 32
David dropped Gwen in the car and rushed out to punch Ricardo but he stopped when three cars in convoy droved in. Five men got down and walked to Ricardo, they walked to others and put them in the car but before Ricardo could turn and face David, he was no longer there. " Fuck!! " Ricardo hit his car angrily. He had wanted to trail David so that he would know Gwen's new residence but everything had changed now, he entered his car angrily and drove off. David drove Gwen to her house and carried her inside, he greeted Mrs Laura and left. …………………..The morning sun was much and Ricardo woke up feeling sore, he couldn't dictate his actual long-awaited long-awaited day had arrived " Ricardo muttered under his breath as he stood up and entered the bathroom. He felt cold all of a sudden and for some reason, he wanted to cry but had no shoulders to lean on. He took a quick bath and walked to his wardrobe in search of what to wear, he caught a glimpse of a family picture which they took wh
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Chapter 33
" All of these wouldn't have happened if you were with me. I wouldn't have gone out to drink if you stayed with me and now my company wouldn't be at stake. It's not a must that you would love me back, just let me love you, please " Ricardo pleaded while hiding Gwen tight. Gwenevere was aware that she was the cause of everything but seeing him looking this pathetic made her cry. She didn't want him to leave her embrace, so he stroked his hair gently until he became calm. " Run along it's time to announce the result, " Gwen said to him as she pulled him out of her embrace. She used her palm to wipe his tears and she gave him an encouraging smile. " Will you wait for me? I will take you home " Ricardo said as he planted a kiss on her forehead. " Yes, I will wait for you " Gwen replied with a smile and Ricardo felt happy as he let go of her. He opened the door and left, Gwen stood for a while and put on her disguise as she walked down the staircase she collided with someone. " I'm s
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Chapter 34
" Mum, she doesn't even know us from Adams " Arya said with a great surprise on her face. " It takes just a day to know someone. After all, I've seen her and I like her, she is even your friend. Don't you think we are save with her? " Mrs Yolanda asked Arya. " Mum!!!.. " " Shut up " " My dear, are you working somewhere for now? You can resign and I will triple your payment " Mrs Yolanda said as she held Gwen's palm. Arya was shocked, her mum has never been this vulnerable. She always claims to be a no-nonsense woman. What's with her today? ." Ma'am, I just resigned from my job and for now I don't have anything to do, " Gwen explained with her head down. Mrs Yolanda could tell that she is embarrassed. " I understand and this is your opportunity my dear. Gwen, I think my family is safe with you " Arya felt like crying when her mum began to talk with Gwen. " How old is your son ma'am? " Gwen asked her. While scratching her head. " He is no longer a child but he is my child, he w
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Chapter 35
" I should be the one asking and not you, you fucking called me line bro " Ricardo heard the voice and he felt that stranging the person on the other line. " I want to speak with Gwen. Why are you answering her call? Give her the phone " Ricardo said feeling irritated." Now I know who is speaking and for your information. This is my line not Gwen's, I don't know why you keep barging into my privacy " David said teasingly. Ricardo found out who it was and he felt that beating that arrogant bastard but he has to calm down, if he truly needs something from him." Please, I want to speak with Gwen. Can you give me her contact information? Just direct me to her house " Ricardo pleaded with David who gave him a mockery laughter. " What nerves? " David said and ended the call. Ricardo felt like killing David. He hasn't seen a child with such nerves in his entire life. " Maybe that's what drew Gwen to him " Ricardo muttered angrily as he gazed at Scott who was standing next to him. Sc
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Chapter 36
Arya was surprised at how tense they were. She was just kidding but it seems they took it seriously and Gwen was becoming pale. " I didn't mean it, I was just kidding. Please don't take what I say to heart " Arya said with a grin and they all began to laugh. " Arya, meet my childhood friend Kathryn. Kathy, meet Arya my newly founded friend " Gwen did the introduction with a smiling face. " Nice meeting you," Kathy said as she hugged Arya." The pleasure is mine " Arya replied with her charming smile. " I hope I'm not left alone. No one introduced me " David said but they paid him a deaf ear as they kept on chit-chatting.The waiter brought in the food and they began to eat. Arya took out her phone and took a picture of four of them which she uploaded on her social media platforms. Gwen and Kathy could see the chemistry going on between Arya and David but they kept mute for them not to feel embarrassed.From the restaurant, they drove to a shopping mall. They bought so many things
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Chapter 37
Arya dropped her phone and slept off with a smile on her face. ……………Gwen and Kathryn took their bath together and immediately they wanted to start a hot romance, a knock came at the door. Kathryn felt disappointed, she knew who it was already. Gwen walked to the door and opened it with a fake smile plastered on her face. " Mum, you haven't slept? " Gwen asked her mum who walked in with a tray that contained three glasses of juice and a burger. " I'm here to keep both of you company, come and sit down, " Gwen's mum said as she sat on the bed. " For heaven's sake, this is my room you can't possibly invite me to sit down," Gwen said as she walked over and sat next to Kathy. " Both of you will be resuming work soon, Kathy's leave will soon be over and you are starting a new work that will take you away from me for days, so I couldn't just sleep off the little time I have to be with you both " Gwen's mum said with mixed emotions." Mum, I will be coming home every weekend to see you
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Chapter 38
" What are you doing here? " Gwen asked Ricardo as she took a step backward. " I should be asking you that, what brings you here? " Ricardo asked her. He look around Gwen and noticed that she came with her luggage and he became more confused. " What's going on here? Are you a friend to the owner of this house? '' Gwen replied with her gaze fixed on him. " You must be kidding me. This is my house " " What?!!! " Gwen screamed but she covered her mouth immediately. " Why are you in my house with your luggage? Arya isn't staying here, she stays with my mum and how did you become friends with my sister? " Ricardo asked her because he thought she came to visit his sister. " Holy Shit!! " Gwen felt weak immediately. She ran away from his office and now, this?. Gwen bites her lips in anger and confusion. Maybe she should just go back home. " Gwenevere, why….!!! " Ricardo wanted to speak further but his phone began to ring. He excused himself and entered the guest room. " How are you
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Chapter 39
" Wow!! So you girls have become this close to the extent that you gossip about me? " Ricardo spoke out loudly and Arya heard his voice she became surprised. " Why are you with Gwen's phone? Did you hear everything I said earlier? " Arya asked him as she began to bite her fingers. " Don't call this line again and stay away from her " Ricardo said plainly. Gwen was surprised at his sudden outburst. Why is acting up like a child? " You have no rectitude to choose my friends. I be-friend whoever I like and I will tell mum that you've started maltreating Gwen " Arya Screamed out and Ricardo covered his ears because her voice almost damaged his eardrums. " You don't even know Gwen, It mum who pleaded with her to be a housekeeper so don't look down on her. She was a model and I can find another job for her if care is not taken…… " Arya kept on blabbering. Ricardo became fed up and he ended the call. Arya gazed at her phone, she couldn't believe that Ricardo ended the call on her. She
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Chapter 40
" I said stop it!!! I will call your mum " Gwen screamed as she ran to the sitting room while Ricardo went after her. She almost fell but he held her on time and he drew her to his embrace. Gwen was breathing hard because of the little exercise. " Why don't we remain like this forever? Marry me and you won't regret it, my heart has comprehended to love you but why can't you try and allow your peaceful heart to love me? " Ricardo said to the panting Gwen. Gwen remained in his embrace trying to catch her breath and she wasn't ready to say anything. She began to sniff immediately, she sniffed countless times before she pushed Ricardo away and ran to the kitchen. " OMG!!! The food got burnt! " She screamed as she turned off the gas. Ricardo opened the windows for air to penetrate while Gwen poured water into the pot. They stood emotionlessly and stared at each other for a while and they said chorus " It's your fault " " It's your fault " " Don't worry, I will prepare something el
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