All Chapters of Our Little Dirty Secret : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
118 Chapters
Hardin stared at June as his lips curled into a smile, he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, as he withdrew from the kiss he was about to say something when his phone began to ring.“Excuse me,” he said reaching for his phone as he picked up the call. “Yes,” he said waiting for the caller to speak, he remained silent listening before speaking, “Alright, I will be there soon,” he said disconnecting the call as he dropped his phone and started the car engine.“What is the matter?” June asked wondering who he had been speaking to on the phone. “They found out who bugged my phone and my car,” Hardin replied turning back on the road, he needed to get there to see them first and give them a piece of his mind before handing them over to the police.“Oh, that’s good,” June said in a low voice, she was happy that they had found the person but she was looking forward to Hardin popping the question.“About our discussion, I will do it the right way okay my love?” he said staring at her
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“Fine,” June said opening the door for him to step in.“Who is it?” Octavia asked as Conrad stepped in, “Oh.”“Hi,” Conrad said but Octavia paid no response to him, after what June had told her about what he did the other day, she didn’t want to associate with him. “What is he doing here?” She asked June.“Could you excuse us?” June said hoping Octavia wouldn’t make a scene.“If you try anything silly, I won’t hesitate to have you locked up,” Octavia warned throwing a mean glare at Conrad before she got up on her feet and walked inside.“Your friend seems very protective of you,” Conrad said losing the front button of his suit as he sat down staring around the living room in awe.“So, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?” June asked taking her seat opposite him.“I am sorry about the kiss, I didn’t know you had a man, if I did I wouldn’t have…”“I hope you are listening to yourself as you speak, so if I didn’t have a man you would have taken advantage of me, is that what yo
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Hardin awoke, disoriented and groggy, he attempted to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his chest, and stomach forcing him back down onto the uncomfortable bed.As his eyes adjusted to the surroundings, he realized he was in a hospital room and noticed a familiar face sitting in a chair beside his bed, her head lay peacefully beside his leg and she was asleep.He stretched his hand placing it on her head, caressing it softly his lips curled into a smile. "Hmm," June breathed out slowly as she opened her eyes to stare at him. Conrad tried to get the bullet out but he was unable to stop the bleeding and they rushed him to the hospital immediately."How are you feeling?" June said softly, her voice soothing like a gentle breeze. "You're in the hospital, but you're going to be okay."Hardin's heart raced as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory. The last thing he remembered was a gunshot ringing out in the darkness. Panic set in, and he stammered, "Could I make a call
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Part Two - Chapter 1
Part two title: Forbidden Desire. Blurb: In a surprising twist, Hardin discovers that his half-brother is none other than June's ex-boyfriend, Conrad. Their fates collide when Conrad expresses a strong desire to win June back and worse make her his wife. Hardin, unwilling to let her slip away, sets for a heated battle of emotions, love, and lust as the two brothers battle for June's affection, with their love and loyalty hanging in the balance.* * *"Let go of me," June yelled as Conrad dragged her to the park about to put her into his car, she continued to struggle with him. How could he do this? What was wrong with him?Conrad barely stared at her as he opened the door of the back seat and placed her in closing it, he circled the car and got in next to her as he tapped the driver to drive off. "What do you plan to do with him? You can't just force me to come with you," June yelled at him angrily, she placed her hand on the handle of the door trying to open it but she knew deep d
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Octavia and Keir walked into the hospital room, they stared at June and they could see it in her eyes that she bore no recognition of them, Octavia rushed to her side hugging her. She hoped it was a prank, like the one Keir had pulled on her but she knew it wasn't, she busted out in tears as she held on to June but her tears only irritated June. "What is going on? Who are you?" June said in a low voice trying to make sense of why this woman was holding her so tight and crying. "It's me Octavia, your best friend," Octavia said letting go of June as she placed her hand on her chest. "Don't you recognize me? I am your best friend, Octavia," she said in between sobs but June just stared at her blankly."You are my best friend?" June questioned raising her brow, her eyes darted from Octavia to Keir. "And this is Keir, my husband," Octavia said rushing to Keir's side and pulling him closer. The doctor stepped into the room, he walked up to June, "Mrs we are just going to do an assessme
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Hardin woke up to his head banging, he knew he was in Keir's house when he had sat up and scanned the room but he couldn't remember how he got there, he was about to call out to Keir when a maid walked in to check on him. He instructed the maid immediately to go and get Keir, "I thought you did be up by noon," Keir said finally stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "We need to find June, that bastard Conrad has -""Relax," Keir said noticing Hardin wanted to get out of the bed. "We found her.""Really?" Hardin raised his brow."She is fine and right here in the mansion," Keir added. "You are serious, and Conrad?" Hardin asked still in doubt about what Keir had just said."What I am about to say might sound unbelievable but it is the current situation right now, you have been out for two days," Keir began. "In those two days, June had an accident and lost her memory, I brought her here to stay until we can figure all this out.""W-What?" Hardin's jaw dropped. "W-Wh
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"What the hell do you want?" Emma asked angrily, she was about to step into her car when two men grabbed her into their van. She kept trying to reason with them since she thought they kidnapped her but no matter how much she offered they didn't respond."You want Hardin and I want the company and June," Conrad went straight to the point. "I have an offer for you that will make this possible.""What are you talking about? Who are you? How do you know Hardin?" Emma asked. Yes, she wanted Hardin but she didn't know who this man was and why he would just make her such an offer. Was this some kind of trick? She looked around and behind her to see if there were any familiar faces or hidden cameras."Long story short, I am Hardin's stepbrother," Conrad briefly explained the situation."Hardin has a brother?""Step," Conrad corrected."This must be a joke, step or not, Hardin doesn't have a brother, if he did he would have told me," Emma shook her head not believing Conrad. "This isn't a jo
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"Hardin! Hardin!!" Emma called out following him and Keir out of the office. "Please can we talk?" she pleaded with him holding his hand and trying to stop him from leaving. "What do you want gold digger?" Hardin asked turning around to face her as Keir continued to head to their car."Gold digger?" Emma raised her brows surprised that Hardin would use such words to address her. "Isn't that what you are? Clearly, I didn't work out for you and now you think Conrad would.""You have got this all wrong, yes we didn't work out but Conrad kidnapped me. I didn't even know you were-""Don't give me that bullshit," Hardin shunned her. "He kidnapped you and then forced you to attend this meeting?" "It's a long story but you should keep June safe, he has plans to-""June will be safe, you should worry about yourself than poking your nose into other people's business," Hardin interrupted her, he glared at her for a moment before leaving her standing there dumbfounded. "Hardin!" she called ou
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June contemplated Hardin's conditions for a moment, after a brief pause, she nodded in agreement."Alright, I'll accept your conditions," June said.Hardin's eyes softened as he squeezed her shoulder gently. "I'll go and arrange everything for you, you can pack whatever you need," he placed his hand on her cheek, it was the first time he saw her smile since the accident and he hoped he could continue to make her smile like this. He brought his hand down and left the room to inform Octavia and Keir, when he got to the living room he found them talking on the sofa and he was sure they were talking about June. "Has she decided to eat?" Octavia asked raising her head to meet his eyes. "We will be going to stay in her house, I think it's better that way," Hardin announced."We?" Octavia questioned."I told her we could go to her place if she allows me to stay with her, with a maid and bodyguard.""and she agreed?" Octavia asked not believing it. June looked hellbent on wanting to be alo
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June felt her heart leap out of her chest at Hardin's words, her lips parted as she tried to say something but there was nothing coming to her head. That kiss had done something to her and she knew deep down Hardin could see it in her eyes.They both remained still staring deep into their eyes but that brief moment of blissful oblivion was shattered when the maid unexpectedly entered the room.Startled by what was going on, she quickly averted her eyes and mumbled an apology, "I'm sorry for interrupting. I didn't know you had company, Sir." Her face turned crimson as she hastily headed back inside. Hardin and June exchanged a sheepish glance before breaking into a light chuckle. "It's quite alright, Maria" Hardin reassured the flustered maid stopping her on her track as she turned around bowing her head to them. "June, this is Maria, your new housekeeper."Maria nodded, still blushing, and extended a polite greeting, "Nice to meet you, Ma'am. If you need anything, don't hesitate to
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