All Chapters of Four Can Play A Game: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
135 Chapters
Alpha Leo’s POVAfter those words left my mouth, I couldn't describe the look that I saw on Olivia's face. It was something I hadn't seen before. He eyes that were staring up into my own looked so hurt that it hurt me to even look at them. Her lips were trembling, as I was sure she was holding back her tears with everything she could. My heart ached as I looked at her. It made me sad that the reason she was like that was because of the words that I had said to her. “You shouldn't have gone that far. That was too much,” my wolf scolded. “I understand that you're hurt, but don't forget that she is still our mate and there's nothing you can do to change that,” I ignored him, wanting to back down. If I listened to him, I would go soft and not take the necessary actions. I was sad seeing her like that, but that didn't make my anger go away, neither did it make me any less angry. I was still angry beyond anything I could say. “We have placed two guards outside your room and other guard
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Feeling suffocated
Olivia’s POVTwo months laterIt had been two months since the last time I stepped my foot outside. Alpha Leo and Alpha Theo had made sure that I didn't even get to see what was outside my door within that time. It was basically hell. I was basically in a holding cell, and the only difference was that I at least had a window to look out of. It became a habit as the only thing I could do was stare out of the window to at least get a glimpse of the sun, and remember what the outside looked like. The experience of being locked up in a room wasn't as bearable as I thought it would be. The boredom was on another level, and I had developed some very unconventional ways to keep myself busy and a little entertained. Talking with Maya and asking her what was going on outside was another option, but talking could get tiring after a while. I'm sure she was also sick of being stuck in the same room, but was enduring it because it was her job. I hardly even saw Alpha Leo and Alpha Theo. They h
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Finally Out
Olivia’s POVWe finally made it outside, and Alpha Leo led me to a car that was parked in front of the door. The driver was gesturing for us to get into the back, but Alpha Leo stopped him. “Give me the keys,” he said, and the driver handed the keys over to him. He then walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me to get in, which I did before he went over to his side. “Where are we going?” I asked him, and he shook his head. “Just calm down, will you? You'll see what we get there,” he said, and I glared at him before looking out the window. I really didn't know why he was stingy with the name of the place where we would eventually get to. After driving for a while, the car finally stopped, indicating that we had arrived at our destination. It was the park. I smiled as I excitedly opened the car door and got out. The park was exactly the place I wanted to go because I needed fresh air, and being in a quiet place where you could just watch nature and children play was
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In pain
Alpha Theo’s POVAfter hearing Olivia say that she was in pain, I rushed to her room without a second thought. When I got there, I saw her maid, Maya, standing beside the bed, while she was rolling around, groaning and almost close to crying. I rushed to her side and Maya moved back as sat down by her head. I held her close to me and reviewed her. Her hand was placed on her stomach, pressing on it as if she were pressing the pain away. Just then, Leo appeared in the room. The expression on his face was the same as the one I had on. The feeling I felt when I heard her groan in pain is not one I want to feel again anytime soon. “What's wrong? What happened?” Leo asked, panicked. “I don't know, I just got here after she mind linked me,” I told him. He also walked close to the end to inspect her condition. “How are you feeling, Olivia? Do you know the cause of it?” I asked her, and it seemed she could barely speak. “I don't know,” she groaned out. For her to find it so hard to spe
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Alpha Leo’s POVI watched Olivia go into the bathroom and close the door behind her. “Why don't we just take her to the hospital instead,” I suggested. “It would be better because the hospital would have more equipment, and it would be quicker, plus it would be better for her to see outside and get some fresh air,” “That's true. Let's tell her when she gets out,” I agreed. By the time Olivia came out, she was already fully dressed. She stood there, waiting for what we had to say. “We're going to the hospital instead,” I said to her, and her eyes widened. I was sure she was excited that she was getting to go out a lot more often. Her face brightened as she nodded her head. Theo and I went out to quickly get dressed, and when we were done, we went to get Olivia from her room. We all got into the car, with Theo in the passenger side, and Olivia in the back. The drive was mostly silent, with Olivia staring out the window most of the time, and Theo and I were looking back at her. W
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Forgive you
Olivia’s POV I tried to hide my face from Alpha Leo, who stood by my side, trying to ask why I was crying. I couldn't tell them why I was crying because it wasn't like they would care. It was my problem, so I was going to handle it myself. “It’s nothing,” I replied to everything they asked me. The scene where Doctor Terry announced that I was going to have twins replayed in my head. I had thought that the moon goddess would at least be a little lenient with me and give me one child, but she decided to give me two. How was I going to be able to leave my children after giving birth to them? There was no way I would just give them to their fathers and abandon them, not after everything I went through. I was really confused and sad, sadness being the greatest of the two feelings. There was no way I could tell Alpha Leo and Alpha Theo that. They wouldn't even care because all they cared about were their babies that were in my stomach. “I'm tired, I want to rest,” I said to them, an
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Make her happy
Alpha Theo’s POVLeo and I were in the living room, feeling restless as we watched the stairs waiting for our mother to come out of Olivia's room. I paced around the living room, while Leo was seated. Even though he looked calm, I was sure he felt as restless as I did. We heard our mother's footsteps coming down the stairs; we both perked up and watched her approach us. “So, what happened? What did she say?” I asked her, not even waiting for her to come down the last step. “Calm down, Theo. I'm not running away,” she teased, but I wasn't in the mood. “Mom, now is not the time!” I frowned. “Okay, fine. I'm sorry,” she laughed as she moved to a seat beside Leo. “Did she tell you what the problem was?” Leo asked. “No, she didn't,” she said, and I sighed. I had thought that she would open up to our mother, seeing as they were both women, and had one more thing to bond over, that being the fact that my mother was once pregnant with twins as Olivia now was. “Do you both remember t
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Olivia’s POVThe alphas stayed with me for a few more hours that night. It was comforting that they still stayed, despite the awkward moment we had. We would have a conversation sometimes about random things, or we would sit in silence, letting our thoughts wander. When it was already past twelve am, they finally got up. “We would have stayed with you for the night, but we have somewhere to be early in the morning, and we need to be fully rested,” Alpha Leo said. “Maya will come back in and help you prepare for bed. Make sure to get enough rest and whatever it is you need, ask Maya, and she will give it to you, okay?” Alpha Theo asked, and I nodded. “Good night, and thank you for today,” I said to them as they left my room. Maya came back in and helped me prepare for bed, and I laid down, somehow feeling peaceful, so it didn't take long before I was pulled into sleep. The next morning, there was a knock on my door, and I frowned, wondering who it was because it was still so earl
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What the baby would look like
OliviaIt was already nighttime, and Maya was helping me prepare for bed. I had cried my eyes out a few hours earlier, and I was currently feeling the after effects. My eyes hurt and they were red and swollen. I was sure I looked like a panda, only the patch around my eyes were red, not black. The door to my room was pushed open, and Alpha Leo and Alpha Theo walked into the room. They both still had that worried look on their faces as they did when they left the last time. By now, Maya already knew to leave whenever they came into the room, so she excused herself and left the room. The alphas still stood by the door even after Maya had left. They were watching me, and I didn't know why. “Wow. Why do they both look so handsome?” My wolf said, and I looked at them. “Well, they are our mates after all,” I rolled my eyes inwardly and ignored her. She was talking nonsense. “How are you doing today?” Alpha Leo asked and I nodded my head. “I feel better and well rested, thank you,”
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Have to do it
Alpha Leo’s POV We had left Olivia's room and had returned to do our duties, but somehow, something kept bothering me, and my wolf knew it too. “I think she's hiding something. She wouldn't have acted like that if she wasn't,” My wolf said, and I agreed. “I think so, too. It's really difficult to look past the troubled look she had on her face,” I said. I turned to Theo, who was busy with his own work, and sighed. He looked up at me, noticing that there was something wrong. “What's wrong?” He asked. “I don't know, but I just feel there was something off about Olivia this morning when we saw her. Remember when we asked her what the doctors came by for?” “Well, I did notice that she was acting weird, but I didn't want to think anything of it,” he said. “Do you think we should go see the doctor to ask if there's a problem because it seems she's hiding something from us,” I suggested. “That's a good idea. Let's go,” he said, and immediately dropped what he was doing. We excused
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