All Chapters of A Pawn In The Twisted Game Of Mafia: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
51 Chapters
Chapter 41
Craig stood in front of the mirror, wiping the sweat from his brow. He was training rigorously for the upcoming amateur kickboxing tournament, determined to prove himself as a skilled fighter. The tournament was just a week away, and Craig knew he needed to give it his all. His twin brother, Collins, had always been a mafia kingpin that was just released from the prison, It seemed like trouble just followed him wherever he went. Despite their physical similarities, Craig had never gotten mixed up in Collin's criminal activities. However, the public found it hard to differentiate between the two, and this had caused Craig's reputation to suffer.As Craig continued to train, he couldn't help but feel frustrated by the situation. He loved kickboxing, and it was his passion to compete in tournaments. But because of his twin brother that was In and out of the prison made it difficult for fans to support him, One day, as Craig was practicing his kicks in his local gym, he overheard
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Chapter 42
Georgina was on her way back home after a long day at work. As she walked past the bustling streets, her mind wandered to the things she needed to buy, One of her stops was at the local supermarket to pick up some groceries and restock her supply of beverages.Entering the supermarket, Georgina grabbed a shopping cart and made her way through the aisles. She carefully selected fresh produce, pantry essentials, and various items she needed for the week. As she roamed the wine and spirits section, a mischievous thought crossed her mind. Maybe it was time to treat herself to some indulgence.Georgina pondered for a moment and then decided to splurge on a bottle of wine and beer. She also picked up a bottle of champagne, assorted spirits, and a bottle of whiskey. After all, it had been a long and tiring week, and she deserved a little relaxation,With her cart now filled to the brim, Georgina approached the checkout counter. As the cashier rang up her items, she couldn't help but fee
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Chapter 43
Alfonso walked back and forth in his dimly lit office, frustration etched across his face. The once thriving empire he had built in the underground world had crumbled before his eyes. Georgina, a shrewd and cunning woman from a distant country, had managed to take over his entire operation, leaving him with nothing.He clenched his fists tightly, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge. How had she managed to outsmart him? He had always prided himself on being one step ahead of the game, but Georgina had proved to be a formidable opponent."She's taken everything from me," Alfonso muttered angrily to himself. "All my hard work, my connections, my empire... gone."As if on cue, his henchman, Carlos, entered the room cautiously. "Boss, we've got a problem," he said, his voice tinged with concern.Alfonso turned to face him, his eyes burning with intensity. "What is it, Carlos?""Georgina has expanded her operations, boss," Carlos replied. "She's brought in more girls from her country
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Chapter 44
Alfonso, Jackson and his remaining men were not happy and comfortable with the way the mafia leaders and panel of judges handled the battle case between Alfonso and Collins. They believed that the decision was unjust and biased, and the more they heard about Craig's name on social media news, the more Alfonso and his men grew angry, furious, and frustrated.As they watched Craig in the ring, they became even more devastated. They knew that he was a the twin brother of a formidable rival, but they also knew that he was not invincible. When they learned that Craig was having a kickboxing tournament, they saw an opportunity to take matters into their own hands, and they decided to take revenge on Collins's twin brother, Craig, Early on the day of the championship fight, Craig was kidnapped. He was drugged and held captive for hours before being dropped off at a children's park, just two thirty minutes before the championship fight was set to begin. He was disorientated and barely
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Chapter 45
It had been two weeks since Craig had relocated to the village, and he was already trying to adjust to his new way of life. But then, he received a call from his ex-girlfriend Georgina."Craig, you need to send me your bank account details," Georgina said."Why do you need my bank account details?" Craig asked."Well, you know I still love you and I want to help you out. I can send you some money to help you get by until you find a job," Georgina explained."Cute, but I still have money in my bank account. I can manage myself until I will regulate my problems," Craig said."What do you mean you still have money? Didn't you tell me you had spent all your savings before moving to the village?" Georgina asked."I did, but then I applied for some jobs online and I was lucky enough to get hired by one of them. I start next week," Craig replied.Georgina was surprised to hear this. "Wow, that's great news. I'm really happy for you. But if you ever need any help, just let me know," she
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Chapter 46
Craig sat in his small apartment, his muscles aching from the intense training session earlier. He knew he should be grateful for the second chance he had been given by the kickboxing association, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.His mind wandered to Collins, the notorious mafia kingpin in town. It was common knowledge that Collins was involved in all sorts of illegal activities, but Craig never thought their paths would cross. That is until his girlfriend, Georgina, had approached him with an offer he couldn't refuse. Georgina had been the one to find a paid lawyer to present Craig's case to the kickboxing association. But what troubled Craig was that she never revealed who had sent her. All she said was that it was someone who believed in Craig's talent and wanted to see him back in the ring. Craig had been grateful at the time, thinking it was just a generous benefactor who wanted to help him. But now, with the knowledge that Collins was somehow involve
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Chapter 47
Craig returned home to an empty house, feeling a sense of loneliness wash over him. It had been a week since his fiancée, Angela, had gone back to the village where she taught as an elementary school teacher. As he wandered through their once lively home, he couldn't help but feel like he was supposed to have been married by now.Sitting down on the couch, Craig couldn't shake off the feeling of being a matured man living alone. He thought about his twin brother, Collins, who had always been the more responsible and settled one. Collins had a living In girlfriend and he might start a family anytime soon, while Craig was still waiting for the right time, or perhaps the right person, to come along.But Craig couldn't bring himself to pursue a relationship seriously. Deep down, he knew that he couldn't put anybody else into problems because of his own complicated life. Craig was well aware that he had been a pawn in the hands of the mafia, particularly Alfonso, the notorious mafia lor
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Chapter 48
Alfonso was still In his farm thinking of what to do to his farm products, though, he had gathered other men, and he had appointed, Jackson as his right hand man, because Jackson had lost all that he had, Though, Jackson had been Alfonso's friend for years, because they once form alliance, Jackson was a gangster kingpin, and he was a hitman, Alfonso and Alex had spent over six months living and working on Alfonso's farms, his coffee plants, along with various other hard leaf crops and flowers, were ready to be harvested. However, Alfonso needed assistance, particularly from Collins. In the city, numerous mafia lords and powerful figures had been taken down, leaving Collins as the only one who knew how to navigate through the chaos."Collins," Alfonso called out as he stood among the rows of vibrant coffee plants. "I need your help with the harvest. These crops are ready, and I can't do it alone." Alfonso said, Collins, a seasoned and street smart individual, emerged from the sha
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Chapter 49
Georgina.walked Into the hotel doors, and she was a little bit relieved, as she made her way into the lobby. The events of the past few days had left her on edge, constantly looking over her shoulder. But now, she had finally made it back safely. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her boyfriend, Collins, standing by the reception desk, his tall and imposing figure drawing the attention of everyone in the reception,As soon as Collins spotted Georgina, his face lit up with joy, He hurried towards her, his long strides giving the impression of a man on a mission. "Georgina!" he exclaimed, his deep voice filled with excitement. "You're back, I'm happy to see you here,” Collins said, Georgina's heart was still skipping a beat at the sight of Collins. Despite the dangerous assignment she had just finished, though, Collins always managed to make her feel safe and protected. "Collins!" she replied, unable to hide her own happiness. "I missed you so much."In one swift motion,
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Chapter 50
Meanwhile, Collins and his girlfriend, Georgina, calmly exited the run down motel they had been staying in, they deliberately left their mobile phones behind in the hotel room, rendering the trackers' job much more difficult."I can't believe we forgot our phones," Georgina exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration.Collins smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Well, my love, it seems fate is on our side today, Without those trackers homing in on our phones, they'll have a harder time finding us," Collins said, “You are right, but what will happen to all the contacts, Informations, and some other things that I saved In my phone,?” Georgina asked, “I paid for a month, you don't need to scared, I believe that our things will be Intact till we will come back” Collins said,Collins and Georgina walked to the hidden parking lot, entered Into their car, while Georgina drives, Meanwhile, Jackson, the determined leader of the kidnapping team, watched the couple escape on th
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