All Chapters of THE ALPHA KING’S WRONG MATE & THE SECRET BREEDER : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
107 Chapters
My actions took him by surprise, and he fell into the wall as I crashed into him, my lips finding the small of his throat, licking out to taste his Adam’s apple.“STOP!”The thunder in his single word froze me on the spot, and my arms fell to my side.He was serious.“We can’t do this,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair before he again avoided my confused stare. “It was a mistake.”And just like that, my security crumbled again, the world falling down around me. I wrapped my arms protectively around my naked body. I felt rejected , I felt I was never going to know my past.JEFFSelina’s pain might as well have been mine. Her perplexity was obvious, naked, and shattering. Those big, damn eyes locked on me, demanding an explanation I still couldn’t give her.Even though I’d fucked it all up already. I’d gone too far, hadn’t I? It was already too late.“What are you talking about?” she demanded, the uncertainty on her face breaking my heart.She was waiting for me to crack a s
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“I’ll be right back,” I snarled, turning away.I hoped that a few minutes alone would give her the time she needed to clear her thoughts and calm down. Maybe I should tell her about the curse and the reality of why I couldn’t involve myself with her and her sister.Bring back tonight’s pay, too!” Selina yelled after me. “I’m not coming back.”I whipped back around to look at her.“You didn’t do anything tonight.”She scoffed.“I came here, didn’t I? It’s not my fault if you didn’t let me work.”The anger was laced with hurt, but I swallowed again and nodded.“You know, you’re no better than Ernest, Jeff.”I reeled around, stunned and infuriated by the comparison.“What?!”“You say you will help me one second and then redact it the next. You say that we can’t do…” She motioned between us. “Whatever this is, and then you go down on me until I scream,” she muttered, blinking furiously. “At least Ernest is upfront with what he wants from us. He’s made his intentions clear.”I inhaled shar
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No, I had enough dragons to slay without bringing more into my world.“Is that enough?” he asked, his tone even and tender. “Or were you expecting more?”I said nothing, tucking the money into my back pocket as I turned away. The ringing in the room was starting to grind on my nerves.“There are messages for you,” I mumbled, reaching for the door.I half-expected him to grab my arm, to make some effort to stop me, but he didn’t. Instead, he dug his hands deep into his own pockets, like he was deliberately trying to stop himself from physically touching me again. He smelled of soap as I drifted past him, and I realized he’d washed me off him. The understanding made my heart sink more.He's already trying to forget about what happened between us. I’ll make this easier on him.Doing my best to keep my head up, I sailed out of the basement office.“Thanks for the opportunity,” I barely managed to crack.“Selina…”I hesitated, but didn’t turn around.“You don’t have to leave like this. You
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Virgil carefully avoided me when I entered the office, although I caught her sneaking me sidelong looks.“If you have something to say, say it,” I barked at her.“Did you touch that girl?” she demanded bluntly.I wished I hadn’t given her the opening to ask.“What?”“You heard me, Jeff.”“You have no right to question me about my personal life.”“Oh, gods,” Virgil moaned worriedly. “How far did you go with her?”I fixed my eyes on the computer, pretending her words didn’t drive into me with every syllable.“Nothing will happen,” I told her flatly. “That curse is outdated, and who knows the virtue of its validity?”Virgil scoffed loudly, folding her arms over her chest.“Are you denying that Gabriel was a powerful fae in his own right? That he had magic that could destroy your empire?”“If he wanted my empire to fall, why didn’t he just do it?”“Because he wanted to leave something for his own bloodline!” Virgil fired back. “You were partners, in case you’ve forgotten.”I tilted my hea
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“More people?” I echoed, wondering how many had fallen already.He nodded somberly. “Please. Let me do my job. You need to do yours now and lead.”Without a choice in the matter, I backed away, the screams of terror flooding my ears as I ushered my terrified guests out of the casino, confusion overwhelming me.A bomb. In my casino.This was all because of what I’d done with Selina. It was the only explanation, I was sure. How could I have been so damn careless?It was too late now for regret. Now I had to clean up the mess that I had made.SELINAI watched my son improve day by day. The morning after I quit working for Jeff, Agnes sat up for more than an hour in bed and took a few steps with my assistance around the room. The second day, he was strong enough to let me take him outside while Anna was also ready for the escape.“You have to be able to reach the gate and climb it,” I whispered to both of them as we walked arm-in-arm with Anna “I have a little money. We can run.”She star
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“You never did end up telling me Why you stop working,did he chase you away”She asked as we lay on the bed together.I blushed, the feel of Jeff on my skin was still too much for me to forget. Every night, when I tried to sleep, I closed my eyes and saw him there, behind my lids, his eyes blazing with passion as he took me to heights I’d never again see. I liked to think I was over the hump of forgetting him, but Agnes’s words showed me that I was nowhere near that place.“You don’t need to trouble yourself with what I’ve been up to.”Agnes snickered lightly. “I’m living vicariously through you. It’s no trouble at all.”I grinned and snuggled back against hers.“I stopped working for Jeff due to some misunderstanding.Misunderstanding? You should have stayed back and settle whatever differences you have with him.I looked away, thinking of the generous cash payment still sitting hidden under our shared mattress.“I’m really attracted to him.” I blurted it out so fast, I didn’t even ha
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“I know.”“Do you?”“What do you want from me, Virgil? The girl is gone. She’s clearly not coming back. Why are you beating that dead horse?”“You’re the one sending our guards after her.”My teeth cracked. “I didn’t send anyone after anyone,” I corrected her. “I just want to make sure she wasn’t caught.”“And what if she was?” Virgil barked with uncharacteristic anger. “Are you going to swoop into the compound and save her? Throw away the rest of your empire now?”My jaw dropped at her tone. Never had she spoken to me like that.“Nothing else has happened since the fire,” I offered awkwardly.Virgil’s eyes blazed indignantly. “Not yet.”“If something else were going to occur, it would have by now,” I said with too much confidence.I wondered if I wasn’t cursing myself further by saying those words, but I also understood the magic behind it well enough to know I wasn’t speaking from an uneducated place. If I had, in fact, opened the floodgates, one casino down would be the least of my
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I lessened the pressure of my foot on the gas as I entered the black, crumpled countryside, half-built over the years on the other end of my empire. The air smelled different here, staler and rank with sewage.Ernest has let this all go to shit,I thought angrily.Like his great-grandfather, he had no business sense, only one of greed. He wanted fortune and lusted for anything that moved, but unlike Gabriel, he had no actual way of maintaining it. Gabriel had had me, at least. Ernest had no one.Or had Gabriel ever had business sense? I had been much younger then, too. Perhaps I had been misled by Gabriel’s charisma as well. It was harder to remember now, with all the years that had passed.The crumbling compound was upon me, and I killed the lights, dropping my feet to the ground to walk the motorcycle toward the low wall of the area. A low din of voices met my ears, but no one was wiser about my arrival. Ernest’s guards were half drunk on whatever crappy moonshine they bootlegged amo
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I swallowed, looking around at the destruction I’d created in my own space. I was losing it. Truly. My life was unraveling, and it wasn’t about to get better if I continued to ignore what was really eating at me.“No,” I answered flatly. “I wasn’t attacked.”“You did this?” She didn’t bother to hide her dismay. “Why?”I inhaled deeply.“I… I don’t know. The insurance isn’t going to pay out, and… I…”I pursed my lips.“That girl has you spun into a tornado,” Virgil accused me, her body still curled into a ball. I extended a hand to help her up, and she begrudgingly accepted it now that she saw I was no danger to her or anyone else. “You haven’t been right since she showed up here.”“I know,” I agreed. “And I need to do something about it.”Virgil smoothed out the front of her A-line skirt and primped her dark hair lightly, struggling to regain her own stoic expression, but I could see I had shaken her to the core. She maintained a safe distance from me, and I gave her space, my heart s
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Who knew what he was capable of?“I’ve come to take you to a much better environment,” he declared. “With less than a week before our nuptials, it’s high time that you see what awaits you in my palace, don’t you think?”I couldn’t help myself. I snorted loudly.“Your palace?” I repeated. “Is that what you call your shit house?”Ernest’s smile froze, and he pushed his face closer toward me.“You forget yourself, girlie,” he hissed, spit hitting my face. “I am your one true sire, your lord and master. You would do well to remember what I can do to you if I stop liking you and your friend so much. What will happen if my patience with you runs thin?”“I will pay you but let us go?” Agnes interjected, trying to end our face-off.Ernest turned his weasel face toward her, eyes brightening at her quivering question.“I don’t want your payment anymore,I want you both anyways,I want to show you what kind of life waits for you. Gather whatever things you have. You’re moving into the palace.”I n
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