All Chapters of THE ALPHA KING’S WRONG MATE & THE SECRET BREEDER : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
His hands on her ass guided her as she swayed on his hips, rocking back and forth until she was grinding against the hardness in his pants. He pushed her hair away from her neck and latched onto her skin, sucking and licking, tracing her sensitive spots with his tongue until she was a moaning mess.“You taste so good,” he murmured against her skin, sending vibrations running through her sensitive spots. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I let you go. I promise to never let you get away from me again. I promise to never hurt you.”Emilia felt her heart wrench at his apology. She could sense his regret, but then he was drunk just like she was, laden with alcohol and possibly making a terrible decision. He didn’t mean what he was saying, and yet his words affected her.She pressed her lips to his once again. Her hands played with the area just above his belt, grazing her fingers on sensitive skin as she fought to distract him and stop him from talking. Now was not the time for him to offe
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She glanced at the window and her blood turned cold as she recognized one of the voices that was shouting the loudest in front of the inn. It was the voice of her adopted sister, Selina. She would recognize that voice anywhere after all, it had been responsible for a large percentage of her torment and bullying.Emilia walked to the window with the covers still wrapped around her and gasped at the sight in front of her. Selina was being held back by King’s driver as she tried to escape him and climb up to get toShe could see her sister’s face contorted in anger as she yelled over the driver’s shoulder while he kept her away from the building. Emilia strained her ears to make out what she was yelling out angrily, but she could not. Instead, all she heard were muffled sounds.A frown set on her face as she continued watching through the window. News had probably gotten around town that she was back. Perhaps the girl at the diner had recognized her after all, or maybe she had been seen
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The seven years between them seemed to stretch out as she finally saw him again. He seemed a little more jaded than he had been years ago. He had always been huge, however, and now he appeared even bigger, like he had been spending more time working out.Emilia stood, unable to take her eyes off him. How was it possible that he had become even more gorgeous? She was awestruck by all of the changes that she saw in him and how the changes seemed to tie together to make a perfect exterior.It didn’t occur to her that she had been standing there staring at him for a long time until she saw one of his alpha friends poke his head from beside King to look at her. The spell he had cast on her was suddenly broken and she was brought out of the moment.Why are you drooling over a man who has already rejected you once already? Will you never learn?She chastised herself as her thoughts finally caught up with her. She frowned suddenly as all the resentment she had harbored toward him all along su
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Emilia had guessed that it was probably because of how witches had been hunted and killed in times past. They were the most widely hunted and killed of all the supernaturals.Over the centuries, the communities of witches had faded off, as it was easier to kill them all and erase them from existence if they were together as opposed to when they remained a secret that no one knew about and stayed hidden.Helping another witch would make it easier for hunters to track you down.In the supernatural communities, people were aware that there were powerful witches scattered all over, but finding them was difficult, and getting them to care about why it was you were searching for them was an even more difficult task.Of course, she hadn’t expected them to welcome her with open arms. However, she had hoped that she wouldn’t have to deal with the people for a while and could simply get on with her task so she could be off as soon as possible.Emilia supposed that although that had been what sh
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King seemed even more taken aback now, but she did not care. Instead, she turned and walked into her room, shutting the door behind her without bothering to spare them or him another glance.KINGOnce again, King had stood silently while Emilia had been accused. Unlike the last time, though, this time he had wanted to stand up for her.She had not really given him a chance to do so, however. Instead, she had mounted her own defense, addressing her adopted sister confidently.King had flinched slightly when Emilia said that there was nothing between them, and that they were only working together. That was not what he’d had in mind, especially not after the kind of night they had shared.Unfortunately, Emilia had made the pronouncement with an air of finality, and there was nothing King could add to counter what she had said. So, he nodded silently as Selina glanced from one person to the other suspiciously.On the one hand, King was happy to see that Emilia had changed. She had become
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“Thanks,” King said, lifting his paper cup.Emilia glanced at him and nodded, then turned to look out the window. King wanted to speak with her, but he knew it was a futile attempt. He sipped quietly out of the cup, adding to the awkward silence in the car, before Everett wisely turned up the volume of the radio.The car pulled off the road a quarter of an hour later. Emilia looked around and rubbed her hands together. “This is the place?”“The most recent incident happened not very far from here. There have been multiple incidents scattered through the forest, but there were a few incidents in this area. It’s quite a hike, though. Think you can keep up?”“I’ll be fine. Let’s go.”King grabbed his backpack and led Emilia down a game trail that led into the woods. The terrain was sloped, and he was worried for Emilia. She managed herself expertly, and he remembered belatedly that she had grown up among wolves.“Can we talk about last night?” King asked, glancing over his shoulder.“No,
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King felt the same way. He had so many questions. What was this creature they were up against? Why kill if you didn’t plan to feed? What did it or they want? Was there a bigger goal? A bigger picture that he had been failing to see?He was glad that he had Emilia alongside. She had a way of seeing through problems, and it was refreshing to know that he could seek a second opinion.King’s ear twitched and he looked up immediately. He glanced into the distance, making sure. And then he heard it again.“Did you hear that?” Emilia asked, to King’s surprise.“I think so,” Emilia replied. “Come on.” They walked several yards down and the sound grew more distinct to Emilia. It was the croaking of a buck.They found the deer behind a bush, with a deep, red gash on the side of its throat. Blood had soaked into the dirt and grass under the beast, darkening the spot. The buck’s eyes jumped with fear from King to Emilia, and it tried uselessly to move away.Emilia rushed forward and got down on h
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There was a stout, well-built hut in the middle, and an outhouse behind and to the side. There was a medium-sized animal pen, with the fence connected to the wall of the hut. A small barn completed the buildings in the large space, everything looking very organized.“Here we are,” King announced. His breathing still sounded uncannily even and Juniper ignored how that discovery made her feel inside.“Hullo!” King called loudly.A man, who Juniper assumed was a ranger, opened the front door and peeked outside the hut. He had on a thick fisherman’s jacket over an equally thick checkered shirt. He had on faded jeans, and a pair of sturdy leather boots to complete the look.He still had a spoon in one hand, and Emilia concluded that she and King had probably disturbed the poor man’s lunch. He had an impatient look on his face as he stepped out of the hut fully.He glanced at Emilia with shock written all over his face. His eyes narrowed and she rolled her eyes. Yeah, the town folk still di
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“You need to warn everyone,” Emilia said, as soon as she remembered the vision. “They need to be careful out here. Whatever I saw…I didn’t see it clearly but…it was fast and it was strong. And it was dangerous.“In the buck’s memory, the attack happened in a fraction of a second. I have no idea what attacked it, all I saw was a blur. One moment it was jumping over a fallen tree, the next it was bleeding to death.“Whatever you do, you need to keep people out of these woods. The young wolves don’t stand a chance against this thing. I don’t think even full-grown wolves stand a chance against it. Any trip into the forest should be in groups. Please, King, you need to get them to listen to you. You have to convince them to stay out of here.”Emilia remembered how it had felt like she had been the one bleeding to her death, and she shivered. King watched her, his face hard and his expression serious.“Absolutely,” King finally replied. “You’re right. I will be calling for an emergency meet
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The murmurs broke out immediately, loud enough for Emilia to hear. Valid concerns rang through the crowd about how they could hope to live without access to the woods“We hear you, Alpha King,” one of the older wolves thundered so he could be heard over the din of the crowd. “You say there’s something dangerous and deadly in the woods, that prevents us from going about our lives as usual. Well, it begs the question. What’s to stop this danger from just attacking us in our homes?”The question created another round of commotion, this time even louder than the first. While King still appeared calm, he turned to Emilia with a look in his eyes that said he had not thought about this possibility.Emilia thought about it for a moment and decided. She nodded at King and he gave her a questioning look.Are you sure?Emilia nodded again and King turned back to the crowd.“Your attention please.” King’s booming voice silenced half the crowd in an instant, while the rest followed suit within seco
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