All Chapters of The Pack's Dragon: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
164 Chapters
Piercing Sympathy
Havermouth Present TimeRhett’s grin was wicked as he hooked his fingers into Talen’s shirt and tugged him forward knowing that his superior strength as a hybrid would force Talen to step forward or have his shirt torn from him.Talen laughed under his breath. Rhett in particular was enjoying the advantages of his transformation, perhaps because the zombie bite had left him so weak. The playfulness with which Rhett had explored his strength and speed had been highly entertaining, but also saddened Talen as Heath had not had the same opportunity to explore his new abilities in a carefree way. Still, Heath had his moments of glee - Talen comforted himself by recalling the run from the warehouse in which Heath had truly stretched his legs to the point Talen had struggled to follow.He let Rhett pull him in until they were chest to chest and looked down at his dark-haired mate. “Well?” He asked amused. “Now that you have me, what do you intend to do with me?”Rhett twisted, dragging Talen
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Aislen Fixes Cameron
Havermouth, Present TimeThe realization that their sex-play had resulted in him being tied down to be pierced just as they had tied Aislen was a shock to Cameron. Whilst for him, it was just fun, Rhett had gotten his consent for the piercings, and Cameron knew that he could break free at any time – the more he compared his position as Rhett pierced him, the more he thought about Aislen in the same situation.He had known that she was afraid at the time. Angry and afraid, but he’d been angry and afraid too and desperate for something to work and for Aislen to surrender to being the Triquetra’s mate. Still… a part of him had also enjoyed her distress. There had been a malicious vindictiveness to it – that she was suffering as she had made them suffer. He had felt powerful and alpha laughing down at her. And, in his mind, they hadn’t been harming her – it was just jewelry after all, and Rhett was a professional.It was incredibly difficult to think that they had done that to her. It hor
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Greedy Little Puppies
Havermouth, Present Time Heath went from asleep to awake within a moment, leaving him slightly shocky and trying to regain his equilibrium. As he always did, he ran a tally of his mates. They were in their usual post-sex disorder, having exhausted themselves in hedonistic excess. Rhett on the edge of the bed and Cameron sort of spilled over him in a tangle of arms and legs. Talen had curled protectively around Aislen, cradling her within the c of his body between him and Heath. Aislen’s dark curls cloaked her so that only the curve of a shoulder, the point of an elbow, and the little fingers of her clasped hands were visible. Heath smiled softly and stroked back the hair to reveal her face. She hadn’t removed her eye makeup and it had smeared, creating shadows around her eyes. A gentle tap at the exterior door made him realize what had woken him. The morning breakfast delivery. Cameron had locked the door for privacy whilst they had fucked the night before. He eased out of the bed
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Heath and Charlie
Havermouth, Present TimeCameron came into the bathroom as Heath stepped out of the shower and sighed. “Shit. I was hoping for a quickie in the shower,” he complained upon seeing that Heath was out. “But I had to help get breakfast back to jail.”Heath rubbed a towel through his hair. It was getting a bit shaggy, he noted, and debated whether to cut it or let it grow. He had kept his hair short for the past five years to avoid looking like Charlie, but the length had surpassed any similarity to his father, and he quite liked how it looked on him. In the same vein, his jaw held a glitter of stubble that rasped beneath his fingers as he ran them over it and where he would normally shave it away, he decided to leave it in place. The rougher look went with the scars on his chest and the new piercings through his nipples, after all, he thought ruefully, rubbing his hands over the scar tissue.He was coming to terms with the scars, growing in confidence that they weren’t a detraction from h
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Hospital Meetings
Havermouth, Present TimeA delivery van with Boyston Coffee emblazoned on the side was parked in front of the hospital emergency entrance next to two white tradie vans mounted with ladders and various other work orientated paraphernalia.Talen parked alongside them.“I guess there aren’t exactly ambulances using this entrance at the moment,” Aislen observed.“God help anyone who gets injured to the point of needing an operation,” Rhett added. “Do we even have any surgeons or doctors left?”“Dr James might be still running around somewhere,” Aislen grimaced. “But she’ll probably want to nibble the patient a little… But seriously, I think between the witches and the vampires, Havermouth’s residents will probably be well taken care of in an emergency.”“Very true,” Talen nodded with approval. “In Concordia, our vampires took care of almost all human health needs.”“We should probably look for Dr James,” Aislen slid out of the 4WD. “And any other zombies wandering around and cure them.”“
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King Thaelen Gulgane of the Concordian Vampires
Havermouth, Present Time“Are you enjoying yourself?” Talen arched an eyebrow at Tyler as he entered the hallway and his former blood slave peeled himself away from his mate.Tyler grinned, unrepentant, dragging his finger up Izeikiel’s throat to caress his bottom lip with a leer. “Very much,” he purred leaning into his mate, before stepping back. “How about yourself?” Tyler fell into step with Talen, leaving Izeikiel still leaning against the wall, the vampire weak-kneed as he recovered.“Hmm,” Talen shook his head in amusement. “Not as much as you, apparently.”“Standing guard over a hallway is boring work,” Tyler replied. “You have to make your own entertainment. Next door,” he added as Talen paused by the first. “You’re looking for Meguitte I’m guessing?”“Yes.”“The bald-headed and tattooed vampiress is in with her,” Tyler told him. “She’s really something.”“Ahh,” Talen nodded. “Delwyn.”Tyler fell back as Talen opened the door into the laboratory. Delwyn, Meguitte, Connery and
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Toby Talks
Havermouth, Present Time“Newly turned hybrids struggle to consume anything other than blood,” Aislen explained to Stella as Talen entered the bathroom. “And cigarettes, in Rhett’s case,” she added. “Hey, Toby!” She exclaimed as he exited the bathroom, his attention on what was behind him and not what was before. As he saw her, his face lit up and he crossed to join them. “How’s Rhett doing?” She asked, grimacing.“Not great,” Toby pulled a sympathetic face. “Talen said that he might be a while as Rhett will need to drink again after vomiting up breakfast. He’s going to take him to the donations area when Rhett stops chucking up. He asked me to accompany you back to the bunker if you did not want to wait?”“Oh,” Aislen worried her bottom lip. Rhett was pretty unwell for Talen to assign Toby to accompany her. She remembered Cameron and nodded. It had taken Cameron a while to recover from his food-experiment.“Okay,” she agreed. She didn’t want to hang around at the hospital whilst Rhet
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A Snack Break With Diana
Havermouth, Present Time“I think I’m dying,” Rhett announced blowing out his breath. “How is it possible that one small espresso causes this much woe?” He felt sweat break out on his forehead and braced a hand against the stall walls as his body arched into another expelling of what it was convinced to be poison.“Well, you did eat rather heavily for breakfast,” Talen reminded him gently. He had braided Rhett’s hair back from his face, handed him a handful of wet paper towels, and now filled the stall doorway with his shoulders as he watched as Rhett flushed away the coffee-scented bloody evidence of his experiment.“Yeah.” The toilet bowl had looked like a murder scene, something that Rhett found quite entertaining now that the worst of his vomiting was over. He hoped. He closed the lid and sat down on it, feeling weak in the aftermath.Talen walked over to wet more paper towel in the sink, bringing it back, and tilted Rhett’s head back with his fingers before gently wiping the towe
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Ember’s Past
Havermouth, Present TimeLyric woke face down in the pillows, her hair sticking to her eyelashes. A ray of light pierced the part in the curtains and shone directly in her face causing halos in her vision when she blinked her eyes open. She rolled over, reaching for Niarthen and found him sitting on the edge of the mattress.“Niarthen?” She shot to seated and reached out to touch his back. His spine was so clear through his skin it frightened her, and his rib bones could be felt beneath the palm of her hand. “Are you okay?”“I am fine, mia persuma inillium,” he turned to look over his shoulder and smiled at her through the luxurious fall of his green-toned hair. “I am sorry to wake you. I am just returning to the water.” He turned fully, and stroked his hand through her hair, cupping her neck and lowering her back onto the pillows, sliding back into the bed with her so that he leaned over her, his eyes dark with intent.Her heartbeat picked up as she lifted her hand to touch his chee
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Rohan’s Confession
Havermouth, Present TimeAfter his visit with Charlie, Heath needed to calm down. He changed into work out wear and went down to the army bunker to work out using their gear, thinking to sweat it out. He found Rohan already there. They worked out side by side in companionable silence for half an hour before Rohan took a break and retrieved two bottles of water from the glass fronted fridge.“So…” Rohan said as he sat on the weight bench across from Heath. “How’s things?”Heath took a mouthful of water scrutinizing his friend. “What’s up?“About the meeting yesterday… Look, I’m sorry, eh?” Rohan glanced around them, making sure that they were alone and would be unheard. “I didn’t mean to…”“I know,” Heath interrupted. “It’s fine.”“Nah, it’s not,” Rohan shook his head. “I have to be upfront about some things, Heath. When we adopted Julian, we started preparing for the Triquetra’s purpose. I did some things that I shouldn’t have done to raise the money to build our bunker,” he told him
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