All Chapters of You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone: Chapter 751 - Chapter 760
799 Chapters
Chapter 751 Glorified Boy Toy
Cade's brow twitched at the sound of Cameron's gentle voice. His gaze was cold as he stared at her, frowning.The way the woman looked at Cameron went from disdainful to outright hostile. She scrutinized Cameron from head to toe. The woman was so confident in her looks and body that she believed she would climb up the ranks with her appearance alone if she were a part of the entertainment industry. But with Cameron around, her confidence made her seem like a clown who had overestimated her own worth.When she noticed how Cade's only response was to furrow his brows, she relaxed. She reached out to grab his arm."Who are you? Are you crazy? Do you go around calling random strangers 'honey'?"Cameron tilted her head and said incoherently, "Don't dirty that. That's my favorite piece of clothing."The fitted black shirt perfectly outlined Cade's figure, showing off his broad shoulders, slim waist, and slender arms.The woman was confused. What was wrong with Cameron? Was she insa
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Chapter 752 You Have No Right to Hate Me
Cameron instinctively turned to look at Cade upon hearing his voice. In that instant, she shed all pretenses. She was not as charming, proud, or flirty as she usually was. The sparkle in her eyes was gone, leaving only desolation behind. He could see her hatred as clear as day.But it was only for a fleeting moment. It happened so quickly that one could've imagined it.Cameron snapped herself out of her nightmare-induced haze. With how quickly she had turned her head in her panic, her hair obscured her expression. Her voice was hoarse, tinged with a lingering chill."Yes."Cade was taken aback. "Do you hate me?"Cameron closed her eyes. She didn't want to deal with him right now, nor did she have the energy to put on an act."I'm going to sleep. Wake me up once we're home."Her evasive attitude irritated Cade. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her by her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze."What right do you have to hate me? You forced me to marry you with your schemes. You sh
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Chapter 753 I'm in a Bad Mood
All the men and women present who harbored any ill intentions toward Cade took offense to Cameron's words. They were filled with rage.The whole room fell silent. Cade took a slow sip of his wine. His expression had turned cold. There was no going along with Cameron's narrative. Her remarks were a blatant attempt to undermine him.If Cameron were so fragile, she wouldn't have come with him. She ignored the hateful gazes directed at her and calmly poured herself a drink. Lucian gave Cade a look that said, "See? I told you so."Cameron was an assertive person who never beat around the bush. Being labeled the Yorksworth's adopted daughter, her non-conformity, lack of desire to please, inability to play pretend, and cutting remarks made her an easy target for exclusion. "I was just worried about you, Cameron. I didn't mean anything by it."Nerissa was not as charismatic as Cameron. Her timidity only served to confirm the rumors of her being constantly pushed around by Cameron. "I
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Chapter 754 Honey, He's Bullying Me
As soon as Cameron came out of the bathroom after washing her hands, she was stopped by several people. The sight of the familiar faces before her had her raising an eyebrow. This same group of people once cornered her at a rundown, dirty alleyway where they mocked her condescendingly. "You're just a country bumpkin. How dare you bully Nerissa? It makes me wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Yorksworth have lost their minds to adopt someone like you.""Come on. Maybe she has something special to offer. Some people don't see their adoptive father as their father."The vile words spewing from their mouths extinguished Cameron's budding expectations for her new life.She leaned against the peeling and mottled wall with her head bowed in silence. Thinking she was afraid, they grew increasingly brazen. When they were no longer satisfied with verbal provocations, they began using physical force.They outnumbered her, leaving her no way to fight them all. So, she singled out the leader and put up
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Chapter 755 I Don't Believe You
Once they were back home, Cameron made a beeline for the bedroom on the second floor. She frowned at the sight of her swollen face in the mirror. At the time, she assumed it was just a minor scrape, but it turned out to be more serious than she thought.After her shower, she carefully dried off her face. She was about to leave for the kitchen to fetch a hot pack when she opened the door to find Diane about to knock.Diane's expression fell when she saw Cameron's face. "Oh dear, what happened? Weren't you out with Mr. Carter? How did you get hurt so badly?""I'm fine. It's just a minor injury," Cameron replied.Diane's concern seemed genuine, which warmed Cameron's heart. However, she wasn't used to accepting kindness from others and even felt somewhat repulsed by it. It was as if she were a harbinger of misfortune. Throughout her life, anyone who was nice to her ended up in dire straits. Luckily, there weren't many people who treated her well, so she didn't have to bear much gu
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Chapter 756 Masochism
Cameron was never a soft or gentle woman. Her patience quickly wore thin."You were so eager for a divorce. But now that I've agreed, you're not willing to go through with it? Do you have masochistic tendencies, or have you developed feelings for me after all the sex we've had?"It was a blatantly vulgar thing to say. But for her and Cade, that was the extent of their communication.Cade narrowed his eyes after sweeping a glance at her. He pressed his lips into a thin line, his expression turning glacial."How long will it take for the injuries on your face to heal?"This time, Cameron couldn't help but laugh. She raised an eyebrow as her voice took on a flirty tone. "Are you worried about me?"Cade looked indifferent. Despite the lack of sarcasm in his voice, there was mockery in every word."Don't prop your pillow too high when you go to sleep. It's bad for your health if you have too many dreams. "If you die in your sleep with your face looking like that, people are going t
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Chapter 757 I'm Going to Kill Her
Rob was Nerissa's friend. His grandparents lived on the compound. After he had been beaten up, he was too embarrassed to go home to his parents. So, he came over the night before. While Blaire was out on a walk upstairs last night, she happened to run into him. He looked like a complete wreck.At the time, she wondered who could have done such a thing. He was black and blue all over. She hadn't expected the culprit to be her own daughter.Blaire was still in shock from the revelation that her daughter had knocked down a muscular, six-foot-tall man when Wilfred Yorksworth's booming voice reverberated through the air."All you do is cause trouble. What else can you do besides that? Get in here this instant!"Wilfred was a military man who was strict and serious. Even though he was getting on his years, his voice still carried authority. Her husband's anger prompted Blaire to usher Cameron inside.Wilfred was sitting on the couch, leveling a sharp gaze at her. His brows, as usual,
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Chapter 758 You Disgust Me
"What gives me the right to hit her? I'm her father. Why wouldn't I have the right to do so?"Wilfred adopted the posture he used to reprimand new recruits in the army."Look at her. She's never satisfied. She acts like the world owes her something. She should see how kids living outside of civilization live. She's got it a thousand times better than them. What more does she want?""At least they wouldn't raise their biological daughters as adopted daughters outside of civilization," Cameron said.Her words were like a pause button. All the voices in the living room died down once she said her piece.Blaire stared at her. "Cameron…"She probably hadn't expected Cameron to know about it. She was so shocked that her tone changed.Before she could get another word out, she remembered that Nerissa was still watching from the sidelines. So, she forcibly choked back a reply and smiled stiffly. "Did you misunderstand something because of someone's gossip, Cammie? We can talk about th
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Chapter 759 Guilty as Charged
Cameron didn't say anything more. After pulling her hand away, she walked straight past Cade. Once she stepped out of the courtyard, the streets slowly regained their liveliness. Many people were out on a post-dinner stroll, walking in pairs or groups with relaxed and contented expressions on their faces. The road was bustling with traffic. The neon lights lining the streets highlighted the city's splendor.She thought about the time she was first brought to the Yorksworth home. Wilfred and Blaire had gone to town to pick her up in person. It had also been at this time of day when she first set foot in the big city. She felt like an alien seeing the world for the first time. Her eyes were bright with curiosity.The door to the Yorksworth home slowly opened. Inside, a group of boys and girls were chatting. They were dressed in the most popular clothes of the season, making them appear glamorous. On the other hand, Cameron's clothes were faded and misshapen. Her sleeves and tro
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Chapter 760 Did You Have a Hard Life
Someone violently kicked open the bathroom door. Cade strode up to the tub and fished Cameron out of the water. His expression was as cold as ice."Have you lost your mind, Cameron? Pick a better place to die."Cameron gasped for breath. It took her a while for her vision to finally come into focus, but she was immediately greeted by the sight of Cade's furious expression. She glanced at the bathtub, but the woman was nowhere to be found. The water was also crystal clear. She let go of Cade's waist, her wet eyelashes fluttering downward. Her voice was hoarse as she spoke."I fell asleep." Then, she frowned. "I'm taking a bath. Why did you barge in?""Hah." Cade let out an exasperated laugh at her quip. "If I hadn't barged in, I'd be buying you a gravesite now."He had knocked on the door several times. It was Cameron's lack of response that made him kick it open."I don't intend to die." Even if she did, she would drag everyone to hell with her before perishing.Cameron unabas
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