Semua Bab Love Conquers All : Bab 431 - Bab 440
455 Bab
Chapter 431 The Wife Wanting To Teach The Mistress A Lesson
Nancy vanished into thin air, along with Celica and Yvonne.They failed to meet up with Benson as originally planned. Thus, Benson did not know their whereabouts.Yaacob always had a stronger volition than most people. Coupled with the fact that he realized he would pass out having been drugged by Nancy, he managed to regain consciousness in less than twenty-four hours.Even though the relationship between Yaacob and Benson had always been strained, Benson took the initiative to contact Yaacob after losing contact with Nancy and Yvonne the night before.Benson was extremely anxious because he could not find any traces of Nancy and Celica's whereabouts after almost 24 hours of searching. He had no choice but to go to Yaacob.He was well aware of the power and influence Yaacob enjoyed in Athenapolis. Even though he knew he would be ridiculed and taunted by Yaacob for going to him, he put his feelings aside for the sake of his wife and daughter.To his surprise, Yaacob did not pick
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Chapter 432 Where Are Nancy and Celica?
That was the first time Yaacob and Dorothy met in private, even though they had met at certain political events.However, this did not prevent Yaacob from getting straight to the point."Mrs. Melton, I was told that you took my family. Where are they?" asked Yaacob.When Dorothy heard this, she looked confused and raised her eyebrows as she replied, "Sorry, Mr. Getson, but I don't know what you are talking about."Yaacob slammed his coffee mug on the table, spilling some coffee. "My partner and my child have been missing for nearly twenty-four hours. If you so much as harm a hair on them, I won't be responsible for my actions.""Mr. Getson, now I'm really confused. I heard that you called off the engagement with the President's daughter just recently and now you're saying you are with another woman? Who could that be?" quipped Dorothy.The Brownings never had any dealings with Yaacob previously. Having a strong military background, the Brownings never liked businessmen such as Ya
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Chapter 433 Don't Cry, It'd Be Alright
Yvonne breathed a sigh of relief when she realized Tom had come to her rescue.However, her eyes widened, and her face paled as she asked, "You, you, you've killed them?" "Don't worry. Those are tranquilizer shots." Tom walked up to her hastily and grabbed her hand. "They are coming. Let's hurry!""No, wait! My friends! Nancy and Celica are still in there! We have to go back for them," said Yvonne."Your friend is Yaacob's partner. She will not be in any danger, and it's not up to you to worry about her," replied Tom."But we drugged Yaacob, and he might still be under! Even if he's awake, he might mistakenly think that they ran off with Benson!" explained Yvonne."Do you think Yaacob is a fool like you? He's already on the way," replied Tom.Tom could not help but mock Yvonne while comforting her at the same time.Just as he was grabbing Yvonne to leave with him, Yvonne shook off his hand."You're a mean and heartless lying bonehead who does not care for anyone. How would I
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Chapter 434 Uncle Yaacob, Are You There?
A week had passed since. Nancy brought a bowl of chicken soup for Benson. He quickly took over the bowl when Nancy sat beside his hospital bed."Please let me do it myself." Benson was still weak from his injuries, but he was able to take care of himself.Besides, he did not like to appear too weak to Nancy. He was the man of the family, after all.Benson always hoped that he could be the protector of his family and offer them a sense of security.Even though he rushed in, intending to rescue his wife and daughter, he ended up being hospitalized for the past week. That made Nancy and Celica anxious about him.Having been married for three years, Nancy could tell what Benson was thinking by observing his expression."Benson, I really wasn't sure that you could find us that night. You made it in time to open the door. Otherwise, Celica and I would never be able to make it out alive from that fire," Nancy comforted him.Hearing this, Benson sighed and said, "But I ended up holding
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Chapter 435 I Want You To Take Care Of Me
Yaacob drank the soup very slowly, savoring each sip as if it was priceless nectar hard to come by.Celica saw how much he was enjoying it, and she could feel her mouth watering. She looked at Yaacob and asked, "Uncle Yaacob, does it taste good?""Yes, indeed! Mommy's cooking had improved greatly compared to three years ago," replied Yaacob."I want some too…" Celica hugged Yaacob's arm with her chubby hands and pouted expectantly.However, Yaacob rejected her request and said, "It's already cooled down too much."He took more than half an hour to drink the soup. It would have been cold after all this while.Nancy took a look at the time and went to carry Celica from Yaacob's lap.She said, "Time for Celica to go to bed, I'll bring her home now. You can finish the soup slowly and I'll collect the thermos another time.""Wait." Yaacob stopped her before she left. He knew that she was just saying that in passing. She would likely never want to drop by again if he let her leave ju
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Chapter 436 He's Dead
Nancy managed to persuade Yaacob to go to the hospital.Yaacob decided to head home en route to the hospital to get the gift for Celica. After all, one had to keep the promise made to his child.When they reached the hospital, Nancy brought Celica to Benson's ward and accompanied Yaacob to have his injuries treated.She had no choice but to stick around because Yaacob would refuse treatment if she were not around.At ten, Nancy received a text from Benson telling her that he had put Celica to bed and she did not have to worry about them.Perhaps Benson did not mind Nancy keeping Yaacob company because he felt he was responsible for Yaacob's injuries.As Nancy placed her phone down, she stared at the doctor in a quandary as he dressed up the wounds.The doctor said that the injuries could go either way since Yaacob refused to get proper treatment during the early stage. He thought it would be best if Yaacob could be admitted to the hospital for at least a month.However, Yaacob
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Chapter 437 I Need To Tell You Something
Nancy left Athenapolis during the most turbulent time in the history of Olumphia.During the presidential election, Donald was the first one to succumb to defeat among the three candidates. Benjamin and Harrison were neck and neck in their campaigns.In the power struggle, Harrison and Yaacob were in the same camp, while Xander was affiliated with Benjamin.Yaacob wanted to spare Nancy from the gruesome details of what happened during that time. After all, she was Benjamin's daughter, and she had been hurt and betrayed by Benjamin numerous times, so he did not want to drag her through the mud again.Benjamin held Anna hostage to get Xander to do his bidding, and he was always the first in line to take any blows coming Benjamin's way. Benjamin even went as far as forcing Xander's company to outgrow their capacity in order to compete with Getson Corporation."Benjamin used Xander's company to conduct fraudulent dealings, and in the end, Xander was forced into bankruptcy. Then, he lo
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Chapter 438 If She Dared To Cross Her Stepmother
"Yaacob handed over more than a third of the Getson Corporation's shares to Dorothy. Considering their current value, how much would that amount to?" continued Yvonne.Yvonne was just a celebrity. She could not fathom the exact amount, nor did she want to know."So, now do you know why he's been in frequent contact with Keating recently? Now that Yaacob is no longer the major shareholder, he's unable to be the one calling the shots. What he did was equivalent to handing a knife to his opponent so they could take a stab at him any time they pleased. If the Keatings and Brownings form an allegiance right now, that would make matters even worse as they would be in a position to overtake the Corporation. So I think Yaacob is making a concession by re-establishing his ties with President Keating." Since when did Yaacob ever make a concession? That meant he had given away all that he had accomplished in the past three years!The Yaacob Nancy had known was very intelligent, calculative, an
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Chapter 439 You're Already Married And A Mother
At the noisy nightclub, Lynn, with a full face of heavy makeup, was drinking with a group of classmates."Lynn, you said you're getting married soon. Is it for real this time? Still with the same old Mr. Getson?" asked one of her friends."I wouldn't tell you if I'm not sure about it, now would I? Yaacob wants to get back together with me and we went on a date just yesterday. He told me after he had enough of a certain promiscuous slut and he felt that I'm the best!" blabbered Lynn."Slut… Are you referring to Nancy Lawson? I thought you used to love her songs when we were in high school."“Well, I didn't know her true color back then. Besides, I was too young and naive to know better, so I was deceived by her. She thought she could do the same to everyone with her good looks. Do you think she was pretty, perfect, and could twist just about any man around her finger? That's not the case at all!" Lynn continued as she downed her cocktail.Then, she crooked her finger to beckon her
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Chapter 440 I've Been Bullied
Nancy might be older than Lynn by a few years, but she was far from being considered as old.Ironically, just moments after the taunting died down, about five guys came over to talk to Nancy and asked for her phone number.Lynn and her entourage had been sitting around for hours, and not a single guy had approached them.It was obvious that the most beautiful person would always be the center of attention in any club."Shit, you bitch! Your husband doesn't care about you, huh? If not, he wouldn't have let you come to the club dressed like a slut." Lynn glanced at Nancy disdainfully.Nancy looked down at her outfit and felt nothing was out of place. It was a rather chilly day, so she wore a long overcoat. She removed her coat only after she had entered the club, revealing a V-neck cashmere dress.Nancy sincerely felt that was nothing out of the ordinary. She was amused by the irony; Lynn wanted to build herself up as being young and trendy while criticizing her from a moral standp
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