All Chapters of Trapped by My Ex's Love Curse: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
74 Chapters
21. Bullet
Bryan can't forgive what Shienna has done to him. He had never once slept with any of the women he called to the penthouse, but why would Shienna betray him?He had already downed three glasses of whiskey. But he still didn't want to go home. Despite having everything, Bryan felt lonely in the penthouse by himself. Since Shienna came into his life, everything had changed. At least there was someone he would meet when he got home, not like now.However, constantly remembering Shienna would only hurt his heart. What was she up to now? What made Shienna choose Jun when she used to have so much antipathy towards him?Those kinds of things constantly filled Bryan's head. It made him unable to concentrate. He didn't want to give up and let Jun have Shienna."Sir, you're already too drunk. Come on, I'll take you home," said someone watching from a distance.Bryan swatted away the hand of the man about to help him up from the barstool and pushed him away. "Stay out of this, Ed! What are you d
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22. Jun's Obsession
"Bryan!" Shienna rushed over to Bryan lying on the ground, while Jun, who had not expected his men to take such a rash action, only flinched. "Bryan, wake up! Please open your eyes."Shienna froze momentarily, then turned to Jun and approached the man. Shienna delivered a slap that landed squarely on Jun's left cheek."Are you out of your mind!? What if he dies, Jun?!""I didn't do anything. Besides, if the bastard dies, we have no barrier, Ashira. You don't have to do anything to be free of him. I already know the contents of the contract letter you signed from him. You will never be able to escape it.""But not this way, Jun! I can do it my way."Shienna didn't wait for Jun's reply but headed straight for Bryan, who was still lying weak. Edward was calling for an ambulance to take Bryan, but Shienna was impatient with the long wait.She rushed over to Jake, who was frozen to the spot, too shocked to see what had happened to his master. Shienna snatched the car keys from Jake's hand
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23. A Plan
Shienna's body slumped to the floor, weak and boneless. Jun didn't push her and unleash his desires on her. But still, the man had done something against Shienna's will. She couldn't contain the anger building up at Jun's treatment of her. However, Jun immediately crouched down and grabbed Shienna into his arms. "I'm sorry, Ashira. I shouldn't have done this to you," he said, causing Shienna to freeze and wonder what kind of person she was dealing with. Shienna didn't resist when Jun helped her up, carried her, and laid her on the bed. Shienna didn't want to put up a fight, as she didn't want to become another target of Jun's madness. She wanted to check on Bryan's condition, so she had to play pretty to escape a crazy man like Jun. Jun then got up after kissing Shienna's hand, looked over briefly to ensure that Shienna would be fine without him, and then walked away without saying a word. Meanwhile, Shienna, who was already too weak after almost experiencing the horrible things J
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Chapter 24
Some of the bodyguards would not let the man take Shienna away before examining him with the unfamiliar appearance. Shienna wasn't suspicious, but she felt overwhelmed and racked her brains for a way to keep the man who claimed to be Jun's man from escorting her. "I don't need an escort because I'm an adult, and I won't go home late at night," Shienna said with a forced smile. Meanwhile, the other man ignored Shienna's words but instead examined the stranger and stared at him for a while. "Next time, you should shave your beard before you start work! It's so distracting!" said the man with a more extensive body than the others. "Go! Keep Miss Ashira company and return before Mr. Hashimoto gets home!" The man bowed in greeting, then motioned for Shienna to walk first. They didn't end up using one of Jun's cars, but rather another, and it was easy to do so as it didn't arouse suspicion from the others. Shienna sat in the back seat while the bodyguard man sat beside the driver. They
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Chapter 25
Bryan is still in his office, thinking about what happened a few hours ago at the police station. It was nothing serious, as this wasn't the first time he had dealt with Jun. However, what bothered him the most was the police statement that the fingerprints on the glass belonged only to Shienna."Based on the results of the examination, there were no stimulants in the drink that your wife drank," the police officer said when Bryan was there. Bryan frowned at the statement that came out of the mouth of the man in the black uniform with the emblem attached."Then how could my wife have behaved in such a strange manner if there was no stimulant in the orange juice she consumed?"The officer shrugged. "You might never have touched and satisfied her, so she used that method to attract your attention. We know Ms. Shienna Miller's reputation. She changes partners a lot, and your marriage to her is only because you're responsible for something you never did."BRAKK!"What do you mean by that?"
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Chapter 26
"W-what are you doing?" Shienna couldn't express everything that was going through her head. It was so messy that she wanted to dissect and clean her brain. What Bryan had just done to her had left her speechless.Meanwhile, Bryan, who had calmly unlinked their lips, was about to speak, but there were too many things he couldn't express."Since when did you think of doing this, huh?" Shienna asked, which Bryan couldn't answer quickly. He needed a long string of words to explain. However, after glancing at his watch, he got up, grabbed his coat, and prepared to leave. "Where are you going?"Bryan turned around to find Shienna standing behind him. He took her face in one hand and stroked it briefly."I can't explain anything right now. I wanna stay longer, but I have to go," he muttered after a long sentence.Bryan walked away, not caring if Shienna followed him to the door; it no longer mattered. He was now racing against time to get to the office before the other employees or even befo
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Chapter 27
Shienna couldn't stay at home. She was bored and didn't know how to spend a day in prison. She repeatedly went back and forth to the park and then back home, making Jennifer frown."Aren't you tired? Can't you stay where you are and rest? It's a pity you're taking your baby here and there," Jennifer commented, frowning."I'm tired, J. Can't we just go out for a while? Please, do something to get me out of this place." Shienna folded her arms across her chest, begging her best friend to devise a brilliant idea. Shienna knew very well that Jennifer was a genius. Her ideas always managed to solve the problems she faced during their friendship."What do you want me to do?"Shienna shrugged. "Anything. Maybe you can distract all the guards so I can escape," Shienna said while giving puppy eyes that made Jennifer sigh harshly. "Please, J.""You want your possessive husband to chop my head off, huh?""He won't do anything. I promise."Jennifer stared at Shienna's pained face and pair of glaze
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Chapter 28
It was getting late, but Shienna couldn't keep her eyes closed. She was upset that Bryan hadn't come and hadn't given her any news. He had broken his promise.Another thing that made it difficult for Shienna to close her eyes was meeting with Zanara, her twin sister.What Zanara said made her think non-stop. Did their parents treat them so differently?All this time, Shienna had never seen for herself how her mother treated Zanara because all she knew was that her mother was very ambitious to make her children successful people.Zanara was no exception.So, it didn't make sense that her mother would cheat by always putting Zanara last."Hey, why aren't you asleep yet?" asked Jennifer as she came out of the room to get a drink and found Shienna still sitting on the couch with the TV on. However, she didn't look at the television for a second but instead daydreamed. "How do you feel after walking and getting some fresh air?""Bad! I met Zanara.""Really? So? Is she okay?"Shienna nodded,
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Chapter 29
Bryan left after giving Jennifer a message and requesting they not do things without his permission because it might endanger Shienna's life.He couldn't imagine what he feared would happen again. To prevent that, Bryan had contacted some of his trusted technicians to come to Shienna's residence and install surveillance systems such as CCTV and other top-notch security devices."You have to take good care of Shienna and Jennifer. I don't want things like yesterday to happen again. All because of your negligence!" Bryan said, which was met with obedient answers from the several bodyguards he had assigned to guard the mansion. "I'll send some people to watch the surveillance room. The technicians will come to install the CCTV, and one of you should stand guard and make sure the technicians do a good job.""Yes, Mr. Sanders! We won't make any more mistakes."Bryan nodded, still with a sour face. He then left the guards, who he was sure would do a good job. He had not only worked with the
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Chapter 30
Night had fallen, and Bryan was supposed to be getting ready, but he was still lost in a daydream that took him by surprise when he realized that he had been brooding in his room for almost an hour.Edward had stood up and asked his readiness until ten minutes later, and he still didn't respond."Would you like this dinner canceled? I'll let Mrs. Shienna know—""No, Ed. We're leaving now." Bryan got up and grabbed his coat, then walked with Edward following behind. He had almost reached the car waiting in the lobby, but someone stood in his way."Are you going to see that woman?" asked the woman, who was now only a few steps ahead of Bryan. He didn't answer the question that he thought wasn't important. In Bryan's opinion, he had explained enough yesterday and didn't need to give any more insight. "Bryan! Don't ignore me!"Bryan continued to take wide strides and got into the car without caring about her screams."Did you lock my room, Ed?" Bryan asked, making sure. He didn't want Ama
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