All Chapters of Changed By The Past: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Chapter 10 : PRESENT
Emma Davis WilsonIt's been three nights since we've had sex. And after the heated argument we had on the next day, we were back to square one.We've barely seen each other these days as he was constantly busy with only God-knows-what stuffs and he'd not be back home until midnight. I didn't bother much about it as I was used to it now. I guess, I'd not even be surprised if he said he was going to divorce me and marry Kiera.But today strangely, he was at home all day long and I didn't even give a damn about it as I adjusted my black coloured strapless mini-dress before heading outside.I paused briefly on my way out to glance in the hallway mirror and rechecked my hair and make-up.
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Emma DavisI stared at myself and noticed my hair has gotten two inches longer and I've gotten more tan which were not so huge difference, but for me, it was a major glow up.I was seeing Kyle for more than four months and maybe I barely knew about him and maybe I didn't know what relationship we were having, but still he was the reason I was serene again. He was the one who made me forget about the guy who I once thought would be the love of my life.I let out a heavy sigh when Hayden's face popped into my head. To be honest, after I came back home from London a few months back, I haven't had any contact with him till now.And the most important thing was, Christian has found Bella two months ago and they both have welcomed their second daughter, Haley Roberts.Then he proposed to her right after she gave birth and by the end of this month, we were going to celebrate their big day. And no matter how many fights we've had in the past, she inevitably chose me as her maid of honour.It'
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♡ Emma Davis Wilson ♡I called Hayden for the twelfth time but as per usual it went straight to voice mail.I peeked a glance at the living room and Bella and Christian were having a serious conversation which would be, doubtlessly, about the positions they'd be planning to try on tonight.But I silently thanked God as they still didn't any sneaking feeling, though Bella came to the kitchen a couple of minutes ago, asking if I needed any help and I just dismissed her telling that all I was planning to make was, tea and some popcorn.I tried to give Hayden a call one last time but when I heard the "Hi, you've reached Hayden. Leave a message." I placed my phone down on the counter, sighing heavily.What if I was in danger? He knew I wouldn't call him continuously unless it was serious, but yet this scumbag let his ego win.Way to go, Hayden!I began pouring the tea to the cups from the teapot, trying to think of ways to kill him that'd make his death more painful. Speaking of which, the
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Emma Davis I unpacked the luggage that was lying on the bed when a pair of arms encircled my waist.I looked at Kyle over my shoulder and smiled as he pecked my neck and then my cheek. "Thankyou."I turned around, raising my eye brow at him. "For what?"He shrugged. "For everything. Especially, for respecting my boundaries."I smiled faintly as I, to be honest, didn't even know why I was agreeing to everything he said but maybe my heart was saying he was the right one and I was just listening to my heart.A couple of hours ago, we reached London and he refused to stay with me at Christian's mansion or the guest-house as he found awkward to stay together in a house with people he barely knew except me. So I agreed to let him stay at the hotel and I'd meet him once in a while, and he didn't mind much about my leaving as he had some business arrangements with some people in London too which would keep him occupied.My phone rang, interrupting my train of thoughts and we both looked at t
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Emma Davis Wilson I waved one last time at Bella who was waving back at me through the window of her car.Chloe and Haley drifted off an hour ago and one was sleeping on Bella's lap while the other was in Christian's arms.Christian was totally wasted just like Hayden was, so he called his driver to drive them back home.Hayden has walked out with Christian to send them off and they were still talking, leaning on the car as if they didn't spend the half of the day, conversing with each other.Just as if they heard my thoughts, Christian nodded at Hayden and got into the back seat with Haley in his arms.I glanced around the place and it was a total mess, yet I didn't mind cleaning it all night because it was all worth it.It's been awhile since I've had fun like I had today and suddenly all the memories from the good old days flooded my mind.I smiled faintly, walking around the counter and grabbed the dirty dishes and put them into the sink.Then I put on the gloves, deciding to was
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Emma Davis "You've got any photo of him?" Hayden asked with a clenched jaw and I was suddenly fazed by his raw anger."No.. why?" I answered honestly as Kyle and I have actually never taken a single decent picture together as he hated being photographed and I never forced him either."How long have you guys been together?""Why do you care-""Just fucking tell me!"I glanced around at the people but they didn't seem to acknowledge our conversation as all of them were too busy to care about anything but Bella."Hayden, we're at church." I hissed and his jaw hardened as if he couldn't care less but nevertheless, he nodded at the entrance."Catch me outside." with that he stormed out and I sighed inaudibly before following him behind."Now tell me. How long have you been dating?" Hayden questioned, the minute we stepped out of the church."It's almost five months." I stated and crossed my arms over my chest. "But what's up with you actually?""You met him at your town?" He asked, comple
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Emma Davis The worst feeling, in my opinion, was when your life was falling apart and you couldn't do anything but pretend everything was fine as an Oscar award winner.I've had a lot of plans to do on Bella's big day but screwing my own life and being a broken-hearted maid of honour, wasn't one of them.I stood behind Bella with an impassive face, trying my best not to cry while she was confessing her vows to Christian. You may assume I was tearing up because my cousin's finally marrying the love of her life, but no, to be frank, I couldn't even be able to be happy for her, No matter how much I tried. All I wanted to do was, throw up because I was starting to worry that she'd get played too. That even the person you'd be ready to take a bullet for, would pull the trigger.And to make my situation worse, I caught Hayden glancing at my way now and then and it was really hard not to make an eye contact with him as he was straight ahead of me, standing a few feet away from Christian.Ha
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Emma Davis 2 years laterI scrolled through my Instagram and when I tapped on his profile, I noticed there was a round circle around his profile picture which meant that he had posted a new story.I instantly viewed it and my eyebrows shot up in surprise when he posted a picture of mine that was taken almost two years ago, in which I was obviously fake-aweing while showing my ring finger to the camera which had a giant diamond ring wrapped around it. And he has written 'Happy Birthday Em! Imy.' below that picture and didn't even tag me.Bruh!Eventhough his wish was so bland, my heart warmed as he has still remembered my birthday and never forgot to post it every year eventhough there were so many things that have changed over the period.Contrary to what I said above, I was still engaged to Hayden and he began the wedding plans three months ago when I told him I finally graduated.I didn't mind when he didn't attend my graduation ceremony. And neither did he mind that I was still no
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Emma Davis-Wilson When my brain processed what Hayden said, I literally started panicking.Why on earth did Christian disclose this which no one had brought up for more than a year?I cleared my throat, trying not to meet Hayden's eyes. "I- um, I should head back. I'm.. tired."Before I could leave, Hayden gripped my elbow making me stop. "No. You can't leave unless you tell me everything.""Wh-What's there to tell?" I played dumb, shrugging my shoulders and Hayden let out a groan in response."Em, why won't you let me know you? Why can't you just open up to me?"I stared up at him and let out a soft sigh, shaking my head faintly. "It's not that easy..""But it's not hard either! I mean, you confessed all of this to Christian but you couldn't even share a single detail of your life to me ever since I've known you? How is this even fair?""Because you've never understood me even in the slightest!" I admitted bluntly and he seemed taken aback as he looked at me with furrowed brows."Wh
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Emma Davis-Wilson"How long will it take?" I asked, glancing at Hayden through the mirror who was drying my hair with the hair dryer and he shrugged, keeping his full focus on my hair."No idea. Maybe an hour?" He deadpanned and I grunted in response and was about to stand up but he gripped my shoulder and made me sit back on the vanity chair again. "Don't be rushed. Today your hair is more wet than you, so it needs time."I gave him a flat look before speaking. "I'm starving here and you're trying to make some lame-ass jokes.""I stated merely a fact, Em." Hayden said, giving me an amused glance through the mirror while blowing out my hair. "You look cute when you're mad by the way.""So you're implying I'm not cute when I'm not mad, huh?" I asked and he shrugged, setting the dryer down on the table."I guess. Because as far as I know, you've always been mad with me." he stated and I shot him a mock glare."Because you've always been an asshole.""Ouch. that hurts." he placed his hand
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