All Chapters of A PACT TO LOVE: Chapter 191 - Chapter 198
198 Chapters
Bailey’s POVBang! A loud crash jolted me up from my sleep, I rubbed my eyes groggily to try to make sense of my surroundings when I heard another crash, it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. I reached for my phone to check the time and saw it was the dead of the night. I couldn't help but wonder where William was and who could be causing such a commotion.“What's going on,” I mumbled in a sleep state as I rushed downstairs, the kitchen seemed to be the source of the noise. The kitchen was in a mess, broken plates, broken silverware, everything was in a mess and Ethan was in the middle of it all, he was standing there in a disheveled state, his hair was a mess and there were dark circles under his eyes it looked like he hasn't slept for days. I was still taking in his features when he threw an empty wine bottle on the floor causing an ear shrieking noise.“Ethan,” I called out my voice trembling, “What…what are you doing,” I asked, “what are you doing here so late at night?”
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Chapter 192
Bailey’s P.O.V“William what…where have you been? No, don't answer that. I have never been so glad to see you. Did yo.. did you hear what Ethan said about gian-“Yes, I heard everything.” he replied with a sad look on his face. He looked tired and uninterested with what I had to say. I slowly observed his appearance and the sound of something dripping caught my attention. That was when I noticed the massive trail of blood around William, I gasped when I saw his bloody knuckles.“W.. William, what happened to you? Why… let me go get the first aid box,” I stammered as words failed me. “Just stay here, I'll be ba–”“Don’t bother, I can take care of myself,” he cut me off and turned around heading towards the kitchen door. “Wait, where are you going? I called out to him, “You can't leave me here. What about Ethan? W… what are we gonna do about him?” I whispered that last part out.“Nothing, I’m going upstairs to take a shower and as for Ethan, leave him. The cops will be here any minute
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Chapter 193
Bailey's POV“What.. What's this, William? Divorce papers? W..why?” I asked, my voice trembling and breaking as I stared at William who types away on his phone. “Don't ask me why. Just sign the damn papers.” He replied, his eyes still fixed on his phone. He didn't bother to meet my eyes. “But this..this means..”“I know exactly what this means, Bailey. I breached the contract, so I'm gonna pay you. Henry would handle that aspect. Now, please, sign the goddamn papers.” He said, finally putting the stupid phone away. I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones kicking in, but I hate that stupid phone.“I wasn't talking about the money, I-”“Bailey I really don't have time to waste. Sign these.” My leg started growing weak. I sniffed. I had been trying very hard to stop myself from crying but my voice was giving me off. I had to sniff to push the emotions in. “B.. But what about your grandfather's will? Your inheritance? How are you going to get..”I said, my voice breaking. “I don
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Chapter 194
3 MONTHS LATER…Bailey's POV“Yes Shayna, I'm just getting home. I'm about to climb the stairs.” I said, balancing the grocery bag in my other hand.“Take the elevator. Why are you using the stairs, are you trying to kill my baby?” she squealed.“Your baby?” I asked.“You know what I mean! But just take the elevator Bails,” “If you must know, I got to the elevator and saw it was under repairs. According to Richard, it broke down in the morning. Besides, using the stairs would mean exercising, it keeps the baby active.”“Okay. How was the appointment? What did the gyne say?”“Nothing negative, Ultrasound is done, baby's fine. He said we'll be able to determine the baby's sex by next week.” I said and she squeaked happily.“Okay cool but don't wait up for me today, I'll be home late. I'm going out with Scott today.” “You guys have been doing a lot of that lately, but you claim it's nothing serious.” I mocked. “Yes, because it's nothing serious. Get your mind out of the gutters, Baile
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Chapter 195
Matthew's POV“It all started when I fell sick, some months after William turned 9. I fell into a coma during my sleep and woke up with a stroke.”I recounted and Bailey gasped in shock.“Ohh my God! I am so sorry, that must have been horrible” she replied, tears welling up in her eyes.“It was and there is no need to feel sorry for me. It happened years ago,” I replied and she nodded. I know I was a bit harsh with my words but I absolutely despised it when people felt pitied for me. I continued talking, and Bailey inched closer.“My life was shambles. Vannessa wasn't working then and I was the main provider for my family. It was also the worst timing because prior to that horrible day, I remember making plans for us to take a trip.. I wanted to make an extra effort to bond with them and have a good time, as Vanessa always complained that I spent too much time working and was almost never at home.” I took a deep breath before speaking up again.“It wasn't entirely my fault I was alway
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Chapter 196
Bailey's POVThe gates of the mansion opened up as I pressed the entry code, as I got to the big doors I saw Agatha “Oh, child.” Agatha said, running to me when she spotted me. Worry was written all over her face. I was surprised to see her seeing as William wasn't sure she would come back after he jailed Gianna. “Agatha.” I smiled at her and entered the living room. She glanced at my stomach and I noticed her eyes got watery. “Oh, Bailey.”“It's been so long aunt, how have you been?” I asked her and she hugged me. I didn't resist. I hugged her back. She must be going through quite a rough time herself, I thought.“Erm.. I'm so sorry about Gianna.” There was a moment of silence and then she spoke.“You don't have to apologize for anything, child. She made her own choices and she has to own up to the outcome, hm?” She said, holding my chin, and smiling. I forced a smile too.“I'm so glad you're back. Should I make you something? You must be so tired.”“Noo, I am not um… I won't be lo
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Chapter 197
A few months later…Bailey's POV “Thank you for coming with me,” I said as I adjusted my seatbelt. “You don't need to thank me, according to this book, it's my duty.” He said, pointing to the pregnancy help book on his lap, William has been reading a lot of these pregnancy help books over the weeks and I personally think the author sucks. Just last week, he kept trying to convince me to go for something called a vagina steam, and don't get me started on the time he practically coerced me into making a mayonnaise face mask. How does that help the baby? William pushing a stray strand of hair to my ear brought me out of my thoughts. He shifted it back a little so that it was not too tight on my belly. He was always so cautious and passionate when it came to my belly and he had no idea how happy and secure that made me feel. “Thank you. I'm tired already, I can't wait for him to come out.” I grumbled, touching my belly. He chuckled. “I gotta admit, pregnancy suits you.” He teased me
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EPILOGUE A few months later…Bailey's POV I sighed as I finally laid Arlo to sleep after all the crying. I looked at his peaceful face and couldn't help but notice how much he looked like William.After a lot of horrible suggestions from William and Shayna. We finally agreed to name him Arlo after William's grandfather, it was either that or John Cena. And I was not gonna name my son after William's favorite wrestler or after Shayna's favorite rapper.I quietly left the room in search of William. It had been a very long day and I hadn't seen much of him. Matthew had thrown us a huge party to celebrate the renewal of our marriage vows and I was tired from all the rush and excitement.I opened the door to our room to find him asleep, at least that's what I thought. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and came back to lay beside him. It wasn't even up to 5 minutes when I heard Arlo crying through the baby monitor. I groaned in utter frustration and
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