All Chapters of Desiring My Impotent Ex-Husband: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
Saving Laura
POV: LauraI heard the noise as the door bursts open, revealing Nathan, standing there, his face filled with fury. At first, I didn’t even realize that it was Nathan, my eyes were hazy and I was getting a bit dizzy too. The only thing that kept me standing strong was my determination to get out of there before this pervert got his way with me. I will never forgive myself if I passed out and get raped by this hideous man that thinks he is entitled to every woman that wants to do business with him. I don’t care what he has been doing with his other female clients, but I’ll prove to him that not all ladies are whores.I could swear that my eyes were beginning to see double already. I don’t know what would have happened if Nathan didn’t come in when he did. He looked so pissed, I wonder if Lisa had called him over or maybe he just wanted to check up on me and see if I’m able to handle Mr. Stevens. I really don’t care about his reasons for being here at the right time, I’m just so glad tha
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Shooting Mr. Stevens
POV: Nathan“You bastard!” I yelled furiously, raising my head to glare at him. I was surprised to see him holding a gun to my face.“One more word from you and I’ll kill you right here and nobody would dare to question me.” He spat out in anger, glaring daggers at me.“Who the hell do you think you are, how dare you ruin my chances of being with such a beauty, are you fucking insane?You come running in here as if she was yours to begin with. Do you think we don’t know that you two are almost divorced, or do you think we are not aware that those rumors about you and your ex-girlfriend were true?Ido f you can have fun and flirt around with any girl you want, then why can’t I?Why do have to be a killjoy!” he yelled furiously, making me squint my eyes to look at him carefully because he sure sounded drunk and he looked like a creepy lunatic too. I wouldn’t want to be seen arguing with a fucking lunatic. He makes it look like he has every right to be with her as if he is unstoppable or
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Taking Her In My Arms
POV: Nathan“What are you doing!What the hell do you think you are doing, haven’t you done enough, are you not satisfied with the damage you have caused me already?What do you want from me, why don’t you just kill me and be done with it?Kill me now, Nate, Kill me you asshole!” He yelled at me, then he picked up a bunch of stuffs on the floor and he threw them at me, hoping to hurt me just as I hurt him. It’s so annoying to see that despite his condition, he still hasn’t changed. He is still the same arrogant bastard that tried to rape my wife, and I don’t think I’ll ever get satisfied with causing him pain. As a matter of fact, his attitude has erased any guilt I was feeling initially. He deserves every do to him, and even much more.After hinting to the feds about the drugs in his possession, I turned around and picked Laura up from the floor, placing her on a nearby couch so she could nap properly. I don’t want to leave just yet so he doesn’t get a chance to flee the scene and go
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Forcing Me To Listen
POV: LauraHe wouldn’t stop carrying me around, even when we finally got home. He carried me out of the car in his arms, taking me into the house and up the stairs without putting me down for even one second. Each time I complained, he shut me up with a kiss, making it hard for me to say a damn word to refute his actions. He gave me a cold bath and nursed me for the rest of the day, feeding and caring for me until I started feeling better. He gave me some drugs to take, claiming it would get rid of the coke in my system and any other drugs that bastard made me take.He gets so pissed whenever he speaks of Mr Stevens, and I know without being told that the fight between them has only just begun. When I woke up, I wanted to ask him why the office was so noisy and bloody, but I was not in the right frame of mind to be asking too many questions, so I just let it go. And now that we are alone, I still can’t ask him about that because he is talking to me about our earlier misunderstanding,
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Dealing With Stevens
POV: NathanShe slept off right after, sleeping so beautifully in my arms. I don’t know if she is still under the influence of the drugs, but she looks completely drained so I let her sleep it off while I step out to the balcony to make a few calls and work on getting everyone to stay out of my fight with Mr Stevens. He has a bunch of friends and associates with the same nasty attitude towards women. I’m sure they will want to defend him and get him out of prison. In situations like this, it’s either he runs to his Mafia friends for help, or he blackmails his associates into getting him out of this. He could threaten to get them exposed if they don’t help him get out of jail. He could manipulate his way out of prison, and if that happens, then Laura and I would be forced to live in fear for the rest of our lives. We will have to look over our shoulders always because he will be waiting patiently to take us out one after the other.I have to make sure he remains in police custody, tha
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Meeting Harley For The First Time
POV: Kendrick “You stupid bitches!What the hell were thinking when you set her up to be raped by that pig, are you fucking insane?” I yelled at them, glaring daggers at that bitch Hayley in particular. “Who the duck are you?” She yelled back at me, beaconing on her security guards to come and get me out of her face. But I came prepared, I had a few guards with me and I made sure her guards were subdued before showing my face in front of her. I could see the shock on Vinnie’s face. I guess she still thinks that I have no idea what she has been up to lately. For reasons best known to her, she doesn’t want me to meet with Hayley. And trust me, I don’t want to have anything to do with that bitch either. She is a fucking snake and a ruthless bitch. I don’t want to have anything to do with her, and that is why I stayed out of their business for so long. But I’ve been following their activities for a while, watching their every move. I see how they both smile and laugh with each other, w
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Trying To Seduce Kendrick
POV: Hayley Have you ever felt so horny and frustrated that you literally beg to be screwed??That's how I fucking feel right now. Kendrick has been killing me slowly, torturing me with lust and deep desires, he's taking me right to the edge and letting me fall down my highness without giving me my release. Ken was sure acting like a damn good Dom, turning me down when I begged for his touch. He pushed me aside as he smirked and turned around, heading to the dining without sparing me a second glance. It had taken a lot of coercion before he even let me into his house, and now that I’m finally inside his house, I’m still having his harsh treatment. I’m a mess already. My body was shaking with need like a drug addict sent to Rehab, trying to get cleaned up. I could not even believe that he was able to turn me down because I literally threw myself at him. I dressed in this nude chemise and I rubbed my body against him, trying to get him to fucking kiss me, but he turned me down and p
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Playing Games
POV: NathanCall me a jerk, or even a damn fool, but the truth is that I know exactly what in doing. My plans require an evil genius like Hayley, so I need her by my side if I’m going to get Laura to fall in love with me. I need her to keep planning to separate those two until she finally pushes Laura into my arms. Laura has been avoiding me for a long time now, so the next time I set my eyes on her, I’m not leaving matters to fate anymore. I’ll make her love me by force. So you see, I know exactly what I’m doing. I could have turned her down and continued working with Vinnie, but it seems I need her more than I need Vinnie. She seems to know quite a lot about Nathan, and she annoys him more than Vinnie does. As long as she doesn’t hurt Laura in the process, I don’t have any problems with the way she is handling this issue and provoking him every fucking day. It would take her nothing to push him over the edge and get him to react in a way that would upset Laura and push her back int
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Coming Up With A Plan
POV: Laura“No, Laura!I don’t want you going anywhere near that bitch. She is not thinking straight right now and we don’t know what she is capable of. She could hurt you just to get back at me, and I can’t stand by and watch you walk into danger. So forget about it, and just let me handle it my own way, please.” He warned me sternly, looking so serious about the whole issue. He just told me that Hayley is the one behind the media setup he faced earlier and this rape attempt by Mr Stevens. For the life of me, I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just get her arrested and get it over with. He seems to think that it is his fault, he still she is still obsessed with him and that is why she is acting up. If you ask me, I think she is acting like a delusional idiot because he failed to put her in her place.So, yes, it’s all his fault. But I’m not blaming him for the same reason he is blaming himself. I’m not blaming him because he dated her and made her think he would spend the rest of hi
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Meeting With The Others
POV: Laura“What are you doing?” Nathan asked me, startling me. I turned to see him stand at the door, staring at me strangely and I wondered how long he had been standing there and how much of what I said to Lisa that he heard. He would literally kill me if he found out that I was planning to blackmail the other companies with the information he just shared with me. I know he would definitely find out about it later, but I would prefer it if he finds out after the deed has been done already. I don’t want him to stop me from doing it. He can get mad at me later, but that’s okay, I can work with that. At least I would have gotten the contract by then and even if he wants to be mad at me, he wouldn’t try to drop me from moving on with the deal after it has been signed. There is so much money at stake, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want us to lose that much money. I turned to him with a bright smile, walking into his arms as if I wasn’t planning anything stupid just now.“You are not the onl
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