All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Bride: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
120 Chapters
Chapter 111
The horror in Amelia's eyes deepened. She sniffed again, wiping her teary eyes while she folded her arms again. Her legs were red from excessive squatting."You don't have to do this," she squeaked. As if those words were meant to do anything to him.Maxwell pulled his belt out. His pants fell from his waist. Amelia's eyes widened as she saw his rocked hard self straighten. It scared her. He was by far the biggest she had ever seen, and she was not liking it. Maxwell dragged her by the arm out of the corner. He threw her over the table, making her slam her back into the concrete wall behind them. Amelia winced. A sharp pain in her side made her whimper.All those actions did not provoke pity. Not with those eyes, Maxwell had.In them, she could see hunger.Lust.Torture.She recovered herself and sat up straight."Take off your blouse. I've waited far too long for this". He commanded. Amelia had no choice. He had her son with him and if she dared to say no, she was sure she would n
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Chapter 112
The night had covered and Alex had changed into a darker outfit. He had to blend with the night if he didn't want to be spotted.He marched into the night and shifted his form. He needed to be stealthy and swift so he moved with speed but made no noise.The wind blew in his face but his vision was unwavering. His eyes were as sharp as day. He perched on a tree next to the mirror cave, waiting to see what was going to happen."Who could it be?".He waited for minutes until finally, something crept into the cave. He saw it. Dark, thin, and sneaky. He could not make out a face because of the black cloak it wore but he knew for sure that it was not a member of his pack."I have to find out who it is?"It seemed like a trap but a trap worth getting into if he could get Amelia back was one he was willing to risk himself in. He jumped down.Slowly and quietly, he shifted forms back to his human self and straightened his back. Alex looked around for any living thing in the area and when he sa
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Chapter 113
Amelia hid herself behind a tree as she tried to control her breath. It was getting dark and she had been on the run for hours. Her eyes felt weary and her body was tired. She didn't have anywhere to go but she had to keep moving."He would never forgive me for this". She squatted down. She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes."Think Amelia. Where can you go and how can you get your child back?" Amelia slapped her head lightly.She heard her footsteps coming behind her. Her eyes clicked open. Someone was nearby. She prayed to the moon goddess, "Not today. Not today please. Save me".But the moon goddess didn't listen. Something grabbed her by the neck and pulled her backward."You thought you could run away from me, didn't you?"He shook her and pulled her hair. "You didn't think I would get back at you for this, did you?"His pull was hurting her, he was almost ripping her hair out of her head."Maxwell you're hurting me!" He pulled harder. Maxwell dragged her by the hair until he
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Chapter 114
Amelia felt rage coursing through her veins. She swallowed hard and tightened her grip on the rope she had on her wrist."Where is my son?"."He's fine. What did you hear?", She could see Maxwell's fingertips shaking. His chin shivered. He moved a step backward. Blood dripping from her mouth and nose made her look ferocious. The blueness in her eyes had turned dark. Her entire eye socket has turned back.Her fangs sprung forth and her tongue lengthened. Her claws grew in size and darkened. They turned black.She raised her head up and slowly looked into his eyes as she gritted her voice, "I said.. where is my son?".Maxwell felt the hair on the back of his neck stand. Suddenly, he felt fear tie a knot in his stomach. He had never seen Amelia, the weakling, this way. She looked like she could kill him with those eyes.He stepped back, dropped the whip he had in his hand, and ran away.His wolf had been wounded and he had no time to recover. If he dared to attack her, he might not win.
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Chapter 115
Sandra's spy made his way to her room. He was known for being stealthy and that was the reason she had picked him as hers in the first place."What do you find?" she asked as soon as she saw him. His eyes met hers underneath his mask. She could see those but not his lips. No one had ever seen his lips."Alpha Alex had someone come into his chambers when you were not around".He mumbled underneath the mask.Sandra sprang up on her feet. "Did you find out who it was and what they brought to him?"."No".She drew in a deep breath and walked to him. "What's the use of having a spy like you if you can not get simple things done?".Her spy stood still. He apologized after he was scolded.Sandra groaned. "I don't take 'sorries', you have to compensate for this somehow. She moved closer to him. His scent became more prominent. She drew in all of it."How can I please you, Luna?".She watched him say. Her eyes looked at where she had expected his lips to be and then gradually, her eyes fell t
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Chapter 116
Alex sat comfortably on his bed. He heard a knock on the door and walked over to open it. "Have you gotten it?", He said as he unlocked the door and pulled it open. The rogue walked through with a baby in its hands. He still had his dark cloak on which covered his face.He stopped by a chair and then handed the sleeping child to Alex."I found what you had wanted. You will keep to your part of the deal right?"."Of course. You have helped me and I will do as you please". He smiled, "However, do you still wish to go on with your revenge?"."I came to help you out because of the genuine love I saw you have for your mate, I bargained for you to help my people while I sacrificed myself"."I know but must you take your life also?" Alex took the baby from his hand. The child was fast asleep, making light snores as he cradled up on Alex's broad chest."I have to". He turned around and walked to the door. He stopped when he placed his hands on the doorknob. "I am taking you as a man of you
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Chapter 117
Amelia ran through the woods as the sun began to rise. She had been running restlessly, searching for a clue of who could have taken her baby but found no success.Her breath was getting deeper. She stopped to draw in a new one. "Where could her baby be?".She thought of going back to Maxwell. He might have had a clue, but she was not so sure. She wanted to ask for help from Alex. He would have been concerned in times like this but she could not also go back to him. Her oath still held her back. Filled with frustration and anger, Amelia sat by a river bank and began to cry."How about you go meet the Alpha? He might be able to help after all." " her wolf whispered to her. Amelia stopped to think, "But we aren't allowed to meet with him"."You're not allowed to meet as lovers or mate but that shouldn't stop you from meeting and asking for help. What if he could be the only one to help?".Her wolf made a valuable point to her. Amelia sprung up on her feet and began to make her way to A
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Chapter 118
Amelia watched all that was happening with an open mouth. All her sadness had seeped out of her as she was now surprised."We are giving you one last chance, Sandra. You better confess".Sandra hissed many times as she felt a sting in her side. It was getting worse. Her flesh was now half gone. "Give me a shot. I'm in pain!".A nurse moved to her. She wanted to administer something but the alpha stopped her. He looked into Sandra's eyes, "Confess or you will die alone and before all of us".Tears rolled down Sandra's eyes. She looked over at Amelia, "This is all because of you"."You wouldn't let me have the man of my dreams".Alex blocked off her view. "You make it seem like she had been the one who forced you to have the kind of life you wanted. Do you not know I have been watching you?".He snapped his finger and the guard she had been with approached them."Say hello to Cornell. He is my cousin but I made sure you didn't know about him. You and Cornell made love last night. Didn
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Chapter 119
Amelia was led only to Alpha Alex's chambers. He had her wear a blindfold and carefully guided her steps to the bed."Sit".Gently, she sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for what would happen next. Her heart was beating profusely while she swiped her tongue on her lips to wet them."How did you know about all of this?" Amelia tried to start a conversation. "I never left you. I had you in my mind the whole time and I am never going to leave". He bent a knee and dipped his hand into his pocket."Open your eyes, Amelia", he said to her while he positioned well. "I want you to be my wife again. My love for you has never left. Let us renew our vows".Amelia took off her blindfold to find the love of her life kneeling before her. Those eyes were sincere and kind. She held her breath and covered her mouth. "What are you doing?""I'm asking you to be my mate again. Love me like I was dying. Please, marry me".Amelia swallowed down. Her cheeks turned red. "You're making me smile"."Yes, a
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Chapter 120
Amelia's belly has grown twice in size since the last time she had seen the doctor. She was almost due and had to call him in for a checkup again. "You'll be having a girl this time", the doctor touched on her stomach. He felt a kick and raised his head to smile at her, "Your baby is doing great too".Alex, who stood by her with her hands interlock in his, stepped forward. "Is there anything we need to do to prepare for the coming of the baby?".The doctor shook his head. Alex was not satisfied. "Any scan? Any treatment? Any test for her at all?".The doctor still shook his head, "Your baby is fine and she will be fine too" he pointed to Amelia.Amelia saw the nervousness in his eyes. She held his hand tightly and reassured him again, "Trust me. I'll be fine. This isn't my first rodeo you know". She flashed him her white teeth.That calmed Alex. He leaned in for a kiss and went back to standing by her side.The check up was over and they both got ready to leave. Alex sat in front wi
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