All Chapters of FATED, REJECTED AND THE BABY IN BETWEEN: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
59 Chapters
ISLA’S POVMy temple pulsed like the beating of a drum. My eyelids fluttered as I slipped back into consciousness. My eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. I tried to hold my head as the ache intensified, but my hands were bound upwards with a chain.Where am I? My eyes further adjusted to the dark. The only source of light was the little opening that served as a window. I looked around, trying to make out where I was.The walls were rough and made of stone, giving the room a damp feeling. Numerous cages were at either side of the room.I gasped, realising although slowly, that I was in a chamber and I was chained to a wall.My kids!The memory of last night came rushing back and I struggled to pull the chain that bound my hands together, but it only dug more into my wrists, the silver burning my skin."Help me!" I screamed, my heart beating fast at the absence of my babies. Where have they taken them? What did they do to them?"Somebody please help! Tristan! Tessa!"The echoes of my
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IslaWith one final look at me, Axel turned to leave the throne room as guards entered."I can't wait to see your ugly little head on the floor when we find out those kids are bastards." Lana giggled as she walked after Axel.I moved to follow them, an opportunity to see my kids wherever they were kept but the guards stopped me from going with Axel and Lana."You are going back to your cell." One said, his hand gripping mine tightly like a vice.Puzzled, I tried to pull away from his grip. "You can't take me back there, I want to see my kids!"A groan ripped out of Axel as he turned on his heels."You are going to stay in your cell, until the results are out.""You can't prevent me from seeing my kids Axel. Tell them to let me go." I demanded, still struggling in the guards' hold.Lana started to speak, but was silenced by a hand from Axel."We could cancel everything now, and kill them. Hell, I don't give a damn either way." His eyes challenged me, daring me to see how far he could g
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LanaThe sight of Isla back in this pack caused a feeling more intense than ever before to erupt within me.Fear that all what I've planned and worked to get was going to go to dust the minute she put her claws on Axel.For the past years, I've crawled my way through numerous women, sabotaging when need be, their connection to Axel. I've destroyed some, I've threatened some, just to make sure the throne beside Axel stays empty for me.I've made my mark well known and bold enough, so that when a member of this pack thought of their Luna, they thought of me.And I've fought hard to make sure it stays that way.Until news of Isla's arrival shook the strong foundation I had built in her absence. Questions arose from the lips of all, the major question being that, what would happen now that Isla, Axel's mate was back.Rumors flew around, and the visible fact being that I wasn't Luna stood out like a sore thumb.They felt Isla was here to take back her crown and become Luna by Axel's side.
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AxelThe pack healers placed the little girl on a stretcher, taking her to the pack clinic. I followed closely behind, taking the little boy to see his sister and make sure she was okay.I knew how the last few hours have taken a toll on him.First seeing your mother almost getting executed then your sister having a seizure, that was more than what a little child can bear.Which brings me back to the main matter at hand, why did Isla come back? Why did she return with those kids, after hiding them from me all these years and after I tried my best to clear every trace of her in my life?Of course I knew those kids belonged to me. My wolf felt a pull to the little wolves in them, especially the little boy, as the next Alpha.I wasn't going to execute the mother of my kids in front of her children, all I planned to do was to send a warning to her and ban her from ever coming back to the pack.There was no day I didn't think about her, and the way I treated her all those years ago was unf
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IslaAxel's growl caused goosebumps to erupt on my skin, my heart jumped at the animalistic snarl he was giving me.But I refused to show him how he affected me by glaring straight into his eyes. "Keep your growl in. I wouldn't let you wake the kids."That did nothing to stop him as the anger in his eyes flashed. "Don't provoke me, Isla. I will ignore every other thing, but putting the fate of my kids in the hands of a lowlife man? I had no idea you had no sense of reasoning. "Anger sprouted in me as his words sank in.I opened my mouth to speak, but we were interrupted by the healer, a different one from the one who attended to us earlier."I'm sorry Alpha, miss." He bowed his head, looking oddly terrified as he snuck glances at Axel."Please, carry on." Axel replied.The healer nodded, but the fear in his eyes remained."Can we step out?"We silently followed the healer, and I glared at Axel's muscular back as he walked in front of me."We have set the date for the surgery. " The h
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IslaAxel didn't think twice before nodding, and I turned on my heels, rushing as fast as I could to the room, where the snake still roamed free, although, thankfully, my kids' carefree laughter echoed from behind the door.My heart sank as we saw Cindy's condition. She was lying on the floor, her face pale and sweaty, her leg clearly in pain.I ran to her, guilt filling me as I cradled her head in my lap, "I'm so sorry Cindy. "She tried to smile but instead winced as the pain in her leg throbbed.Without much hesitation, Axel stormed up to the snake, lunging at it and crushing it beneath his boot. Relief flooded me as I watched the snake get disposed of.Axel turned his attention to us, a bit of pity behind his eyes as he took in Cindy's condition. "That was a deadly snake, even for werewolves."My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I watched Cindy struggle to breathe, "Help me with her."He walked to the curtains, cutting a strip of clothes and tying it around her leg swiftl
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Isla"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT BASTARD ALMOST EXECUTED YOU IN FRONT OF OUR KIDS? I SWEAR IF I WAS THERE, HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BREATHE AGAIN THAT MOTHERFUCKER!"I breathed in and exhaled, partially expecting this reaction from Dante. Normally he was ca, but when he felt disrespected or cheated, well, thank Goodness I wasn't on speaker phone.I can't possibly begun with the twins asking me what the meaning of mother fucker was."ALPHA MY ASS. IMMA KNOCK OUT HIS WEAK ALPHA TEETH IF HE TRIES THAT NONSENSE WITH MY FAMILY AGAIN!""Dante… Everything is fine, we are fine. We've called a weird truce. He doesn't even bother us anymore. We hardly even see him."Tessa abandoned her toys. Her head snapping towards me. "Is that our fake daddy?" She asked in sheer innocence."Fake daddy?" Dante repeated, his voice holding a tinge of disbelief. "Is that what they call me now?"I bent to Tessa's height level, thinking of how to apply damage control."Tess, do you want to speak to daddy?"She pouted
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IslaThe kids kept talking at once, and I suggested we go to the garden outside. They needed fresh air with the way they were using the one we managed to tell their daddy everything.But they paid me no attention, until Axel repeated what I had said, then they agreed gleefully, racing him to the garden while I waited behind to pack up the essentials they would need.I have seen Tessa excited many times, but never have I seen Tristan that excited since I gave birth to him. They spoke to him like they have known him for years, something that was weird for them to do to strangers. Tessa could offer a smile to a stranger, but Tristan avoided them completely. But seeing them do this, made me wonder if it was the bond between their father and them.Maybe it was stronger since they were all Alpha wolves.Whatever it was, I felt oddly protective. Maybe it was a bad idea giving in to their demands. How would things be when we have to return back home? Would they want to leave their dad especia
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IslaFor the past few days, I have seen more of Axel than I ever imagined I would, and it bothered me for numerous reasons, none I could articulate clearly .Tessa looked completely healed whenever he was around, and Tristan was more outspoken as he communicated with his father on topics I had no idea a boy under ten could understand.I steered clear of him when he was with them, busying myself with my work. I was behind in many aspects, but my close friend and my manager had everything under control.The date for the surgery was approaching fast, which also meant the day of our departure and our wedding, but I couldn't bring myself to be too excited, since the kids were getting too attached to Axel.Sigh. I couldn't even talk to Dante about it. He already was upset that the kids didn't want to talk to him, so hearing that they wouldn't want to come home would be pushing it.Currently as I struggled to think of what to do, Tessa and Tristan were occupied with their daddy. I rolled my
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IslaOn many occasions I've felt embarrassed in degrees I couldn't explain. Long before I was chased out of the room in nothing but a blanket, I've been embarrassed on many occasions.But this, this moment where the kids decided to ask the simple, innocent yet embarrassing question, it takes the cake.The kids I love so much decided to ask a question that caused me to peel my body off his with an alarming speed, then trip yet again, and land on my butt in the middle of the room, narrowly missing one of the lego toys that could have maimed my butt if i had landed on it.The laughter that ensued after my embarrassing fall echoed from the culprits, my kids and i could see the battle between Axel and himself as he watched me peel myself from the floor, the corner of his mouth refraining from turning up, but his eyes were a different story.“You okay?” he asked in mock sincerity and i shot him a glare, hoping he got the fuck you message i was sending with my eyes.“That was the funniest th
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