All Chapters of The CEO's Secret: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
107 Chapters
Katia reached out to him and took his hand. This gesture made him look at her in surprise, but he eventually smiled at her.Then she said:"You should know me by now. I'm very stubborn."The problem is, we're both very stubborn," he said with a smile."Maybe…" she let go of his hand and sat up straight in her seat.Stefan gazed at the young woman who was sitting a few inches away from him. He noticed that she wasn't wearing anything around her neck, ears, or wrists.He closed his eyes, smiled, and then leaned forward slightly. He pulled out a square blue box and then two smaller ones. He wasn't sure if she would accept to wear them, but he had to try.He leaned back in the car seat."Katia," he called.She looked at him with a smile but had a puzzled expression when she saw the three boxes."What 's this?""This is for you, to complete your outfit. I would have liked to give it to you before we left, but... I forgot," he replied.Katia took the boxes and opened them.In one box, there
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Gretchen took her glass and drank.The other guests could sense the tension between her and Katia. Throughout the evening, they engaged in conversation, but the exchanges between the two women were also present.The rest of the diners pretended not to notice the situation. It was better that way.Stefan looked at the woman beside him with a smile. He didn't know this side of Katia, but he certainly loved that she stood up to her ex-girlfriend's attacks.Katia's character was undoubtedly surprising to the German, and he had to be careful if they ever argued.The time came when the men and some women started having drinks. Katia sat in her seat, listening as Mrs. Heinz, Kruger, and Friedman discussed topics that didn't interest the young American.When she saw that these people weren't paying attention to her, she got up from the table and carefully walked to the bathroom. It hurt a lot, but she didn't want to disturb Stefan while he was talking with the other men.She leaned on the bat
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Katia breathed slowly and looked sideways, without turning her head to look at him.Stefan, when he finished what she had asked him to do, stroked her back with his fingertips, making her skin crawl.She shrugged her shoulders at the feel of him.He got up from the bed, but not before kissing her neck. Katia put her hands on her chest to hold the dress and turned to face him.She couldn't hold it any longer. She needed to know the truth."Stefan..." she called out to him."Is something wrong? Don't you want me to leave or something?" he joked, laughing as he turned around."It's just that I want to ask you something," she said, avoiding eye contact."Tell me," he turned slightly to look at her."Why did you marry me?"Stefan looked at her in surprise, not expecting that question and not knowing how to answer it. He clenched his fists inside his pockets.Without warning, he began to approach her, sat down beside her, and placed a hand on her leg. Katia looked into his eyes, waiting for
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Her body had frozen in the bathroom doorway due to Jennel's scream.Despite being concerned about Stefan, she was sure he was okay... or at least she wanted to believe so. She hoped the woman had screamed for another reason, and the gunshots she had heard had been a product of her mind or the television.She needed to stop watching Narcos on TV, especially at night, as it seemed to be affecting her quite a bit.When she realized she could move again, she entered the bathroom.While showering, being careful not to slip on the plastic bag she had put on her foot to keep the bandage dry, she couldn't stop thinking about that shrill sound that had fully awakened her.Once showered and dressed, Katia decided to go downstairs for breakfast, but first, she stopped by Stefan's room. She was puzzled to see one of the closet doors open and the clothes on that side missing.As she reached the stairs, her body stopped.Jennel, with Norbert's help, was cleaning up a puddle of blood in the living r
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Katia got out of the car when they arrived at the bookstore. A small smile graced her lips as she entered the shop, accompanied by Jennel. After about ten minutes, both women came out of the bookstore with some books in their arms.Katia seemed happy as she chatted with the woman, until her ears caught a whimper. She turned her head from side to side, searching for the source of the cry, and then turned to look at an alley next to the bookstore.She stopped at the entrance of the alley and looked around without seeing anything unusual. Suddenly, she heard the cries again, and her gaze went to two cardboard boxes placed together on the ground against the wall.She approached them curiously and let out an "oh..." when she saw that one of the boxes contained a kitten, and the other held a puppy. She crouched down slowly, being careful not to hurt her ankle, and squatted."Katia," Jennel called, standing behind her."Look, Jennel. Aren't they precious?" She began to touch the noses of bot
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"I warned you at the party. No one, absolutely no one, takes Stefan away from me," Gretchen said, furrowing her brow. "And know this: I'll do whatever it takes to get him back because I won't allow a whore like you to be with him. You're not worthy of Stefan.""Oh... and are you worthy?" Katia replied sarcastically.Gretchen slapped Katia forcefully."Say whatever you want, but Stefan is mine," she said with malice reflected in her eyes."Get out... NOW!" Katia shouted in frustration."Yes, I'm leaving, but not because you tell me to, but because I have things to do... like planning how to make Stefan leave you," she smiled half-heartedly. "See you soon, Jennel," she smiled at the middle-aged woman."See you soon, Miss Gretchen," the woman replied, nervously looking at both women.Gretchen smirked sarcastically at Katia before turning and leaving through the front door of the house.How was it possible that this woman could so easily get under her skin? Why did she get so angry when G
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Katia looked at Stefan in astonishment at that question and shook her head. Something inside her shrank at the thought of Oscar.She watched as Stefan walked away while placing a hand on her heart. Lately, her mind had been occupied with thoughts of the German, and it was starting to worry her.She closed her eyes and sat on the edge of the bed with her hand on her chest, her mind still fixated on the mulatto man, and her heart ached.At that moment, she realized that he hadn't called her for several days, and that worried her.Unable to help it, she started crying with her hands covering her face. She began to cry silently so that no one in the house would hear her. She didn't want to worry anyone, especially Stefan, who had nothing to do with her.The next morning, she hadn't managed to sleep at all. She got out of bed with swollen, red eyes. In the end, she had spent the whole night crying without knowing why.Her head also hurt.When she checked the time on her phone, she saw that
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On the Monday of the third week of August, Katia felt like she was going to die of dehydration due to the heat from the previous night. Even with the window open, she couldn't escape the sweltering heat.Since she had already been awake and the sun was streaming in through the window, she decided to get up. She couldn't sleep anymore, anyway.She left the room with her pets in her arms and paused on the landing before descending the stairs. She contemplated how to carefully navigate them without slipping on the edge of each step.Suddenly, she felt someone place a hand on her back and the other behind her knees, lifting her off the ground. Startled and surprised, she looked at the person who had picked her up.Stefan smiled at her and began to descend the stairs. Instinctively, Katia wrapped one arm around his neck to steady herself."Katia, today I'd like you to come with me to the Ulrich Multinational Corporation Headquarters.""I have no business there. At least here, I can watch m
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"But... what nonsense is this?" Katia said, shaking her head and annoyed by her friend's insinuation. "Of course, I'm not in love with him.""How could I fall in love with someone like him? Seriously, Madeleine, you have some...""You seem jealous," Madeleine crossed her arms."Me? Jealous?" Katia clicked her tongue. "Please, Madeleine! I love Oscar, and I want to marry him. If I can convince him... we might have a child. I want to live a happy life with Oscar. He's the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.""Even though you're eager to see Oscar, I know you're afraid he won't come back, right?""Exactly," she said with narrowed eyes.The elevator stopped a few minutes later. Unbeknownst to them, they had reached the top floor, where Stefan's office was, and she knew all the CEOs from different delegations would be there.The two women stood near the elevator, while Madeleine continued to tease Katia about being jealous of Stefan's ex. As Stefan emerged from his office, talk
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That night, after Madeleine and Joshua had retired to the guesthouse, Katia went up to her room, followed by Panda and Booby.The animals struggled to climb, but when she bent down to pick them up, hands beat her to it. Stefan and Katia stared at each other as they slowly straightened up.Meanwhile, Madeleine gazed at herself in the bathroom mirror, with her hands on her cheeks, and began to stretch her skin.She grew frustrated every time she looked in a mirror.Joshua stood behind his girlfriend and hugged her, placing his hands on the small belly that had appeared due to Madeleine's pregnancy.He gave her a small kiss on the shoulder."What argument did you have with Katia today? She seemed really upset," the dark-haired man asked."Why haven't you told her about what Oscar told you?" She inquired with her hands on her face."I didn't want to worry her more... Besides, it's not my place to tell her," Joshua replied. "Can you explain what the argument with Katia was about or not?""
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