All Chapters of One Night With Mr. Billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
91 Chapters
Amber settled in the living room, picking up the newspaper that was neatly folded. As she flipped through the pages, Damian's voice hit her ear and she quickly adjusted her sitting position, putting her left leg over the other. "Morning Damian," she greeted him with a smile."Morning….why are you up so early? And reading?" Damian asked narrowing his eyes at her. "Oh…nothing, I just couldn't sleep. You know," she laughed nervously. "Ok then," Damian sighed and walked to the kitchen after placing his phone on the center table. "Where's Maya?" Damian asked from the kitchen. "Oh….she took Amyrah to school. She asked me to tell you, sorry I forgot," Amber replied, getting up to join Damian in the kitchen. "Do you want breakfast?" She asked, leaning over the counter. It seems like Damian was in a good mood today and she wanted to take full advantage of it. Who know, this may be the start of their relationship. "No…don't bother," Damian replied, trying to adjust his tie. "Why? Are yo
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Chapter Seventy Two:
"What are you doing here?" Oliver who had just walked into his private suite in his favorite bar asked when he turned the lights on and saw Amanda on his bed. "Shocked to see me?" She raised a brow and flashed a smile. As she changed her position on the bed so she now sitting. "You're supposed to be in jail," Oliver frowned. "Yeah…supposed to," Amanda chuckled before scrolling her eyes. "But I'm here now and that's all that matter right?" She raised a brow. "Come on, why do you look like you're not happy to see me?" She flashed a smile. "So why are you here?" Oliver asked, sitting on a sofa opposite the bed. "Is that supposed to be a question?" Amanda frowned. "Anyway….since you abandoned me and left me to rot in jail…. I'm here to repay the favor," Amanda said pulling out a gun and pointing it at Oliver. His hands quickly flew up and he was down on his knees. "What the fuck are you doing? Th….that's a gun. It could hurt me or even kill me," he said, his voice shaking a bit."W
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Chapter Seventy Three:
After what seemed like forever, the door flew open and Amber walked in. She glanced around the room for a while before sashaying to where Amanda was sitting. Amanda just rolled her eyes and raised her head to the ceiling. "Well..well..well," Amber chuckled, standing over her. "Seems I've got myself twenty million dollars," she chuckled, passing her hands through Amanda's hair. Amanda shook her head in attempt to shrug her hand off which made Amber laugh. "Of all the people in this world, you chose to call her?" Amanda said, glaring at Oliver, then Amber. "Hmmm….someone's grumpy," Amber chuckled. "So you'd rather I call Damian?" Oliver asked, taking a sip of whatever he was holding. "I didn't say that," Amanda rolled her eyes. "We'll…enough of all this," Amber chipped in, dropping her bag onto the sofa before throwing herself in. "I came because I need you to do something for me.""Do something?….For you…." Amanda asked, her mouth wide open. "It's only a fool that get burnt by
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Chapter Seventy four:
Watching Damian leave tore Maya's heart into shreds, it felt as someone had ripped her heart out and sliced it into pieces. She gasped for breath as uncontrolled tears rolled down her cheeks. How did this happen? How did her happiness this morning just take a drastic turn. She had personally followed Master Dan to the airport so why were they claiming he was dead? And why was she the suspect? Were did that video come from? Who made it? Maya wanted to hold her head and scream as unanswered questions flooded her brain. "Ma'am, let's go?" A soft female voice pulled her out of thoughts. Maya raised her teary eyes to meet the officer who shot her an apologetic look and pointed towards a door. Maya wiped her tears and followed the woman. The scene from earlier replaying in her head. ~~~FLASHBACK~~~About thirty minutes time, the police van pulled up in the car park and they ushered Maya out. Just as her feet touched the ground, Damian's car pulled up behind them and both Amber and Dam
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Chapter Seventy Five:
Amber sat in the front passenger seat and waited for Damian to come. A wide triumphant smile was plastered on her lip. For a second she thought Damian wasn't going to believe it but guess his trust issues are part of him. Seconds later Damian walked out of the building and opened the car door, settling in the driver's side, he banged the door and started the car before driving out of the parking lot. "Damian, are you ok? I know you're hurt but...""Stop talking," Damian cut her off rudely.Amber bit her bottom lips and glared at him for a few seconds before turning her head back to the road. The rest of the drive was in complete silent. Immediately they got home, Damian left her outside without a word and went inside the house, ignoring all the greetings from the maids and going straight to his room. ~~~~~~~~She was there. Everywhere he looked he saw her. Her scent lingered around the room and it was driving Damian crazy. He let out a deafening scream as his left hand brushed eve
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Chapter Seventy Six:
"Here…make sure she signs this," Damian said, pushing the papers to Ron who was just stood there. Damian was busy typing something on his computer and didn't notice Ron was still there. "S..sir, I think you should reconsider your...""Did I ask for your opinion?" Damian cut him off coldly."You didn't sir, but I've been working with you for a long time now and I think sometimes you don't need to ask before I speak," Ron said, avoiding eye contact."Wow…. I see," Damian chuckled. Sir….Maya has done a lot of things for you and she even stood beside you when you were….""I don't need you to remind me. I haven't forgotten and I'm grateful for that.""Then show it sir, fight this with her. Don't leave her all alone. She would have…..""Keep your advice to yourself and send the papers," Damian said, raising his voice a little."I'm sorry sir but I can't do that," Ron told him making Damian frown."Are you refusing me?" He asked Ron."It's not fair sir. What you're doing isn't the right thing to do,
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Chapter Seventy seven:
Damian hastily unlocked his car and once he was inside, he slammed the door hard, before putting his head on the steering wheel, offloading all the numerous emotions that were bubbling up inside him. He was deeply hurt, angry, heartbroken and sad. Is this how it was really going to be? Didn't Maya care about him? Did all they share really mean nothing to her? How can she carry another man's child. She didn't even try to explain things to him and assure him the child was his. Damian yelled loudly and hit his head violently against the steering wheel. After what seems like forever, he heard a gentle knock on the window. He quickly wiped off the tears that were streaming down his face and raised his head to meet Ron's stare. "What do you want?" Damian asked as soon as he opened the car door. He saw Ron give him a sympathetic look and he unconsciously rolled his eyes. "I asked you a question," Damian said pulling Ron out it thoughts."Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you tw
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Chapter Seventy Eight:
"Damian where is Maya? Amber said she's in prison, is it true?" Amyrah asked Damian who was sitting in his study reading some documents. Damian let out a deep breath and turned his attention to the little girl. "Come here," he motioned for her to come closer and the little girl obliged. Damian lifted her and placed her on his desk before cupping her cheeks. "Unfortunately, it's true May....""But why? She's a good person isn't she? Only bad people go to jail," Amyrah said, looking at Damian with a confused look. Damian sighed as he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. "Can I visit her tomorrow?" "Sure thing, if you want to," Damian said and Amyrah smiled brightly. "Thank you Damian…." Amyrah yelled as she jumped off the desk. "I'm going to make her a come home soon card," she added, slamming the door behind her. "I wish she was going to come home soon Amyrah….but I can't let that happen. She has to pay for all her crimes," Damian mumbled, picking up the file.********Amber glan
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Seventy Nine:
Amber cat-walked into the small jewelry shop and the man who looked like he was polishing a piece of wrist watch smiled at her sweetly. "Oh…madam what do you need? I have everything including…..""I'm not here to buy," she told the man who smile immediately dropped because he seemed like he was in desperate need of money. "But I am here to offer you something and I know you are not going to reject it," she shrugged, searching through her bag. She pulled out a stack of neat bills and handed them to the man, who collected them greedily. "That fifty thousand dollars," she told them man who already had the bills close to his nose, enjoying the sweet smell of the money. "And…you…you're g…iving it to me?" Shock was present in his voice."Yeah it's all yours…..if you're ready to do a small job for me," Amber said, more like asked and the man nodded, his eyes fixed on the money he just received. Amber pulled out a picture from her bag and placed it in front of him. "You…want…me…to…kill
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Chapter Eighty:
After a long day at school, Amyrah jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped in the compound. She couldn't wait to play with the new remote control car Damian had got for her. Amyrah dropped her bag on the her bed immediately she got to her room and slipped out of her uniform. She wore something casual and pulled out car under bed. She walked to the drawer and her face lit up when she saw a bright red remote and a a cat with sleek tires and a powerful engine.With a wide smile, she grabbed the car with anticipation bubbling inside her. She couldn't wait to see it zoom across the floor with speed.She placed the car on the ground and pressed the power button on the remote. The car sprang to life with its wheel spinning eagerly."Cool," she smiled dropping the remote for a while to grab her phone. She unlocked it and turned to the front camera. "Hello guys, it's me and I want to show you the new awesome toy my…ummm...adoptive father, Damian Makari got me," Amber said with a bright s
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