All Chapters of The Tribrid’s Daughter (The Tribrid Series): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
110 Chapters
Chp 11 Pt. 2 Betrayal
KaterinaMy head is killing me and the light shining through the curtains is not helping. I sit up and try to focus my vision when I look around and realize I am not at home. Panic sets in as I slowly get up and go to check the door. I surprisingly find it unlocked. I carefully open the door and slowly make my way down the stairs and that is when I realize I am in Leon’s home.“Good morning my dear. I am glad to see you awake. How about some tea for that hang over?”“Hang over? How did I get here?”“I found you wandering town, quite drunk I might add. It’s not safe for a young woman such as yourself wandering alone in that state. It took some convincing to get you to come home with me where you would be safe.”I try to remember last nights events but I can’t remember anything. I try to reach Irena but I get nothing from her. What in the world is going on? I take the tea from Leon and let it warm
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Chp 11 Pt. 3 Betrayal
KaterinaTristan is one sick bastard. When I came to I found myself chained to the bed in the back bedroom with a camera recording. I tried breaking the chains but immediately backed away as far as possible when I saw him sitting in the chair in the far corner. The memories will haunt me forever. I was not strong enough to fight him off and now I pray to the moon goddess that he doesn’t get what he wants.I have no idea where we are going as he stuffed me in the back of a trunk and we have been driving for ever. I don’t understand why he doesn’t just portal. My hands are tied behind my back and my legs are bound together. A tear falls as I feel my bond with Gunner slowly disappear the farther we get. ‘Gunner,’ I sob out, wishing more than anything to be with him right now. I wish I could see my parents again and apologize. I wond
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Chp 11 Pt. 4 Betrayal
Happy Veteran's Day! Enjoy an extra chapter this week!!! Gunner I have been pacing back and forth for what seems like forever though Hunter reminds me it has been only twenty minutes since Kai left. Suddenly a portal appears and Kai steps through with surprisingly his mother. I didn’t think she’d agree to meet with me. “Luna Ahsoka, it is an honor to meet with you,” I reply but fall to the ground in unimaginable pain. “Shit Gunner are you okay,” says Kai as he stands there helpless.“It is the bond,” Ahsoka says as a tear falls. “He’s hurting her.”This pain is nothing like I’ve ever felt before. I feel like I am being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach as a burning sensation spread throughout my body like I have been injected with wolfsbane.
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Chp 11 Pt. 5 Betrayal
Gunner“Damn it,” I grunt out as the pain brings me to my knees as I slam my fist into a table, breaking it in two. I am failing her and it wouldn’t surprise me if she rejects me once I find her. That bastard is really trying to get her pregnant with how many times I’ve doubled over in pain. Every time I’m brought down Hunter has to talk Kai down before he loses control of his powers. I don’t know how Luna Ahsoka has been able to remain so calm. Luna Ahsoka has been in some sort of trance for hours now. She thought the note meant to the last house she was in before she was rescued by Alpha Nico, but she was wrong. She has since been still as a statue and her eyes have been pure white for hours. Kai says to be patient though that is easier said than done. I can’t stand just not doing anything while my mate continues to get hu
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Chp 12 Pt. 1 Hope Is Not Lost
GunnerAs soon as we reach the other side of the portal I can hear the screams of my mate. Alpha Nicolai has already rushed the house and the stench of rogues are everywhere. I immediately give my warriors free reign to shift and to ensure we do not harm my mate’s pack members.“Hunter go find them,” I order.He does not hesitate and pushes his way through the crowd and smashes right through the front door. These rogues are nothing as I easily grab one by it’s head and crush it. I see Alpha Nicolai holding his own quite well and doesn’t have a scratch on him. Luna Ahsoka has me in awe as she hasn’t had to move a muscle. She truly looks frightening as vines rip up from the ground and snake there way through the ocean of rogues and a ring of fire surrounds the house, preventing anyone from leaving the vicinity. Kai is standing next to her and several small tornados begin to
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Chp 12 Pt. 2 Hope Is Not Lost
KaterinaHe was so close. My mate was right there, I saw him only to be ripped from him again. If only I was stronger I would’ve been able to get to him. It took everything in me to get out of the room and strike Tristan, but I didn’t hurt him enough. Here I am again, chained in a room and I am not sure how much time has passed at this point. I am not sure where we are at but by the slight movement I believe we are on a ship. That thought panics me. Irena is gone again. He pushed so much wolfsbane in us I haven’t been able to move in days. I am awake but to move even an inch is painful.I may not have been able to kill him but I am sure I did some damage as he has not visited me once. I keep trying to reach Gunner but I am not sure he has heard me. I can feel him but I cannot reach him. I am happy Allison escaped. Her screams were awful and she didn’t deserve it.
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Chp 12 Pt. 3 Hope Is Not Lost
Gunner We meet Alpha Nicolai’s pack just outside city limits. We both sent several scout teams ahead to the harbors to see if we could find what boat she is on. She could be on a yacht or a cargo ship and we would never know. Kai keeps eyeing are and I have been avoiding him. I really don’t need anyone else distracted by the news I know. It wont do anyone any good at this moment. “You are troubled Alpha Gunner,” says Ahsoka as she walks up to me. “Please just Gunner. We are going to be family after all right?” She smiles back at me and nods her head. “Then please call me Ahsoka. What is troubling you.” “I can’t tell you. I don’t want it to be a distraction. The most important thing right now is getting her out.” Ahsoka looks at me just like my mother would. Urging me to just tell her what is weighing heavy on my chest.  “You cannot tell Alpha Nicolai or Kai. I don’t want t
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Chp 12 Pt. 4 Hope Is Not Lost
Katerina   “Get ready to set sail,” I hear someone order. My heart sinks. Just when I think things can’t get worse they do. I try to keep my spirits up. Gunner said they were coming and I have to believe that. I have been chained to this wall for hours now and it forces me to sit on my knees rather than lay down. It’s starting to hurt my shoulders. ‘We have you in our sights Kat. Hang on.’ “How is my little angel doing?” I try to hold my emotions in so as to not give away that Gunner is nearby. I don’t even mind link him back for fear of getting caught. “I am not your little angel.” ‘Kat what is going on?’ I may not be able to mind link Gunner back but I can at least open up my mind to him so he can hear what is going on. “Don’t worry, with time that’ll change. No one is coming for you. It’ll just be you and me and the army you will birth for me.” “What?!” “Or I’ll just drain you of
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Chp 12 Pt. 5 Hope Is Not Lost
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Enjoy an extra chapter this week!!! Katerina ‘Irena,’ I plead one last time, trying to reach out to her. If I had her here we may be able to come up with another plan, but all I get is silence. My heart is racing and I feel my anxiety creeping up on me. I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes to concentrate. I am not trained at all and I know I could over do it by using my powers, especially without the help of my wolf. How Kai does it I don’t know.I remember the feeling I had when I use my telekinesis to force that car’s brakes to make it stop following us. I will do the same with the boat. I will use it’s parts to force the boat in a direction I want. I am not sure  if I’ll even hit something but it’s worth a try.I am fully concentrated and block out the
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Chp 13 Pt. 1 Life and Death
Gunner“Gunner I swear if you don’t stop her….”Alpha Nicolai doesn’t get to finish his sentence as Ahsoka lays a hand on each of her children and a warm light begins to glow. Kai coughs and sits up suddenly and takes in his surroundings.“Mother no!”He stops her from healing Kat and to everyone’s surprise he takes over. I catch Ahsoka before she hits her head and though I can tell she used a lot of her energy I can feel she’ll be okay. The vines that were hold Alpha Nicolai in place fall to the ground the minute she collapsed and he races to her side. I can hear his sigh of relief when he hears her heart and steady breathing. The warm light disappears but I do not see my mates eyes open. “Kai?”“I am not sure if she’ll wake up,” he says as he chokes bac
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