All Chapters of His Secret Princess: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
200 Chapters
#Chapter 141: The Safe House
The cabin was less of a cabin, and more a mansion. It was huge. The minute we pulled up the long gravel drive, and the house appeared between the trees, I felt my jaw job. It had several floors, with large wooden balconies, and tall windows. It was rustic, built in the style of a log cabin, but the sheer size of it was overwhelming.“This is not what I pictured,” I admitted. I got out to stand beside the car, gazing up at the house. Matt got out and watched me.“It belongs to Nina’s family,” he said. “She said we could use it this weekend.”
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#Chapter 142: Violent Delights
Dinner took a few hours in the oven before it was ready. We got through a movie, and the first half of another, before the timer finally went off.We chose to eat in the breakfast nook, opting for a more intimate setting rather than the huge dining table. Matt served the food and poured me a beer. He poured himself a glass as well, before sitting down in the seat near me, his knee pressed into my thigh.I took a sip of my drink. While I still wasn’t used to drinking alcohol, I was coming around to beer. I enjoyed the somewhat bitter taste.“This looks great!” I sai
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#Chapter 143: Hanging on the Telephone
JackThe panic only got worse as dawn approached, and the light lengthened. He’d been searching for Celeste all night, to no avail. He couldn’t find her, and he was really losing it. Now wasn’t the time for her to run off.What was she thinking? Did she want him to have a panic attack? He could feel it growing as time slipped by. A tight feeling in his chest that wound tighter and tighter and tighter. It was amazing he could still breathe.He spent most of the morning driving around, hoping he might catch sight of her or Matt. At one point, a text came through from
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#Chapter 144: Best Laid Plans
AlyxHis plan was working.Sabrina was dead, and it was Matt’s fault. He almost couldn’t believe his luck. He knew she'd cause some chaos at the party, and that the Peacekeepers would have to get involved, but he didn’t think Matt would actually kill her. It worked in his favor, though. Sabrina was a pain in the ass. He was grateful he didn’t have to deal with her anymore.He watched Matt and Celeste leave the party. Matt had this expression on his face like someone had kicked his puppy, and it sent a jolt of pleasure through Alyx. It was rare he cared enough
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#Chapter 145: First Time
We ended up back in our room, half-wet from the hot tub. Matt set me gently on the bed and leaned over me. His eyes traced my face, stopping on mine. I smiled, and he did, too. A sense of overwhelming happiness and peace came over me. There was nowhere I’d rather be. No one I’d rather be with.His expression softened at whatever he saw on my face, and he kissed my forehead. “You’re everything,” he murmured. “Everything.”“I love you,” I answered.I didn’t care what I promised Jack, not anymore. I wanted to give myself to Ma
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#Chapter 146: Inner Wolf
The sensations slowed enough for me to get a better sense of my surroundings. Enough that my cheeks heated with embarrassment. Jack’s wide-eyed gaze met mine, then he spun around.Matt handed me his t-shirt, and a pair of track pants. I pulled them both on, even though they were much too big on me. I had to roll up the bottoms of the pants to make them shorter. Matt got dressed too, and Jack turned around.“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Jack snarled, taking a step toward Matt.Matt didn’t try to defend himself. “I don’t understand how this
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#Chapter 147: The Prophecy
Alyx watched me with a mean smile.I always thought I was a good judge of character, but clearly, I wasn’t. I’d believed he was a good person, and he was anything but. Every moment he’d spent helping me and being there for me after my breakup with Matt, was all a lie. He was just trying to get to me. For what, I didn’t know, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.“Let me go,” I said, struggling against the restraints.He eyed them with a slight frown. “Oh, those are there just for now. We didn’t want you to hurt yourself. You&rsq
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#Chapter 148: Family Ties
Alyx“I’m not sure I like her,” Jeremy said the moment the door closed. He was giving it a bright-eyed look that made even Alyx a little uneasy. Anyone who thought Jeremy was the nicer brother didn’t know him very well.Alyx saw what happened in there. Celeste was trying to appeal to his humanity, but Jeremy didn’t have much to begin with, and it had dwindled in the years since they’d seen each other. That was partly why they got along so well. They were cut from the same cloth.“Not what you expected?” Alyx asked, falling into step be
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#Chapter 149: Confinement
I couldn’t tell how much time passed, but eventually the door opened, and Jeremy appeared with a plate of food in hand. He gave me a warning look, and I was smart enough to cower in the corner as he closed the door. There was something about him that made me uneasy, even if I much preferred his presence over Alyx’s.He set the plate down in front of me, then took the chair for himself. He turned it around and sat with his arms propped on the backrest. A slightly curious expression crossed his face as I pulled the plate slowly toward me.I was starving, but I didn’t know if I should trust the food.
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#Chapter 150: Finding Celeste
MattThe panic was so bad, I almost couldn’t breathe.She was gone.I searched for her in the woods, running with my nose pressed to the ground. I’d searched for her on foot at first, yelling her name. Jack went in the opposite direction, a desperate, panicked gleam in his eyes. That was an hour ago.I’d shifted at some point, backtracking to the house to start there. Her scent lay embedded in the grass until it disappeared into the woods, where it suddenly ended. I pawed at the grou
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