All Chapters of ALPHA'S REJECTED BRIDE: HIDING HIS BABY: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
153 Chapters
ROSALINE’S POV: I need to get out of here. They have found me and I am going to die.I need to get Ariana and get the fuck out of here; we are not safe anymore. It was definitely Magnus or my father who sent Kiara to kill me; who else could it possibly be?My attention is brought back to Damien, and I wonder if it was right of me to leave while he was so worked up like this. He had been pacing his room for almost an hour, sighing and rubbing his face while laying curses every once in a while. The frustration and confusion were evident on his face.Just when I am about to attempt to calm him down, the door comes flying open and his father comes storming in. There is a large vein bulging at his neck and temple, and his face was a bright shade of red. I suppose the hell is not over yet.“What in God’s name is the matter with you? At this point, I feel a psychiatric hospital is in order! Sending my men on missions without my permission? And for what? For this stupid bitch? Do you reali
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ROSALINE’S POV: The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the second-most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The first was the face of my daughter, but Damien’s sleeping face was the second. He looked so innocent and harmless when he was asleep that I could not get enough of it. He laid his head on top of my chest with his arm draped over my stomach. His lips were partially parted, and little snores escaped them. I found it funny how this big and fearless man could look so harmless and childlike. It made me wonder what it was like way back when I was a child. As I watched him, I could not help but notice the uncanny resemblance he had to our daughter.Shame they would never meet.A knock came on the door, ruining this peaceful moment. A minute passed, and the knock came once again. I felt sorry for whoever was on the other side because when Damien’s eyelids flew open, they revealed his red, enraged eyes. He muttered something inaudible under his breath, but something told me it
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ROSALINE’S POV:Today is my wedding day. The day every girl dreams about from their teenage years is the day that they have fantasized about every detail and every moment of how it would be spent. But I never did, and even if it was for just a second, I never once fantasized about getting married to my mate, who did not even remember my real name.It was every girl’s dream to get married to their mate, and it was every girl’s dream to have a mate who would treat her and turn her into a queen. But not like this.I never liked this. There was no way in hell I was doing this.This is what I told myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was not even sure if this was my reflection anymore; there was no way that the girl who stared back at me was me. I have never seen a girl so unhappy before. I was covered in layers upon layers of makeup. I appeared almost unrecognizable. The dress I wore started with a crystal white corset that squeezed my torso and pushed out my cleavage.
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ROSALINE'S POV:So here I stood at the entrance of the grand ballroom with a plastered smile and a hole in my heart. I made it look convincing, and I concealed my hurt because I did not want to ruin this day for anyone.Even though this was the day that was supposed to be all about me,But it's also Damien's. I mean, look at him; he looked so happy. His smile was almost reaching his ears, and it only worsened the feeling in my chest. He wore a dashing midnight black suit, and the first three buttons of his shirt were undone as usual to reveal his tanned chest. His striking silver cross hung loosely around his neck, looking attractive as always.The music began, and I could feel the eyes of hundreds of wolves on me. I inhaled deeply to calm my nerves and straighten my back. Setting my eyes ahead, I held my head high and my pride higher as I began to make my way down the altar.My steps were calm and calculated; I made sure to make them as graceful as possible, but all my attention was
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ROSALINE'S POV:His smile shone brighter than crystals as he stretched out his hand for me to take. We stood at the centre of the ballroom, and all eyes were on us.I accepted his hand, and warmth spread up my arm. The music began, and our bodies moved with the beat. My eyes found his, and I got lost in them. Soon the other guests joined us on the dance floor, yet somehow we were the centre of attention.I guess it was to be expected from the bride and groom.Tingles go up my body as Damien tightens his grip around my waist and lays his forehead on mine. A breath leaves his lips, and he shuts his eyes. His voice is a whisper when he says,"I don't know how or why, but it suddenly feels like I am complete. A part of me has been missing for a long time, and now it's finally here, right in front of me. Dancing in my arms."Oh no, don't be romantic now.Something twists in my chest, and I feel tears sting my eyes."I felt the same way the day I saw you again," I whispered to myself, but I
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ROSALINE’S POV: After that, I just told him to go to bed. He needed it. I really did want to tell him that the woman hunting him was his mate, which was me, by the way, but I do not think he was capable of handling that at the moment. I mean, he looked like he was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.But I really did not know what I had hoped to achieve by prolonging telling him the truth. Maybe it was because a very big part of me did not want to; that part of me was scared. scared of things changing, and all this will be over.But then I remember my daughter and how she cannot be deprived of both a father and a mother for too long. I already miss her so much.Thoughts like these went through my mind as I watched Damien take off his suit. I had expected him to go to bed immediately after that, but he did something that had my jaw dropping to the floor. He grabbed my dress by the cleavage and ripped it in half.A gasp left my lips as my boobs sprung free and the dress pooled a
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ROSALINE’S POV:I cannot believe I am back here again.One would think that after my experience during my last visit, I would never step foot here, but here I was. I was standing among the very same people that nearly took my life. Now I am their Luna, and the false respect is suddenly there.What a funny world we live in!The head of the southside village community was an elderly man with what appeared to be a permanent scowl on his face. He was dark-skinned and wore native attire that covered only half of his torso and the lower half of his body. Two built men stood by his side with a scowl similar to his.From the lines on their faces, I could tell that they hardly smiled; it made me curious but also sad.“I heard that you have been here once before your majesty," Rikkard said with a deep voice that nearly shook the room, as well as my composure if I was being honest. But I kept my expression neutral and myself composed. I sat upright and held contact with him from across the tab
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DAMIEN’S POV:“Your majesty, you cannot just leave in the middle of an important meeting!” Geoffrey screeched as he did his best to catch up to me.I have spent hours going from meetings to meetings, and I am already sick of it. It was not because it was boring or anything; I just hated being away from her for too long. It has been over ten hours, and I have not so much as gotten a whiff of her scent; it felt like I was going insane.What was happening to me?This is the longest we have been in two months, and it feels so strange to me; it irks my skin.“I want my wife,” I said with a growl as I stormed up to the orphanage home. I knew she was there now. I do not know how, but I did; I could feel her. Thank heavens, my meeting with the head of the weapon refinery was only a couple of buildings away.“I understand that you miss her, sir, but you still have two more meetings before your activities for the day come to an end; if you leave now, it would put us far behind schedule."“I d
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ROSALINE'S POV:No, this could not be happening.Of all the people to resurface from our past, why did it have to be him? Goddamn Stephen Rickerson.He was the former quarterback of the soccer team in high school during our time and, of course, Damien's best friend.I didn't know they were still close. Fuck!This is bad. This is really bad.His eyes held the same shock as mine, and it was clear neither of us had expected to see each other again, especially not like this.Damien's eyes jumped between the both of us, and I could see the confusion within them. So this is where it all ends, right?"You two know each other?" When Damien asked us, it was obvious he did not like our familiarity, judging by his tone."How can you forget her?" Stephen snapped, and my heart rate accelerated.No, no, no. This is not how I wanted it to end!"You know, that damn accident made me forget a lot of things and people, man. I thought you had reminded me of everything and everyone," Damien said with an a
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DAMIEN'S POV: Rage.That was all I felt as I watched them speak to each other in hushed tones. They were oblivious to my presence right above them; too bad I couldn't hear them.There was this hidden tension between them, and it made me angrier when I did not know why.But that was when a question came up in my mind. Were they lovers?My teeth gnarled, and my grip on the railings tightened. Fuck! Why can't I remember anything about her?Maya… Maya… Maya…That name was so strange and unfamiliar to me that I have no memory of anyone with that name. But her face... I could not deny that her face did look familiar, but that was it.“Why do you think I wouldn’t remember you?”A groan leaves my lips as those words ring in my head. They were my words; I can remember saying that once before. But to whom?So many questions, so few answers.I watched them for only God knows how long; I could not tear my gaze away from my wife. The way she looked so troubled and worried bothered me. What in God
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