All Chapters of The Key To The Heart : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
65 Chapters
Chapter 30
Sophie thought about how ironic the situation was. It was a twist of fate that he was asking that question right at that moment! Months before, maybe even days before, she would have said yes without hesitation. That would have been the perfect course for their relationship—marrying Kevin would have seemed like the right thing, the perfect thing to do.Now, however, it didn't feel right... It was wrong! She couldn't do this to herself or to Kevin. If she said yes, she would be taking a step with no chance of turning back, or at least no chance of returning without causing more serious damage. He didn't deserve to be a consolation prize, a step, a backup plan. He deserved to marry a girl who wanted to be his and his alone.She, on the other hand, deserved the chance to be alone so that, perhaps, she could meet someone, other than Nicholas, who could turn her world upside down in a good way. She wasn't even twenty-seven yet! It wasn't fair to give up on love and simply choose the safe p
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Chapter 31
It was Thursday again, and for the first time, Nicholas was filming a rose ceremony early in the morning instead of holding it at night to be broadcast live on TV, as usual. He, John, the main cameramen, crew members of the show, and contestant Maya Hewitt were set to travel to France later that morning for a weekend getaway, which Maya had won in a quiz about the reality show's protagonist.Nicholas needed to choose another girl to send home, and Britney, Leighton, Dianna, Sugar, and Tina were standing in front of him, anxiously awaiting his decision. It was just the five of them and Maya now, as Ella had made his choice easier the previous week by having a fight with Britney, deeply offending her and almost physically attacking the peaceful girl.Maya was immune due to winning the trip to Paris, but that wasn't a problem because she wouldn't have been among Pierce's choices anyway. She had become undoubtedly the contestant closest to him. It wasn't for nothing that she had answered
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Chapter 32
As they arrived almost at eleven o'clock on Thursday night, all they did was check-in at the hotel, which was extremely fast since the rooms were already reserved, and a five-minute meeting in the lobby itself, just to go over the agenda for the next day with specific instructions for each member of the TV and press team, who in this case were only Sophie and Lauren.Nicholas and Sophie didn't speak to each other anymore. They behaved exactly as if she were just a journalist covering an event, and he, the protagonist of said event. It was like this on the day of the trip and continued this way on Friday, partly because while he visited tourist spots like Notre Dame Cathedral, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and the Invalides Palace with Maya, she remained inside a van with part of the team, including John most of the time, observing everything through monitors and taking notes.Only when they reached the D'Orsay Museum and encountered the need for special authorization for indoor fi
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Chapter 33
After all the day's tours, the team went to a restaurant for dinner. First, Nicholas and Maya dined leisurely, as if on a romantic dinner date, while being filmed as usual. Then the two headed back to the hotel with only one cameraman, who had already eaten elsewhere in the establishment. The rest of the GHShow staff, as well as Sophie and Lauren, were free to have their meals.Sophie had already taken a shower and put on a beautiful white silk nightgown, preparing to sleep, when the phone rang in her hotel room. The receptionist wanted to know if she'd like to be woken up the next morning, and that's when she realized that John hadn't told her anything about the plans for Saturday."I would, yes, but I actually don't know what time I need to be ready. Could you make a call to Mr. John Brener's room for me?" Sophie asked."Unfortunately, ma'am, Mr. Brener is not in the hotel at the moment," the receptionist regretted."And... Mr. Greene?" she asked, hopefully referring to the main ass
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Chapter 34
“Nicholas, is there any chance you ate some kind of pepper?" she suddenly asked.“No. I always make sure to specify no pepper in my food. Unless the restaurant..." he stopped talking because she had switched to the language he didn't understand, addressing Doctor Jacques Abancourt.“I told him that you're allergic to both pepper and penicillin," Sophie returned, finally speaking to Nicholas again. "So he suspects that the restaurant staff might have been careless and added pepper to your dish, even though you asked them not to, considering your clear allergy." "And?" he asked, wanting a solution more than finding out the cause of the problem. The itching in his nose, the roof of his mouth, his throat, his eyes, his ears – it was becoming unbearable. He couldn't stand coughing an
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Chapter 35
On impulse, he brushed away a few strands of hair that were covering her face, and unable to resist temptation, he delicately trailed his fingers across her skin, sighing at the delightful touch of her soft skin, the sight of her small breasts moving slightly with each breath, the fruity scent she left in the air, on the pillow, on the sheets. She woke up from the contact, and as soon as he noticed her eyes opening, he withdrew his hands, but he couldn't take his eyes off her. She blinked a few times, shifting and settling into the soft bed, even closer to him, guided by her subconscious or, as E. L. James would say, by her inner goddess. She locked eyes with the beautiful eyes before her and offered a shy smile, which was immediately returned in kind. "Hi," she practically whispered. Anyone who saw them there, at that moment, would
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Chapter 36
The pale-skinned young man shifted in the soft bed, seeking a more comfortable position. In doing so, his eyes caught the faint morning sunlight filtering through the gap in the curtains. The light roused him, but he kept his eyes closed, wanting to stay cocooned in the embrace of the soft cotton sheets and his head buried in the feathered pillow, a luxurious touch in the upscale hotel room. He reached out, expecting to find a certain enticing brunette with whom he had probably spent the best night of his life, but on the right side of the bed, all he found was emptiness, though the spot was still warm, indicating her recent presence. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the change, and saw her standing by the side of the bed, getting dressed, seemingly oblivious to his awakening. "Where are you going?" he asked, his voice
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Chapter 37
He nodded in agreement and looked around, spotting her robe hanging on a chair. As she picked up her nightgown and panties from the floor and slipped on her flip-flops, he put on his boxer shorts, grabbed the beautiful robe, and walked toward her. Taking the garment from his hands, she hurriedly entered the bathroom, and he finally went to open the door, finding a suspicious and slightly irritated John outside. Even though John found it odd that Nicholas and Sophie had both overslept at the same time, he didn't question the story about his best friend feeling unwell, turning off his phones, and oversleeping because of it. He also pretended to buy into Nicholas's suggestion that Sophie probably hadn't come down because no one had informed her that the meeting was at nine and that she must be a heavy sleeper not to hear the phone ringing. 
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Chapter 38
"I love these two," Sophie said, referring to two sculptures. "They're Michelangelo's Slaves. The Dying Slave here is unfinished... and the Rebellious Slave is this one. They caught the attention of scholars because they represent two completely different behaviors, right? The Rebellious Slave seems to be writhing, while the Dying Slave has a serene expression, as if surrendering."  "There's also intense debate about whether he's really surrendering to death, resigning... or if he's experiencing pleasure," Nicholas added, stopping next to her. "Look at his body's position, how his arm stretches behind his head. And his face? He doesn't make me think of the peace of eternal sleep, but of moments of complete sexual satisfaction." They locked eyes for a few seconds, and she bit her lower lip while he instinctively ran his tongue across his lips. Sensing that Maya was watching them, John mad
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Chapter 39
 "Nicholas, I..." "Sorry. I'm sorry, Soph. I don't want to talk about the past, I... We don't even need to talk, actually. I just want to spend this night with you." He smiled again. "Yesterday was all too fast... We were woken up this morning. I want to spend an entire night with you! Enjoy every second of this night and keep this moment in my memory, even if it's the last moment I'll be able to be close to you, babe. Can we do that?" He asked hopefully. "After all, they say what happens in Paris stays in Paris, right?" Probably, anyone who knew how much Sophie loved Nicholas would expect that she would be disappointed, let down, even sad at that moment with his words. However, not only did she expect something like that, but she also knew where all that speech was coming from. After all, one thing was spending some moments together, a
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