All Chapters of The Alpha's Hidden Baby: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
106 Chapters
Scarred and Broken
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *"How can I help you?" I asked bluntly, trying to hold back my anger.I just hope she doesn't send me on any silly errands this evening, because I would not even consider doing it."I called you here and gave you a job!" She said,Ha! Like she had done me a big favor."Then what? You stabbed me in the back and tried to steal my mate. Where did you even get the guts to betray me? I thought I warned you not to try and betray me?" She yelled.I just remained silent watching her ramble, I was too sad to fight with anyone right now, especially someone as senseless as her."Why are you quiet? Did the cat cut your tongue? Huh? Why did you not say no when he asked you to have sex with him? Do you have any dignity at all? You are so cheap!" She spat.Maybe she was right. Maybe I really have no dignity, maybe I am too cheap.I just stood there and let her rain insults on me. Silence has always been the best answer to a fool, I even doubt that Logan isn't us
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He tried to kiss her
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *I was still watching in amazement as Michael brought out his phone from his breast pocket and dialed a number, then got on a call with someone."Yes, do you think you can have a position for an undergraduate who will be available mainly in the afternoons?.... Yes she's smart and a good friend of mine too."I was flattered. But is he really going to get a job for me so easily? The person hasn't even seen me or asked for my qualifications, so how would they offer me a job over the phone?"Oh alright, hold on a bit, let me know if she's comfortable with that position or if you should find something better."What?Does that mean he already found something over a single phone call?"Hey Crystal, how would you like to work in a library or would you prefer to work as a secretary in an industry? If you're not ok with any of those, I could make more calls.""What? I will take the one at the library," I spoke immediatelyI can't believe he has found me a j
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open the door
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *After lectures were over for the day, it was already 5 p.m. in the evening. Michael and I walked out of the school gate and headed for home, things were still awkward between us ever since he tried to kiss me.I was actually feeling bad about how I had pushed him off, not like I wanted to kiss him but it made me feel ungrateful. I mean he had just found me a job, something I needed desperately and yet I couldn't let him kiss me.But come to think of it, why did he try to kiss me in the first place? What should I make out of this? Does he want us to be more than just friends? Is he in love with me?If so then I am scared that I would end up hurting him, I only like him as a friend. He is very nice and always makes me laugh like he did today, he has made me forget my worries."Crystal, I want to apologize again for today. I should not have done what I did, it's just that I couldn't help it," he finally broke the silence as we walked home.He couldn
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You called me a sex tool
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *"Crystal, do not test my patience, open the door now!" He yelled while banging on the door.Quickly I started to put away everything that belonged to Aidan, throwing them into a large basket. I did not want Logan to come in and see any of that or he would discover the existence of my baby. I discarded everything that could raise suspicions, Logan is quite smart so with any little hint, he could put my whole secret together.I had put everything away just in time before I heard a loud bang on the door and it opened.He had broken the door open. What kind of a man is this? Actually animal!!He walked in and stood staring at me angrily. What does he think he's doing? If there's anyone that should be angry here, it's me. He has no right to be mad at me."Crystal!" He growled. "Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" He asked in a loud voice.I wonder what the neighbors would think if they heard the noise from all this drama. I had been living pea
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Hiding the Baby's bottle with a kiss
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *I thought I was the only one good at lying, but here I found someone who is an expert in the field.Does he really want me to believe his words?Does he want me to trust him again?Does he think I would fall for his lies again?Then he better think again, because that's not going to happen. I have been deceived one too many times to be fooled again in this lifetime, especially from the person of Alpha Logan Stewart.So he wants me to believe that he had only said those words to save me?What do I look like? A fool?"Please tell me that you believe me Crystal, tell me that you see the love I have for you. Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't see it, the feelings are true and it's clearly written in my eyes."Look into his eyes indeed.He knows very well that his eyes are intimidating to me, the moment I look into them, I feel weak and find myself submitting against my will, then he takes advantage of it to make me love him again, only for him
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Running from the City
* * * * Logan's POV * * * * *I walked out of Crystal's house feeling relieved. I am glad that I had settled the issues with her and we were back together on good terms.I have been worried since morning when she did not show up at work and she was not picking my calls either. We had dinner plans today and I was really excited about it but when I did not see her in the evening I had the feeling that something was wrong.I suspected my so-called soon-to-be Luna had done something silly so I decided to confirm by visiting Crystal.On my arrival to the building which I believed was where she lived, I saw her not too far away, she was walking away from the house and I wondered where she was going.I dialed her number so that I could inform her that I was waiting for her back at home but to my surprise, after seeing her phone ringing, she threw it back into her bag, she totally ignored my call and that's when I was certain that there was something wrong.Why else would she ignore my
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Aiden has fallen ill
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *Before I went to bed that night, I called my step parents and informed them that I would come and pick Aidan early in the morning.Once I hear the cockcrow, I will carry my luggages, pick up Aidan and say goodbye to the city. I might never come back here again to avoid Alpha Logan Stewart finding us. I would die before he kills my son.As I went to bed that night, my whole body ached due to the terrible day I had. Logan had really caused me a lot of stress.The next morning when I woke up, I quickly took a bath, got dressed in a simple gown and headed to my step parents house with my luggages.I know they are going to be sad that I am leaving, but I have to go. It's important that I do.Michael tried to call me a few more times the previous night but I had ignored his calls, and at a point switched off my phone.I will call him after I leave the city else he might succeed in making me change my mind.I arrived at my step parents house and for som
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What is your relationship with the Alpha
* * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *I returned from the pharmacy and made Aidan take the drugs. The symptoms of his illness seemed strange to me, if it was what I suspect it could be, then I don't see what could have caused it.Anyways I was not too worried about it, that was the only advantage I saw in being a werewolf, his health would improve quickly.I am sure that in two days he will be very healthy again. I climbed down the stairs and sat on a couch in the sitting room. I was feeling so weak and tired due to the stress last night.I heard some footsteps and noticed it was my stepmom coming down the stairs. I had left them with Aidan up in my room. I guess Dad was still up there with him.My stepmom climbed down and walked to me in the sitting room, she sat down on the couch next to me and faced me.I know she had something to say but I wondered what it would be. I hope she doesn't ask me why I want to leave the city because I do not want to talk about that now."Crystal, I want
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The attack
* * * * * Omniscient Narrator * * * * *Two Days later, it was Monday. Logan had not gone to work, not to his business or school office, he decided to stay at home and rest for the day.Ever since that night with Crystal, he felt that she was still hurt by his words so he decided to give her some space for the meantime.He did not go to her house on Saturday or on Sunday and he did not try to call her either.Although staying away from her made him feel incomplete, he was so used to being around her that two days without seeing or communicating with her took a lot out of his body.To worsen it, his wolf had been very restless. The animal was tired of submitting to his depression, it wanted to be let out and would not let Logan have peace of mind until he did so.Finally Logan couldn't fight it anymore, he couldn't oppose the beast's demand so he decided he was going to let it out.The wolf which he had named Zach was super excited, when he let it know his intention of letting it ou
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She abandoned him
* * * * * Crystal's POV * * * * *It felt like someone was watching me from the woods but whenever I looked in that direction, I saw no one.So I decided to quicken my pace and ignore whoever was there.The highway was quiet today with few cars passing, the sun was up and blistering but yet my body felt cold as the East wind emerged from the woods.I was having this strange feeling and goose pimples were awkwardly all over my body.I don't understand why I feel this way, it's really strange.Suddenly I heard a loud screeching sound behind me, I turned around to see Logan leap into the road just between me and the car that had been trailing behind me.It looks like the car was about to hit me but he blocked it with his body. His strength was able to knock the car to another direction but he also got pushed away by the impact of the strike.He rolled off and before I could see it coming, his hand hit me making me fall to the ground while he rolled forward.The man in the car looked
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