All Chapters of Bound By Her Baby's Bump: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
113 Chapters
"I wouldn't."
Ariana, with a hint of amusement in her voice, directed him, pointing towards the bathroom while instructing him to place his wet clothes in the nearby bucket.Eager to change into dry clothes, Mateo headed towards the bathroom.Mateo swiftly changed into the provided t-shirts and shorts and carefully deposited his damp clothes in the bucket. Stepping out of the bathroom, he was taken aback by the breathtaking sight before him. Ariana stood there, gracefully tying a towel around her chest, with its ends reaching her thighs. Her beauty and allure seemed to have intensified, captivating Mateo's gaze.For a suspended moment, their eyes met, engaging in a silent exchange of admiration and curiosity. Ariana held her gaze, her eyes reflecting emotions. Mateo caught off guard, felt a rush of emotions surge within him. Yet, without a word, he turned and made his way to the living room, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind.Inside the bathroom, Ariana immersed herself in a soothing bath,
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In bed with the Billionaire
Confusion clouded Mateo's face as he sought to grasp her reasoning. "Then why are you offering your bed to me?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and vulnerability.Ariana's gaze met his, her eyes holding steadfast determination. "Because," she responded, her voice laced with sincerity, "you are the father of my baby. I believe in you, Mateo. I trust that you won't do anything harmful to me or our child."Mateo's brows furrowed slightly, pondering her words. He felt emotions swirling within him, gratitude, responsibility, and a glimmer of hope. "So, you're accepting me into your life and the life of our child?" Mateo inquired, his voice carrying a thread of longing.Ariana's eyes darted away briefly, her reply filled with a touch of sadness. "No," she stated softly, "I still need to fight for child custody, Mateo. It's not an easy decision to make."Mateo nodded, his expression reflecting a blend of understanding and acceptance. Deep down, he had hoped for a different response
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Shocking encounter
"Good morning," Mateo replied, his voice filled with tenderness. Ariana took a deep breath, her voice tinged with a touch of concern. "Mateo, I need to talk to you about what Doctor Hannah said a minute ago. She mentioned something about the child's ultrasound and CT scan."Mateo's expression grew serious as he listened attentively. "What did she say, Ariana?" Mateo asked even though he heard.Ariana's gaze softened, her eyes searching for support. "She wants us to come to the hospital for the baby's ultrasound and CT scan. She wants to make sure everything is fine and she said it was today ."Matoe smiled reassuringly and replied, "Don't worry, Ariana. I'll be right by your side. I'll definitely take you to the hospital for the baby's ultrasound and CT scan".Ariana nodded and Ariana slowly rose from the bed, her determination shining through her tired eyes. She made her way to the living room, carrying a heavy weight of responsibility on her shoulders. As she reached for the Cleane
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Heartwarming Ultrasound
Ariana saw an opportunity to bring some semblance of unity to the situation. "Why don't we all sit down and have breakfast together?" she suggested, gesturing towards the dining table.Julia and Mateo nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of this gesture. They joined Ariana at the dining table, the air still laced with tension but also a glimmer of hope.As they sat together, the aroma of the freshly prepared meal filled the room, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. Ariana glanced at Julia and Mateo.With each bite, the tension gradually dissipated, replaced by a shared understanding and a willingness to face the future together, despite the complexities that lay ahead.After finishing their meal, Julia turned to Ariana and asked, "Are you heading to your Fashion home later?"Ariana shook her head and replied, "No, I'm actually going to the hospital with Mateo for the baby's ultrasound. Doctor Hannah called me this morning."Julia smiled and said, "Oh, that's wonderf
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Crashing Down Upon
Mateo's smile widened, filled with a deep affection for Ariana and the unborn child. He responded with a heartfelt assurance, "Doctor Hannah, I will take care of Ariana and the baby. Their well-being is my priority."Doctor Hannah nodded, satisfied with their commitment and determination. She emphasized the significance of their united efforts in nurturing a healthy pregnancy. Her words echoed with a sense of encouragement and responsibility.Once their discussion with Doctor Hannah concluded, Mateo, Ariana, and Julia made their way back to Mateo's car. They climbed in, the atmosphere filled with contentment and eagerness to return home. Mateo took the wheel, ready to drop Ariana and Julia off at Ariana's Fashion home.As they drove along the familiar streets, Mateo turned to Ariana, his voice filled with a gentle concern, "Don't forget to eat a proper lunch, Ariana, and make sure you take your medication. It's important for your health and the baby's."Ariana nodded, appreciating Mat
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My Legacy
"Hey, Mateo! Where are you, man?" Kelvin's voice echoed through the speaker.With a focused tone, Mateo replied, "I'm on my way to the office. Is everything alright?"Kelvin's voice sounded weary on the other end, "I'm so bored, man. Finished all my work, and there's nothing to do. Any suggestions?"A sigh escaped Mateo's lips, realizing he couldn't offer his friend the relief he sought. "Sorry, Kelvin, but I've got heaps of work to tackle today. I won't be able to hang out."Kelvin's voice brightened with a hint of mischief, "Well, how about I come to your office then? Maybe we can figure something out together?"Mateo hesitated for a moment, contemplating the workload before him. He knew he'd have to make time for his friend. "Actually, that might work. I have a few things I need to discuss with you too."Kelvin's excitement was heightened as he declared, "Great! I'll be there in a jiffy. See you soon, buddy!" And with that, the call ended.Upon arriving at his company, Mateo was gr
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I Find That Really Funny
Mateo's voice trembled with love and anguish. "Kelvin, you know how much I love Ariana. I would do anything for her, anything she asks of me. But..." He paused, pointing towards the documents in Kelvin's hand, his eyes brimming with emotion. "I can't do this for her. Never."Kelvin's face softened, understanding the depth of Mateo's conflicted emotions. "Mateo, love can be a powerful force, but there are limits. You can't sacrifice your rights as a father, especially when it comes to the well-being of your child."Mateo nodded. "I know, Kelvin. It tears me apart, but I can't let go of my responsibility as a father. Our child deserves to have both parents in their life, and I won't compromise on that."Kelvin reached out, placing a comforting hand on Mateo's shoulder. "Mateo, I understand the pain you're going through. But remember, love also means protecting and fighting for what is right. You're doing the best thing for your child by standing your ground."Mateo couldn't contain his
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Cruel Thoughts
Kelvin was taken aback when Mateo exclaimed, "it's my mom calling!" Curious, Kelvin replied, "What a coincidence!" Mateo picked up the call and greeted his mother, "Hi, Mom!" Mrs. Hendrix asked Mateo how he was doing, expressing her concern that she hadn't heard from him in days. Mateo reassured her, "I'm fine, Mom. I've just been really busy." Apologetically, he added, "I'm sorry if it seemed like I forgot about you and Dad." Curious about Mateo's medical condition, Mrs. Hendrix inquired, "How's your sperm production going? Did Doctor Hannah say anything?" Mateo replied with a smile, "It's progressing slowly mom, and it's going well. I'll be coming home this evening to talk to both you and Dad about something." Detecting a hint of worry in his voice, Mateo's mom asked, "Is everything alright?" With a calm tone, Mateo assured her, "Yes, Mom, everything is fine. I just need to discuss something with you and Dad."Concerned, Mrs. Hendrix pressed further, "Are you sure you're rea
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That will never happen
Taking a moment to compose himself, Mateo launched into his story, his words flowing with excitement and nervousness. "You remember Ariana, right? The girl I met back in Fashion school, the girl's name I wrote in every part of my book?" he began. "Well, something incredible happened. After years apart, It's as if fate brought us back together, and we reconnected."His parents listened intently, their expressions alternating between surprise and curiosity. "And...?" his father prompted, unable to contain his curiosity.Taking a deep breath, Mateo continued, "Ariana is pregnant, and I'm going to be a father." The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air.For a brief moment, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix were speechless, their minds grappling to comprehend the magnitude of the news. Then, a wide smile spread across Mrs. Hendrix's face, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. "Oh, Mateo!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with happiness. "That's the most wonderful news ever!"Ov
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Never Hurt Us
Ariana stood there, her mind swirling with shock and uncertainty. Julia, sensing her friend's unease, pressed further. "Are you sure that was Mateo's mom?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.Ariana nodded, her voice trembling slightly. "Yes, Julia. It was his mom," she confirmed, her words laced with a hint of disbelief. The weight of the situation began to sink in for Ariana.Julia's eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated the implications. "Mateo must have informed his parents about the pregnancy and Child custody," she suggested, her voice tinged with a touch of apprehension.Ariana's eyes widened slightly as the gravity of the situation became clearer. "You're right," she replied, her voice filled with worry and realization. "Mateo is their only child, and this child I'm carrying is their first grandchild."Julia's words took on a more serious tone as she continued, "What if Mateo's mom wants you to give birth to the child and hand it over to them? The law might favor Mateo in
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