All Chapters of All for the billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
89 Chapters
And you never mentioned anything?
The door clicks open making me whip my head to the entrance. “I came as soon as I heard”. Isaiah’s voice is strained. Gregory finally raises his head to the owner of the voice. I cannot understand the silent communication they have. Isaiah's usual perfectly styled hair is dishevelled. He moves forward standing beside his cousin. His hands clutch the railing of the bed till his knuckles turned white. His eyes are hard but his face shows nothing. This seems to be the reaction of the men in this family, their eyes show their emotions if you look hard enough but their faces show nothing.“Is there anyone you suspect?”. Isaiah breaks the sorrowful silence with a thick Italian accent. Revealing that when he is emotional his accent is pronounced.Gregory opens his mouth and shuts it, just the way a fish would act. He raises his eyes to fix it on me. This time I cannot tell what his eyes say. Isaiah's eyes move to me too. His mind is working out things I cannot understand. The wheels in my
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The room around me is silent. My eyes feel stucked as I try to pry them open. With much effort they fall apart by nano centimeters, my lashes the only thing visible to me. Another effort, and I pry them open wider. There isn't any bright light or white wall, an indication that this isn't a hospital. On further inspection the place looks like my room. There's a dull ache at the back of my head. ‘God what happened to me’. My mind is a bit fuzzy, my body feels heavy. Ivy flashes my mind and with intent I turn my head to the direction of her crib. Something obstructs my view or rather someone. “Good, you're awake”. A sweet baritone voice that I recognize says flatly. Gregory is seated on the bed, his back on the head board, his legs stretched and crossed, one atop the other. He has no shirt on his upper body. A fit sculpture to behold, pleasant to the eye. He has a dark grey sweat pants on. He looks relaxed as he scrolls on his tablet. His eyes briefly scan my face. An expression resem
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Mending bridges
Ellie shuts the door behind her and the room is silent, a very awkward silence on my path. My mind is racing trying to understand what occured here. The man who has been unperturbed by anything concerning me is the one who is here, on my bed, with his legs leisurely crossed as he scrolls through his tablet. What changed? Only few hours ago he was mad that I didn't tell him things, now he is asking for me to be served. My eyes trail over to the side of his face. He looks relaxed, freshly shaven but there's a bit of stress around his eyes. I bet it's from the attack of his father. “Is there any reason your eyes are on me?”. There's no doubt of the slight mockery in his tone, he caught me gawking at the side of his face. You can't blame a girl, scratch that, a woman. This man has been mean to me for months and now he is causally sitting here like nothing happened. “What do you want?”. The question is out of my mouth before I know it. There's no going back since it's out on the table.
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Gregory's POV.The intention that drove me towards her room was to properly scold her for keeping vital information away from me. What came after that I was unprepared for. She jumped out of bed in my presence, her hazel eyes confused and tired. My body welcomes the inviting nature of her room. Ivy is not bothered by my voice. Her head moves to ivy and I use my hands to bring her attention to me. “I thought it was some sick joke….” Her voice grows weaker. She drops forward. My hand works fast to hold her to my chest. She lost consciousness. “Denise”. I tap her pale face with my right hand as I hold her with my left. No response leaves her mouth. She is lightweight and it concerns me. My heart tugs me, it starts thumping erratically in my chest. The doctor, I needed to call the doctor. My brain goes to reset. I manoeuvre her onto the bed then take Ivy to her crib. Ivy lays quietly observing the dimly lit room. My hands go to my pocket in search of my phone. It isn't there, it's in t
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Gregory's POVIsaiah called me up to meet at an abandoned warehouse. I'm guessing it is one of his old warehouses. The area surrounding the warehouse is abandoned. Most of the lights meant to keep the place bright are busted. The only one that is still functioning flickers uncontrollably. The paint of the warehouse is washed out, overgrown grasses by the side giving the entire area an eerie feel. Knowing Isaiah he preferred things this way, Creepy. I can't blame him though. When you lead the kind of life that he does, it has to be so. The doors of the warehouse are sliding doors and it is opened to allow one person in at a time. A single yellow dim light flickers at the very end inside the warehouse. It isn't empty as opposed to what a passerby would think. As my feet move against the concrete floor I hear the occasional whimper. The closer I get the more the silhouette figures become clearer. Two men stand behind my cousin. His trusted bodyguards. Two other men are tied with chains
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Denise's POVI made a decision to go see Paul at the hospital today. Carolina informed he has woken up and is recovering fast. The moment I declared my intention she told me she wanted to come too. It's understandable we care for that man. He has such a sweet soul and a big heart. Since I couldn't leave the house without the permission of Gregory we had to tell him where we were going, specifically Carolina had to tell him where we were headed. After the stunt he pulled some days ago I have avoided him since. Call me shallow but I don't care. He shouldn't be doing that. When Carolina informs him of our visit he instructs us to hold on that he would be joining us, that's not even the big surprise. Ellie is joining us. That unpleasant feeling at the tip of my stomach ignites. “Ma'am, the car is ready”. Carolina helps me with my baby bag as we head to the SUV. I am about to enter when I hear Gregory's voice.“You're not riding with them”. At first I assumed he wasn't talking to me but
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Stop the facade
Denise's POVGregory opens the car door and I slip in. My hands wrapped around my body a layer of protection of some sort. “You can relax, I don't bite”. My head jerks to the owner of the voice. “All though I am good at making good hickeys”. He smirks at me making my heart thud loudly. The driver takes a path that doesn't lead to the house. “ Are you taking another route to the house?” I asked the driver. Gregory beat him in answering. “We aren't going home”. My eyes narrow at him. “You're finally going to do it”. I murmur a bit mortified.“Do what?”. His face gives nothing away. “You're finally going to dispose of me”. Shock crosses his face but it leaves so fast like lightning. He burst into laughter, a deep rumble that set fire in my belly. “I think you watch too many movies on your own”. He chuckles. He moves his body closer to mine, making me shift till my body is fully rested on the door and there is no escape for me. He moves his mouth to my ear, his lips grazing my ear.
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Gregory's POVHer body movement shows how unsure she is of me and this entire situation. New light has made me see that she most probably is not part of what happened. My heart tells me she's not. But my treacherous mind says otherwise. It is a fight for logic of the heart. Even with the impending circumstances I am drawn to her, my wife, the mother of my first child. Her delicate features prove how incapable she is of hurting me. Even without remembering the night we met and how she got in my bed it is easy for even a daft person to perceive how she found herself on my bed. If we were being honest, which I will not reveal to her, not yet anyway, her lying with me must be all my doing. The moment it dawned on me that she couldn't be the one, I've been acting all weird. Lying on her bed, looking into her soft hazel eyes, forcing her to ride with me. Creating all means to be close to her. Now I have successfully forced her to have dinner with me. If Isaiah could see me right now he wo
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Crash landing on you
Denise's POVI have grown tired, tired of everything and everyone. When Gregory called me little bird a huge load crushed me. It brought back memories of the nice way he treated me. The sweet nothings he would whisper in my ear. Words he would say before he went on the trip that changed the course of things for the worse.Little bird was a big trigger. How he could sit there and call me little bird without an inkling of understanding what it meant to me, to us. Messing with my head like I hadn't been through enough already. I had accepted my fate of being unlucky. I had accepted my fate that my daughter would be taken away from me because I didn't have the power to fight it. No matter the determination I had, I already sealed my fate with the contract, I had accepted it. No matter how much I had tried to conjure possibilities, faith and what not. Deep down in my subconscious I knew the outcome. I knew it like I knew my very name. Then he comes up and calls me a little bird just like
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An excuse to party
The dull ache at the back of my head has reduced since I woke up. My intention was to speak to Gregory once I woke up. Unfortunately he left early for work. Things need to be straightened out. Last night was a night full of many emotions which I shouldn't have acted on. Ra tat tat, a rapping comes from behind my door.“Come in”.. “Good day ma'am. Miss Frederick is here” My eyes widened in shock, Rosie is here!. I assumed she won't be in town till next week. The rate at which I dashed off bed almost gave the help a heart attack, she is quick to recover though. My steps are quick as I rush towards the living area. “Rosie”. I yell, forgetting decorum, lunging unto her frame. If not for her firm stance we would have toppled over. Rosie's laughter fills the room. “Not the reaction I was expecting, but….. I am happy to see you as well”. She holds me firmly like her life depended on it even though she seems nonchalant she missed me as much as I missed her. She places a kiss on my te
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