All Chapters of The Dork and the Diva : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 Chapters
This is not going to be good
Arizona opened his eyes, feeling Areum's soft breathing on his neck. His skin tingled and he hummed in satisfaction of having his wish fulfilled. She's definitely going to be shocked and panicked she slept out and he didn't want her to go through all that. But then, she has to wake up. It's almost time for school. Rather than calling her to wake her, he began printing butterfly kisses all over her face. She stirred a bit, a whine leaving her lips as she pried her eyes open. They immediately met with Arizona's who didn't allow her to talk before kissing her lips, "Good morning,my heartbeat." Areum smiled, lazily draping her arms around his waist, "Morning." "Guess who slept overnight." Arizona chuckled teasingly. She yawned, "I did." A second after she said that, her eyes widened and she sprang up, "Fuck!" She exclaimed and Arizona rolled into a fit of laughter. She shot him an annoyed look before grabbing a pillow a
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Kanye rose from his seat as the obviously unwanted guest gaped at him. He said to Arizona, "I'll call you." and he began to walk away but stopped when he felt a hand holding his arm. His jaws clenched, "Let go of me, Susan." He spat, utmost contempt dripping off his voice. Susan stared at her first son with tear filled eyes, "Kanye..." He jerked his hand off her hold and dusted the spot she'd held, "Next time, don't touch." He said to her coldly. Susan stared at him, "Didn't you even miss your mother?" Arizona rolled his eyes and Kanye chuckled, "You're not worth remembering in fact." " Harsh but true. "Arizona chimed, shutting his laptop and standing up. " I hate the fact you made me feel like a bad child who hates his own mother but I don't give a damn anymore! You don't deserve our love and that's it! Stop pretending you regret your actions. We all know you don't." Kanye's words were stingy. Ariz
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"Are you okay?" Arizona asked, dropping his pencil. Areum nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." Arizona raised a suspicious brow, "Really? Just tired? Doesn't seem so. Come on, tell me." Areum sighed, "I'm just tired. Practice at Melody Institute hasn't been easy and I'm too busy studying for the exams." Arizona pursed his lips cutely, "I'd like to believe that's it." Areum smiled, "Thanks." and she continued with the assignment they were working on. Arizona knew it's more than that but didn't want to pry. Could it be... They finished their homework in a comfortable silence and soon left the café, walking side by side on the dimly lit street, fingers interlocked. "Riel came to say sorry. "Areum suddenly began, cutting through the gentle silence. "Did she? How was it?" Arizona asked. "It was good. But also weird. It's been a while and I'm just finding it hard to believe she left so pettily and is no
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Soul mate
As the weeks passed, the days seemed to blur together. Time seemed to move faster and faster, until the month had come by in the blink of an eye. "Damn! What if I fail?! I won't get into a good college, Areum!" Areum rolled her eyes along with Indie," We've gone over this 6 times, Kanye. You can't fail! Geez! "Areum groaned. Indie smirked," You'll fail if you wrote rubbish anyways. " Kanye pursed his lips and hit her head playfully, making her yelp with a giggle." Are you joining tomorrow Areum? We're going to a café to study for Monday exams. " Indie asked Areum yet before she could reply, Kanye spoke," Of course she is! " Areum rolled her eyes," I'm studying with Arizona. " Kanye casted her a sidelong glance," Yay! My best friend is snubbing me for her boyfriend! Ain't that so cool? " Areum groaned, knowing he's not going to stop anytime soon," Don't start, Kanye. " " Yea. I know he's more important, duh. " Ka
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A tale of the beauty and the nerd
🎶 She was a queen on the stage,But her heart was locked in a cage.He was a geek with a mind so bright,And he saw her true beauty, that night.She never thought she'd feel this way,But their love grew stronger each day.Their story became a legend told,Of a diva and a nerd, so bold.Their love was strong, without a doubt,Their song will live on, that's no doubt.Oh! Her heart was filled with glee,As she found love with the geek, you see.He was her prince charming so true,And she was his beauty, it's true.Their love grew stronger each passing day, 🎶 Like a flower in bloom, it's said they say.It was a love that went quite far.A tale of beauty and the nerd,Is one that should always be heard.🎶 But her heart began to quiver,Fearful that her love would shiver.What if the world saw not their bliss?What if her love was met with his?She worried that it wouldn't last,That their love would come to pass.But the nerd, he held her close that night,Reassuring her, with all hi
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A tale of the beauty and the nerd
Arizona drove into the already filled parking lot. He soon found a parking space and he parked his car. He unfastened his seat belt and proceeded to alight the car but stopped when he noticed Areum sat still. "Areum? "He called gently and she snapped out of reverie, turning to look at him." You good? " " I'm nervous. " She admitted, her face flushing. Arizona smiled at her and reached out to stroke her cheeks," I'm here. Don't be. Okay? I know you're going to blow their minds in there. Just be confident, okay? " Areum sighed and nodded. " And besides, you don't have to win. You can just lose and then I'll have you all to myself, singing for me all day and all night long. How about that? "Arizona asked teasingly, wiggling his dark arched brows at her. She laughed," Selfish you. " Arizona chuckled and pulled her closer to kiss her forehead tenderly, " Come on. Let's go. " . . The seats were still quite v
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The Nerd's girlfriend
He looked up and the two locked gazes. Blue meets grey. Arizona was the first to look away. Of course, he should have expected Kanye. The MF is definitely gonna come to cheer his best friend on. "Ari, this is my best friend, Kanye. Kanye, this is Arizona, my boyfriend." Naive Areum introduced the two. Arizona didn't say anything. He merely shook his head at Kanye. Kanye smirked, "Nice to meet you, Arizona." Arizona eyed his twin brother, who laughed a bit, looking at Areum," Your boyfriend is so cute. " He said, teasing Arizona. Areum glared," Shut up!" She held Arizona's arm, "Don't pay too much attention to him, Ari. He's that playful." Arizona only nodded with a little smile." Why don't we all hang out? To celebrate Areum? "Indie suggested happily. Areum blushed a bit," Let's not celebrate so much yet, Indie." "No beautiful. That song was heart touching. I'll murder those stars if they don't give
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All that matters
"Don't you ever, call me a bitch!" Areum growled. By this time, more students had come to watch the exchange, some taking videos and pictures. They know Areum is a NO NONSENSE girl so Luella won't escape her wrath. "I love Arizona, okay? More than anyone would ever love you. I would never do this to him. To us! You don't even have a lover so how would you know how it feels?" Areum scoffed and some aqstudents laughed, jeering at an embarrassed Luella. Areum flipped her hair before adding "Don't try this with me again, Luella. And please, stop claiming to be his best friend. You don't worth being seen with him, in fact. A real best friend would never try to sabotage her best friend's relationship because she's bloody jealous!" Again, the students gasped, "So she likes Arizona too?" "Ew! " " she's not even as pretty as our Areum. " "I bet she did this to them in fact. " " What a friend! " The comments and murmurs made Luella flush in disgrace. Damn!
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Too much to bear
"In a nutshell, the French Revolution period started because of factors like financial crisis, political instability, influence of... Areum!" Areum jumped with a startle before pouting at him, "Don't yell at me. How would I understand?" "I wasn't yelling, love. You were asleep." Arizona spoke, returning the pout. "It's boring." Areum whined, placing her head on his shoulder. Kanye scoffed, "Don't be naughty." "I hate exams. I wish we could just enter into college without all of... This!" Areum said, gesturing at the mess of books before them. Indie and Riel were working silently. None of them found these exams easy but they're inevitable. Almost immediately, Areum's phone rang,distracting Riel who frowned, "Told you to switch it off earlier." "Sorry" Areum grinned, knocking over a stack of books as she walked. Her friends gave her looks of annoyance but also worry. She giggled a bit nervously as she eventually exit
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He's her man anyways
CRYSTAL ACADEMY CLASS C. As the days passed, the students began to feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Graduation day was fast approaching, and they were eager to celebrate their accomplishments and move on to the next stage of their lives. It was the last days of school, and the students were in full-on party mode. They giggled and gossiped, reminisced about the past, and talked about their plans for the future. They knew that soon their days as students would be over, and they wanted to savor every moment. Areum sat with her friends in the classroom and they gossiped and joked. Other classmates littered around, chatting cheerfully. The dark-skinned one among them, Sofia, asked, her voice loud and boisterous, "What are we going to wear for our prom?" "Daddy promised to have Ralph Lauren design my dress. I'm so excited!" Riel shrieked, making her friends awestruck and they cheered. "So cool, I'll get Zara to
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