All Chapters of Wolf in the Dark: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31: Hit
Several eyes turned to Enora as the surrounding group got quieter. Wilson turned to usher them away, "If you're not involved, keep it moving guys! Come on!" "They must have not seen when you escorted her out days ago sir, but we didn't crack. Not even Rick," Mina finished, pulling out a tissue to wipe her nose. "I knew you wouldn't. Now take a breath, start from the beginning," Victor answered, patting her arm. "Yes, sorry. We patrolled her building and surrounding area from twelve to five pm as usual and waited for the next car to come around. Once they checked in, we made our way back here when they intercepted. They must have not been watching the building before we got there, otherwise they would have followed the two before us." "That makes sense, that area becomes more populated by noon. Make it easier for him to blend in," Gil added. "Three guys get ahold of us and start the fight. Rick and I weren't doing too badly because we managed to get one guy down, but then anoth
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Chapter 32: True
On their way back to the apartment, Victor had managed to ease her worry over what happened. The updates from Gil and Wilson were positive, and he assured her Mina and Rick wouldn't put blame on anyone; they weren't the type. And if that wasn't enough to convince her, he would go around asking people their honest opinions on her. She hit him again as they entered, "Stop! That would be beyond embarrassing!" "I'm joking, I'm joking. I have to get that frown off of your face somehow," Victor replied, lightly pinching the corner of her mouth with a grin. A chime on his phone interrupted his next words and hardened his expression. "I have to go take care of something, but what I was going to suggest, was that we get comfortable and stay in. I won't put this off anymore, I'm sure it's been bothering you." "Kind of. More confusing if anything, but thanks. I'll be here, so you hurry back," she answered with a smile. "You got it." There was an unusual quiet to the room when he left, and
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Chapter 33: Pensive
AT THE CAFE The familiar aroma of coffee, sweets, and flowers created an instant dose of dopamine for Enora that morning as she sat in her favorite spot in the café. Having work to distract her from her messy behind-the-scenes life never failed to help her focus and solve problems. A current problem being the gnawing nagging in her gut that a dire event was on the horizon; excluding the war that Bianchi would set a day for any time now. Something was to happen that would put her in mortal danger, but she couldn't let Victor know this. He had insisted on dropping her off every morning to scope out the place even though it had been a safe haven thus far; she could only imagine how he would act with this new development. Besides, there was a chance the feeling would go away. "What are you thinking about?" Lilla asked, sliding into the seat across from her. "Nothing much, a lot on my mind. Things to do at home." "Yeah, I can't get anything done when I'm sick either. I'm glad you ac
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Chapter 34: Unexpected
The next morning, Enora was a bundle of nerves as she waited for Matteo at the café. It wasn't as though they had never hung out before, they had even traveled together. They were friends. So, why was she wondering if he still defined them that way? It could be because she felt guilty for not telling Victor, but it would have started an argument about why being out in the open was a bad idea–that it was too big a risk, and then there was his jealousy. He hadn't met Matteo–their schedules could never line up, so she was sure he would have an issue with him. "He's so ridiculous," she said with a chuckle. "Who's ridiculous?" Gil asked, leaning on the counter. "Hey, I didn't hear you come in. I was talking about Victor." "I'm pretty stealthy you know," he grinned. "And what did Victor do now?" "Nothing yet. I was thinking about why I didn't tell him I'll be out today. You'll be following us the whole time and I doubt we're going anywhere suspicious or abandoned." "Yeah, he does hi
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Chapter 35: Reveal
To say she was shocked would be an understatement; this was beyond comprehension. Alarms were going wild inside of her while her emotions went all topsy-turvy. "I know you felt a connection with me before, which paves the way for a chance at a future. Things are looking positive." "Wait, wait, wait," she interrupted, gently pushing him away to gain breathing room. "Number one, I'm with someone and I've never mentioned being unhappy with him." "You didn't have to. I've seen a change in you lately, and his lack of acknowledgment in our conversations, points to the obvious," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "No because number two, we agreed long ago that friendship was all we had, so for you to swoop in because there are bumps in the road is a d*ck move. And I don't see you in that way. You know this." He chuckled, "Then I'll be an *sshole, makes no difference to me because I already know we're going to be together. Let's continue on our stroll," He roughly linked her arm with hi
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Chapter 36: Suffocating
An invisible force compressed her chest, shortening her breath and closing in. The lines of his face morphed, distorting into sharp angles and wider shapes–into a monster. Shutting her eyes, she turned away again and willed the sight to vanish. "It made me stronger–different in a way I would've never deemed possible. And if it enhances a normal shifter, then think how enhancing a rogue's blood could have more benefits. We could eradicate the fear of rogues and even their existence! Do you understand how amazing this could be?" he explained, bringing his hands up to cup her face. She could feel her body crumbling within itself as she shook her head in disbelief; he was deranged. She had to get out of here before he made any rash decisions. "I do understand, but this is... it's too much," she began, forcing herself to tear up. "Oh, shh..." he soothed, rubbing the back of her neck. "I knew this was a lot to handle. We'll have more time to talk about this over dinner." A spike in her
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Chapter 37: Decided
They pulled apart and he pecked her lips again with a contented sigh, "Forgive me, I'd been holding myself back the whole day, but temptation won out." "I un–understand. Th–that's ok," she stuttered as real tears waited to emerge. "Until next time. I'm sure you'll make the right choice." "Me too." Outside the car, her nails dug into her palms in a painful pinch, and she waved goodbye–watching until his car rounded the corner before going inside. Putting on the fakest smile she could manage, she approached the counter and greeted Lilla. "Oh, you're back! Did you have a nice time?" "Yeah, it was great hanging out with Matteo. Unfortunately, something I ate did not agree with me, so we left a little earlier." "That sucks. Are you going home now?" "Yes, I'm sorry to spring this on you." "Girl, it is not a problem. Rest up and I'll talk to you tomorrow." Enora gave her a genuine smile this time, "Thanks. You're the best Lilla." With stiff movements, she made her way to Gil's car
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Chapter 38: Marked
With an unreadable expression, he stared at her intently, placing a hand to her forehead as he spoke, "Are you running some kind of fever? Because you can't be serious." "Huh? Why not? Hear me out Vic, please," she begged, hands shyly tugging on his tie. "Fine, why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?" "I wouldn't say it's sudden, we've talked about this before, and I never said I didn't want to–rather, it was a conflicting decision. But now I'm sure because of Bianchi." Anger crossed over his face, puffing up as he answered, "Don't tell me this is for that b*stard because I–" With a quick kiss, she interrupted his heated words and nudged him to sit back, arranging herself onto his lap to wrap the comforter around them both. Habitually, they pressed their foreheads together and she massaged his shoulders. "Qin'ai de, let me finish. This is not for Bianchi, he only made me realize why I should. He sort of has an upper hand here, and although I have the utmost faith in you,
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Chapter 39: Effects
The next day was as Victor had warned: tender and unfamiliar. Moving her body proved to be a mistake, as it was weighed down by soreness and a hyper awareness of the numbing sensation from the mark. Along with other little things, like knowing that Victor was in the bathroom before she had even fully woken up, and seeing everything with a new sharpness, it was throwing her for a loop. "This is super weird," she uttered aloud, placing her hand on her neck. "That's normal to feel for the next few days," Victor said, sitting beside her. "Are you uncomfortable? What can I do?" "It's uh, I'm not sure how to describe it. And I don't need anything right now, thanks. How are you feeling?" The genuine beam of joy he produced fluttered her heart. "The best I've felt in a while. I wiped the floor with everyone in training this morning. After all the teasing, of course." "This morning? What time is it?" "It's two forty-five." "PM?! You should've woken me. What about work?" "I texted Lill
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Chapter 40: Intensity
THE NEXT DAY AT LOTUS HEADQUARTERS "You aren't trying to go back on your word, are you?" Enora questioned, hands on her hips. Victor looked away, trying not to pout, "No, but I don't think you're at one hundred percent, so maybe stay the extra day and go over on Sunday." "Victor, we're having a girls' night in. The craziest thing I'll probably do is dance and sing during karaoke, so stop worrying. I'll be back Monday after work." "Why not Sunday?" "Nadine already offered to drive me to work in the morning. We've been over this." He grumbled under his breath as he went into the walk-in closet to get dressed, and she couldn't hold back a snicker at his expense. She counted herself lucky that he wasn't truly upset, or it would have been troublesome to reconvince him to let her leave. Her friends' homes had been scouted multiple times since the whole ordeal began and no suspicious activity had ever been spotted there, so it was safe to say Bianchi hadn't bothered with them. A though
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