All Chapters of Prince from the Other Side: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11: Stellar
I was practically vibrating as I strapped on my borrowed Gibson for the Stellar Lounge show two nights later. I was standing side by side with Sy in front of five dozen actors, comedians, influencers, television personalities, and other assorted famous faces, all assembled in the absurdly large living room of a celebrity late-night comedian's London home. The stir of chatter was dying away: attention was shifting toward us. It was almost time. And somehow, I wasn't afraid. Because I knew what Sy and I could do together. He was wearing his usual dark t-shirt and jeans, and I had smoothed my silver hair into a long, wide ripple around my shoulders. I wore my favorite concert costume: a diaphanous gown of light, floaty blue material that shimmered around me like a cloak made of summer sky. We were an odd match, visually. I saw famous people raising their famous eyebrows in impatient skepticism. But I didn't care. Because I had Sy beside me. And we had our magic.We'd been rehearsing—c
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Chapter 12: Untouchable
The ritzy hotel around the corner didn't even ask for our names when we checked in. Sy passed them an embossed black business card to the receptionist and told them to call for billing. No questions were asked. Card keys were handed over. The gleam and elegance of the hotel slipped around me like another element of the enchantment. Too perfect to be real. Untouchable. Except that he was beside me. And this was very real. Very touchable.The air in the elevator seemed to buzz between us. My mortal flesh was electric with desire. But there was one thing I needed to get out of the way."Sy," I said, turning the sound of his name over on my tongue. Names were precious things in the hands of our people. He must feel the intention I put into his name—the authenticity. And he did: I could tell by the way those fierce dark eyes turned to me, I knew he was listening in that way only fae could."What is it?" His voice was tight, half-breathless. "I haven't—" With the air singing between u
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Chapter 13: Power and Pleasure
My body tensed around him, wanting past the pain of it. He eased further, and my back arched suddenly, my heartbeat racing against his as our chests pressed together. He eased backward. I exhaled as he slid out, my body settling around the after-echo of that soft new thrill. And in the next moment, he thrust with force that jarred my tailbone against the countertop. I felt my gut retract and clench, a visceral pressure as my body tightened around him and a scream of delight and surprise exploded past my lips. My scream muffled against his deep kiss, tongue quick and hungry against my teeth. His hand in my hair tightened, pulling my head back and baring my neck for more of those rough, perfect kisses. His body worked slow and deliberate against mine. I felt muscles roiling, sliding further inside me. Inch by inch. His kisses seared against my throat, against the bottom of my jaw as I threw my head back in agonized pleasure. His hips moved faster, now faster, now harder and har
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Chapter 14: Allegiance
I opened my eyes to pale yellow sunlight: the summer day blooming through the huge hotel windows. For a moment it was as if I were back on my rooftop, looking out over the bright blur of the city. But no. This view of the city had a lot more money to it than the one from my building. The towers blazed in bright steel and glass. The river shone blue. And I lay in a tangle of sticky sheets and skin, my body just about humming with contentment. The scent of sweat and pleasure hung heavy on the air. I felt Sy's tensely muscled chest against my back and his slow, sleeping heartbeat thrumming against my spine. I turned carefully, trying not to wake him, and fitted myself against the warm security of his body.How could I dare to be happy in this moment? This deep, shameful thing I'd done? I should be scouring my skin in scorching water, washing all traces of Unseelie away from me. But I didn't want to do that. I wanted to touch and cradle Sy, to let our shared magic and the thrill of our
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Chapter 15: Face the Music
I half-stumbled out of the cab outside my apartment building, feeling all the fresh soreness blooming through my body. My breasts, my thighs, and most of all between my legs. But it was a sweet, clear soreness that felt precious even as my body twinged on its way up the stairs. The pain was mixed up in memories of such tremendous pleasure…Just the memory made me catch my breath. But I almost screamed when I opened the door, and Tony and Cass charged me with looks that might have been joy and might have been fury on their faces. They both hugged me, hard, blabbering into my ears to either side as I tried to protect the most bruised parts of me. "Oh jeez, thank g*d," Cass's voice rushed hot against my ear. "When you vanished from the show, we were so scared, we thought something happened—!""We've been on the phone with people all night, we didn't sleep," sputtered Tony. "But you're here and you're okay and—Hester. What happened to your face?""My face?" I reached up to touch my ow
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Chapter 16: War Drums
Lord Raelen stood cold and austere, glaring down at me with silver fey-fire eyes from his almost superhuman height. The noble lines of his face were taut with rage. Among my scattered laundry and dehydrated air plants, he looked like a high fantasy actor who'd wandered onto the wrong movie set. But there was nothing phony about this, about the rich magical fury crackling like static electricity on the bedroom air. I closed the door quietly beside me, bowed my head, and curtsied low. I felt my uncle's rage stinging against my skin. I could not defend myself from that kind of power, even if I were bold enough to try. "Explain," boomed my uncle, thunder in his voice. I did not look up at him. "I cannot, uncle.""I do not have the words to tell you what folly, what utter foolishness and treachery—" He couldn't even finish his tirade, drawing in a sharp breath. The air flickered with fury. "If you cannot be trusted with a mortal body, a mortal and independent life, then we shall just
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Chapter 17: Windfall
I crumpled, hugging my knees to my chest, turning off my phone, and tossing it onto my bed. I sat there, mind whirling with the aftermath. What the hell did I think I was doing? I knew how I felt. I could admit it to myself, even if I couldn't to anyone else. And what about my career? I should be creating music, devoting myself to art—what did it matter if I made it big or not? There was a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Hey, Hester?" It was Cass, tentative but obviously excited. "You good? I thought I heard you talking to somebody.""Just the phone," I said, gulping down the lump in my throat. "Thanks for checking.""Are you, ah, up to look at something right now?""Sure. Come on in."Cass peeked around the door, a laptop balanced open on her forearm and her face radiant with enthusiasm. "So now that we know you're like alive and everything, I finally went back and checked my business email to catch up on stuff from last night and…"She turned the computer, angling it so I co
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Chapter 18; House Call
For two weeks, I thought I was safe from myself. There were those fancy lunches and fancy dinners, the open amusement and fascination by the record execs that I brought my roommate and her brother to those fancy meals, and even greater fascination when I turned down their proffered managers and told them in no uncertain terms that I was sticking with the excellent manager I already had. When I signed, it was with a label that didn't raise their eyebrows at that. Suddenly we were scheduling studio time, and Cass was in meetings and on the phone what seemed like 24/7 to set up a European and American tour. These wouldn't be stadium set-ups, but smaller venues: rock clubs and more boutique performance spaces, where the beer on tap was local and the sound guy was a local college kid. In a few months, I would be on the move. And there was plenty of buzz; I surrendered my social media to Cass as suggested by the label and watched my calendar fill up with interview dates and podcast appeara
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Chapter 19: An Understanding
I seriously considered just not going up there. It would have been so easy—or at least, far simpler and safer—to keep sitting here in my mess of a room, reviewing interview notes, pretending that I hadn't heard what Toby said. But now Sy's presence was a pressure on my thoughts; I couldn't read my notes without the flash of dark eyes catching at my imagination. I smiled involuntarily, biting my lip. I couldn't ignore this. Or at least, I wouldn't find any kind of peace of mind. Who was I kidding? Sy and I were bound together, somehow. Was that what love was, here in the mortal world? Something you clung to, rather than drifted away from in a long eternity? I had no idea. I'd never been in love in Faerie either. The trouble was…what if this was all just some strange fluke of magic? Seelie and Unseelie mingling on the mortal plane. Who knew what havoc that could cause? Was this the reason Seelie stayed away from Unseelie instinctively stayed away from each other? This…madness?I pic
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Chapter 20: The Good Stuff
Sy uncanceled his American tour, with a proviso: it was going to be OUR tour now. Side by side, he said as we lay in the sun-drenched haze of a suite in the nearest luxury hotel. I was coiled under deliciously smooth blankets, tucked against the firm heat of his ribs, reading over his shoulder as he typed out typical, curt, Sy-ish texts to his manager, his agent, his producer. He didn't ask; he stated. Tour is back on. Hester is headlining with me. Make it happen. As he typed, I focused on the pleasant thrill of the magic lingering on our skin: that golden feeling was like the slick of sweat, but if sweat felt how candy tasted. It's hard to put magic into human terms; that's part of the reason fae make such excellent poets and singers and storytellers. We have senses that reach to truths humans don't even know they're dreaming of.Sy put down his phone, screen down, on the sheets. His arm snuggled around me, fingers winding into my silvery hair. "It's done," he whispered beside my
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