All Chapters of DON IVAN PETROV: Claimed By The Alpha Don: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
~~CECILIA~~The way Petrov's eyes widened as the words left his mouth was almost comical.Guess he didn't mean to say that. But he recovered from his shock in seconds, and replaced it with a deep scowl.I got out of the pond, water dripping from my body and didn't miss the way his eyes glistened as he took in my sight, from head, to my breasts where they stayed for several minutes before moving to my stomach.And it was weird- but I could swear his gaze softened and the side of lips tugged a little as he stared at my belly.I stretched my hand and took a towel from the chair to cover up my body.Enough with the gawking.Although I was doing a gawking of my own because...who could ever get used to staring at this?I shook my head defiantly.Don't admire the devil Cecil. Do not admire the devil."I already asked them to prepare something for you, so you can go upstairs for some breakfast." He said, and his soft tone surprised me."Thank you."He didn't say another word. Only put his han
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I frowned, because surely they are kidding me.What makes them believe that I can make Don Petrov lose his guard with me?That I'm that special?Somehow she must have noticed my expression because she chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder."Trust me Cecilia, you have what it takes." I shook my head, "No I don't think I do. Haven't you met him? Plus he hates my guts.""Does he?" The masked man whispered, sarcasm dripping from his words.His voice sounded vaguely familiar, just a little.Or maybe I'm just imagining things."Yes he does.""Listen Cecilia," she grabbed my hand, shaking it desperately, "Listen to me very attentively. In this country, Mafias are the cruellest men known on earth. Any creature who is bought as a slave by them would rather go through literal hell, because it's a fate worse than hell. Slaves are nothing. They sleep out with the dogs, are used, raped by their owners whenever it pleases the bastards. They don't have a will."My stomach turned violently and I
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~~IVAN~~The shrill ring of my phone cut through the stillness of the room, and I swiftly reached for it. Brent's name flashed on the screen, and I answered the call."Hey asshat," he called, sounding out of breath. "You just what for a run? Can I know why you are calling me this early in the morning?""I have news for you so I think you better come down here for this.""What's the matter?" I inquired, my voice carrying a sense of urgency. Brent sighed, "I followed up on our man from Ka Corpe personally and I managed to get some shit out of him. However Ivan..."I raise my brow at the drastic change in his time. "We don't wanna risk his life so we need to ensure he's covered and looked after. We can't risk La corpe finding out about this and dealing with him.""Here's a thought," I said, dragging myself out of my bed, "why won't he kiss them goodbye for good. He can join our undercover men."What on earth was I saying?"You know that's risky as hell Ivan. And he's more useful over
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~~CECILIA~~"Does it have to be that close to the bed?" Alistair whined for the hundredth time in the last five minutes and as always, I ignored her and kept my focus on the crib I was re-arranging.For some reason, Ivan had decided to just change the crib he got earlier. Not that I could complain because this second one was way bigger and more beautiful and I had insisted that I want it attached to my bed.Which Alista objected to but who cares?"I love how excited you are about this baby." She whispered sitting on my bed as I finished attaching the last piece.I stand up and wipe away the beads of sweat on my forehead with my sleeve."I have to be excited. My baby is the only family I have left and I can't wait to have them here."She smiles, "You are going to be a very great mother."I do not know about that. I was never prepared to be a mother but I would definitely try my best to be one."Thank you Al.""I hope you do not mind me asking but....who is the father?"My heart drops a
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~~CECILIA~~Although it was dark, I could see the smile on the man's face as I laid out my condition but he said nothing.They both said nothing.I huffed out in frustration and stumped my feet rather childishly, not that I cared. If they want my help, if they want me to do this, then I am in a place to make demands. And this is the least they could choose to do."I am very serious," I said, breaking the annoying silence, "this is what I'm going to get in return.""How are you sure…that your brother is not dead?" The girl asked, folding her hands. Tonight she was just wearing a black short gown and her hair down her shoulders."How am I sure that he's not alive? That's why you guys have to help me out here. If he's alive I want to find him. If he's not …." My breath hitched a little because that was something I didn't want to imagine now, "if he's not alive I want to confirm too, just as a closure. So do we have a deal?""Never expected you'd be asking for something in return," the ma
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~~CECILIA~~Luckily, Ivan didn't say a word to me as he ate the pasta I made him. I had to applaud his courage and endurance because I took a bite of the mess, and I had to shove the plate aside because the food was the opposite of bad.I wanted to feel bad for him, as he shoved spoonfuls and spoonfuls into his mouth without even wincing, but I couldn't.I enjoy knowing that I could make him suffer, even though this was unintentional.Once he finished the food, he pushed the plate aside and wordlessly left the room while I stifled a laugh.Yeah, that should serve you right psycho.Although it was sweet, very sweet that he endured the horror I had presented on a plate, just so he wouldn't hurt my feelings and…Sweet???I shook my head with a frown. It's not sweet. There's nothing sweet about the bastard. Nothing at all.I am not dumb and I'm not a child. I know damn well that this overnight softness has an ulterior motive behind it. And I ain't falling for that.I made a toast for myse
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~~CECILIA~~When he drew away, the look he gave me sent a yummy jolt straight in between my legs. His eyes were dark as he stared at me, and nostrils were flaring."Cecilia…" he growled. I love the way he said my name. I realised tightening my grip around his neck and pressing closer so I could feel the rasp of my hard nipples against his bare chest.He closed his eyes and took in a harsh breath, then opened them again. But this time when he looked at me, it was with amusement. Gone was the fire, the desire that was there just a few seconds ago- and replaced with mockery.He was mocking me. Oh God.But why not? I had practically come into his room and jumped him…same man I vowed to hate.But who could blame me anyways?"You couldn't control yourself anymore?" He said- voice laced with amusement.Shame slammed into me quickly and I dropped my arms from his neck, pushing away from him but he held me in place with the arm that was still around my waist."Fuck you!" I spat- my chest hea
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~~IVAN~~DECEMBER 25TH, 2013.It was Christmas. The one day that Ivan ever got a little bit of relief in the cell. The only day he didn't have to be cut, so they could take his blood samples, or have needles piercing through his skin every single hour- or forced to do unnatural stuff.Because it was Christmas, and the scientists were all with their families, having a nice holiday together while he was locked in a 'breed proof' cell, under at least a million surveillance cameras with large chains holding his hand and legs.He had learnt to endure it over the years. The first time was torture, having to stand, sprayed out like that with each hand and leg chained to the far away halls. His bones had protested, muscles ached. But now he felt nothing- no pain, no ache. He had learnt to numb out feelings.His eyes were closed and he was trying to drift off to sleep, but that seemed impossible.Then he heard the gates unlocking and almost startled but a quick whiff in the air had him relaxi
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~~CECILIA~~After several minutes or rather what felt like an eternity, my body stopped shaking from the sobs and I got myself to stop crying.Still that did nothing to erase the horror, the fear that filled my head and worst of all the disgust coiling my stomach.What just happened?What just happened?My body shook, as I recalled the dangerous look I had seen in Ivan's eyes as he almost squeezed the life out of me. The murderous look- like he could easily kill me without a second beat.Just like my parents died.My stomach turned violently, as it played inside my head again. I have never seen him like that. Hell, I had never seen anyone like that. He almost looked non humane- his eyes which were normally black turned red, fucking red and I could swear I sighed fangs when he snarled. Fangs!!And his voice…I shivered again. What just happened? I wrapped around my hand around my knee, rocking myself on the bed What if he had killed me?Obviously he had lost his senses, he wasn't in
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~~DARYA~~I was on my way out when I overheard them. First it was Alistair's annoying laugh, then Rossi's hushed voice and two other maids whispering and snickering.What on earth were they doing? I walked to the kitchen and stopped just by the doorway to eavesdrop and overheard Ilana telling Cecilia about Ivan's missing.That doesn't bother me because it is a story that everyone in the hood knows. But what bothered me was Rossi's expression. At first it was sad, then it just turned full on suspicious, like she was drawing a plan in her mind.One reason I'm Ivan's favourite person- enough to be his right hand is how perspective I am. I can easily fucking read a person with their facial expression. It would goddamn take a skilled poker face to throw me off.And Rossi…girl has something up her sleeve and after a few weeks of watching her, I could swear it was nothing good.I leaned against the door frame folding my arm across my chest as she whispered questions which Ilana- big mouth sh
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