All Chapters of Rebirth of the Moon Goddess: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
The Eastern Crescent Palace
"Come and see, fresh organic spices teleported from India!""Magic gems! Powerful defensive magic gems from the land of magic, Bagdad!""Beautiful wares from China! One set for 3 Magic Crystals!"The she-wolves from the Eastern United Pack walked through the Lower Division Market, the marketplace built below the waterfall of the Crescent Empire in groups of three and four. Goblins and dwarves garbed in colorful saris and blue robes enthusiastically promoted the exotic items on their booths, while pixies and shapeshifters performed magic tricks on a huge platform in the center of the market.The Lower Division Market of the Eastern Crescent Empire was the most prosperous and boisterous region of the empire. Creatures from every background gathered and sold goods from different regions from the outside world without restrictions and supervision, displaying the incredible generosity and tolerance of the Lykan Emperor towards the different races.But even then, the segregation between low
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The Welcome Ball
Haily's eyes turned dark with anger. She knew Yusria was purposely provoking her into losing control of her emotions. She wanted her to erupt in anger and commit an act that would get her expelled from the Crescent Empire.But she refused to fall into her trap. Even if it meant gritting her teeth and suppressing her rage, Haily vowed to never satisfy Yusria by doing what she desired. Because at the end of the day, she was a guard of the Crescent Palace and every action she took was under the scrutiny of the Senior Guards.Yelling at a member of the Royal Kitchen without a reason or explanation would only get her in trouble.Haily was fully convinced that Yusria hated her guts and wanted to get back at her for the days back in the training facility. As such, she put even more effort into foiling her plans by forcing a bright smile on her face and swinging the silver gate wide open."Of course, Kitchen Maid Yusria." But even when she lowered her head and amiably gestured for the she-wol
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The Welcome Ball 2
If it were any other person saying such words, Dion would've immediately suspected his true mate to be nearby. Because such restlessness appeared in the hearts of werewolves only when their destined mates were within their vicinity.However, it wasn't any other person that was saying such words. It was the Emperor. To be more precise, the Lykan Emperor. And as it was known to every supernatural creature in the world, any beast could have a mate, but a lykan cannot.Such has been the case for millenniums of years and would continue to be so until the end of time.Overbearing and domineering in their deeds while being powerful in every sense of the word, the only weakness the lykans had were their irritable and volatile temper and slow healing speed due to the lack of a true mate. Because in exchange for all the power and strength they received, the Moon Goddess had deprived lykans of a true mate to even the odds.Dion sighed helplessly and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, don't stre
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The Welcome Ball 3
As the doubt he had been forcefully suppressing in his heart resurfaced again, a suffocating aura diffused from Zeonen's body and permeated the surrounding, stifling those closest to him and making breathing an arduous task. The alphas' faces turned pale and they instinctively pulled their lunas' behind them to protect them from the Lykan's oppressive aura. "Zeonen...? What's wrong?" Eradine grabbed the corner of Zeonen's long coat and asked with worry. Her green eyes filled with confusion when a heavy feeling slowly settled over her chest. A dark snarl left Zeonen's throat, causing her to instantly release his coat and step back in fear. Eradine stared wide-eyed at the man that was soon to be her husband in shock. 'She can't even handle a trickle of my aura...' Zeonen felt disheartened when he saw his fiancé leap away from him in fright. He was certain now. A woman that feared him couldn't possibly be his equal. Almost as soon as Zeonen's eyes lowered in disappointment, Dion pi
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The Welcome Ball 4
Dion stepped closer to his friend and whispered in a voice only the lykan could hear. "Zeonen, you can't hold this off any longer. Can't you see you're embarrassing Miss Eradine? You need to announce your engagement."Zeonen just gave a noncommittal hum and absentmindedly looked around.An intoxicating fragrance of spring flowers, ripe fruits, and the fresh scent of nature after a day of soothing rain entered his nostrils, teased his senses, and seeped into his heart.Zeonen didn't know if it was just him, but the moment he got a waft of that scent, he felt a strange calm and peace, the likes of which he had never felt before, settle over him.Dion was still grumbling beside him, uncomfortably shuffling his feet and smiling stiffly at the females throwing fervent glances at him, as he pushed Zeonen to make the announcement and put an end to the entire farce.But Zeonen only gave him half an ear. His mind was somewhere else.'What is that fragrance? Is it coming from the Dining Room?'
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"Mate?" Zeonen whispered in amazement.'Mate?'The moment the surrounding alphas and unmated she-wolves heard that word, their minds went blank.What? Mate? Whose mate?Their sight shifted to the dazed Emperor tenderly holding a kitchen staff in his arms. Their hearts moved and joyful smiles spread across their lips. But then as if remembering something, their smiles turned stiff and a strange look appeared in their eyes. The young alphas and she-wolves exchanged glances, barely discernable scorn and disdain swirling in their eyes.Mate? What mate?Any creature in the world could have a mate, but a lykan?...Hehe...what a joke!The group of males and females who were fawning over the Emperor and flattering him to the heavens just a few moments ago had a complete change in demeanor within a matter of seconds.Gone was the previous servile appearance. In its place, proud and arrogant expressions covered their faces as they looked at the Lykan Emperor like a piece of dirt beneath their fe
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Mate? 2
At some point during the commotion, the woman in his arms had regained consciousness. When Zeonen picked her up and lowered his head, his gaze collided with her violet orbs."You're awake? How do you feel?"The woman blinked and stared at him.Zeonen felt self-conscious. No woman had ever stared so openly at him before. Something flickered in his eyes, and as if he just recalled he was holding her in his arms, his face flushed and he embarrassedly raised his head."Dion, to the Sitting Room.""Yes, Your Majesty." Dion slightly bowed his head and took the lead. The crowd immediately cleared a path and allowed them to pass without any hindrance.Eradine gritted her teeth. The Emperor's odd behavior evoked a foreboding feeling in her heart. His obsession with cleanliness was wildly known in the supernatural world. He neither shook hands with others without using a sanitizer, nor did he brush shoulders with strangers.Even she, who was known as his lover for four years, had only ever held
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The sudden appearance of the elders of the Elder Council tamed the spectators. They became docile and silently moved to one corner of the hall, restraining their auras and lowering their presence to avoid getting in their way.Selena, Max, Damon, and Bridgette had followed the crowd when they passed the Ballroom, and naturally blended themselves amidst them.The atmosphere became tense. Everyone held their breath and waited for the female sitting with the Emperor to cower and cry her eyes out under the grim oppression of the elders' aura.Seconds ticked, people wiped cold sweats from their foreheads and uncomfortably shuffled their feet. But the female remained quiet and composed, not even flinching under the elders' intimidating glares."Heh...I see we have a daring pup here, Elder Fin." One of the elders finally chuckled and diffused the awkward atmosphere."Hmph! More like a disrespectful and ignorant fool!" Elder Fin snorted.The Lykan Emperor's brows creased at the words. The wre
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End Of The Welcome Ball
How could he? After all the years they spent together, how could he do this to her?"Meet Yusria Lelius, my one and only mate."Eradine felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. Her knees became weak and she stumbled back and numbly clutched the sofa to support her shaky figure. Pain, the likes of which she had never felt before, pierced her guts with stabbing, thorny spikes. As white agony clouded her vision and her breath puffed out in rough, shallow gasps, she wondered if it was possible to die from heartbreak.If it was possible, she hoped the Moon Goddess would relieve her of this anguish before she succumbed to the gaping hole in her chest."Zeonen..." Eradine weakly rasped.The spectators felt pity for the heartbroken she-wolf and sympathetically shook their heads. However, aside from shaking their heads and sighing empathetically, they took no action to approach and check on her.What a joke! The Emperor was standing right next to her and he didn't even bother to turn his
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His Ideal Empress
An explosion went off in Max's head. "Fu...future...empress..." The woman he wished to take home and mark as his mate was going to be the future empress of the Lykan Emperor.How was he going to overcome such adversity?"Lelius...Lelius...heh, she changed her surname." No longer would she be known as Yusria Dimitri, the adopted daughter of Beta Dimitri and Beatrice Vario. Adopted sister of Selena Dimitri.The wolf-less trash from the Setting Dawn Pack became Yusria Lelius, the future Empress of the Eastern Empire.At this realization, Selena felt a deep sense of loss. She and her adopted sister couldn't be called close. When Selena found out Maximilion Adonis was her true mate and her adopted sister was married to her man, feelings like dark anger, jealousy, and resentment had stretched their ugly claws into her heart.For a while before her sister's disappearance, Selena had resented Yusria with a vengeful edge. But even then, between the two of them, there was a connection, a bond.
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