All Chapters of Marriage With The CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
82 Chapters
Sabotage 2
~The day Andreas approached Jonas~There was nothing more amusing to Andreas than to find Jonas on high alert upon his arrival. Even before his footsteps had fully landed, Jonas had openly shown his displeasure.No wonder Andreas felt even more motivated to tease Jonas. He pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Jonas, adopting a relaxed posture as if he owned the room.He leaned back. The chair turned deliberately. Andreas observed his surroundings with a thoughtful expression.“I don't want to disturb you, but I just wanted to have a look around the room.”Andreas proved his words with his actions. He really examined the room, as if he had plans to redecorate some parts of it soon.The chair kept turning. Sometimes it would stop when Andreas focused his eyes on a particular object, be it a painting, a vase, or even a flower pot.Andreas smiled meaningfully. A mischievous gleam in his eyes. He showed an irritating attitude that always managed to make Jonas angry.That's what Andr
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The ticklish urge was no longer controllable for Andreas. Fortunately, the calm and authoritative demeanor that had been required during the earlier meeting could now be discarded.Andreas burst out laughing as he and Vlora sat in the car. Vlora turned to him, her expression a playful mixture of curiosity and amusement.“You seem so happy,” she said.For a moment, Andreas didn't answer. He continued to laugh, and Vlora didn't interrupt, but rather seemed to enjoy the moment.Only when his breathing became labored and his eyes moist did Andreas stop laughing. He took in as much air as he could and then sighed.“Oh, God. This is really funny, Vlo.”Vlora smiled faintly, noticing the lingering traces of laughter in Andreas' voice. “I admit it, Reas. Your performance back there looked really natural.”“Really?”“Yes,” Vlora nodded as Andreas grinned with a teasing glint in his eyes. “When you scolded Jonas and acted surprised, as if you had just realized his intention to leave you alone i
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There seemed to be a slight difference in Vlora when Andreas came to pick her up. She, a woman who was always calm and collected, showed an impatience for the first time that couldn't be hidden.Her steps were quicker than usual. Vlora seemed excited when she saw Andreas waving to her.Andreas greeted Vlora with open arms. This was not a metaphor, but an action with real meaning. He stretched out both arms and hugged Vlora without hesitation.Was Vlora surprised? Of course, she was. But did she dislike it? Oh, certainly not.In fact, Vlora closed her eyes when Andreas kissed her cheek briefly. She didn't seem to care that they were still in a public place, or that this might have something to do with the tension between them, which apparently hadn't diminished even though they'd been apart for a few hours.Both possibilities made sense, and fortunately the night streets were not as crowded as usual. They arrived home much sooner than expected, and for a moment they just looked at each
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“It seems that I really can't stand up anymore. This...”Andreas turned around and looked at Vlora lying next to him. He spoke with closed eyes.“...just like you promised earlier.”Spontaneous laughter erupted from Andreas. He laughed and realized that he had laughed several times during the day.Andreas shifted. Leaning on one elbow, he created an opportunity to look at Vlora's innocent body. From top to bottom, it was a temptation that made him swallow repeatedly.It seemed as if Andreas couldn't control himself. Just by looking at the beads of sweat on Vlora's smooth skin, he was tempted to touch her again.“Don't tease me again, Reas,” Vlora continued, holding her breath. No, she wouldn't lose control again just because of Andreas' caresses that touched her nipples. “I really have no strength left now.”Laughter exchanged for a grin. Andreas moved closer and the tip of his nose played in Vlora's hair, then he whispered.“How much time do you need? Thirty minutes? An hour?”Vlora
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“I am sure. Everything is only a matter of time. You will surely receive good news soon.”“Is that what you think?”“I say that not only because you are my grandchild, but I has to admit that you are really smart. I never thought that you could use the situation so well. Honestly, I never thought that you had everything prepared.”“Maybe so. Maybe I am clever because I can take advantage of the situation, but with Vlora's help, everything went smoothly and according to plan.”“Oh, that's for sure.”“Nothing would work without her involvement.”“You're right, Reas. That's why I have to say the same thing for the second time. You are really lucky. First of all, you have a wife who can help you; not every man can have that.”“I know, Nana.”“Still, I hope you won't get arrogant. You know that, right? Your father was a lucky man, too.”A knock on the door shattered Andreas' thoughts of the conversation a few moments ago. He sighed deeply and found Frans at the door.“Good morning, sir.”F
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“Ah.”Eyes closed, but the soft sigh still vibrated in Vlora's throat as she felt a soft kiss land on her back. She wriggled instinctively, torn between wanting to pull away or the opposite.The sigh became a moan. As Vlora shifted, a hand slowly crept up her thigh. It slipped through the edge of her nightgown and made contact with the smooth skin underneath.Vlora gasped. The touch moved quickly to her stomach, caressing it teasingly.“Reas.”Vlora's voice sounded hoarse. Was it because she had been asleep, or some other effect?The next kiss landed in tandem with another caress that kept tightening her chest. The perpetrator often moved his hand under the nightgown.“Ah.”This time, it wasn't Vlora's groan that echoed, but Andreas', the instigator who had disturbed Vlora's sleep. Apparently, he was content to linger on Vlora's exposed back. Lips played and parted, leaving wet traces as his hands continued to explore.Vlora squirmed again as she felt Andreas' fingers slowly ascend. S
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Ten minutes had passed since the pleasure that had engulfed Andreas and Vlora. During this time, they remained in their respective positions. Vlora still lay under Andreas, hugging him with one leg landing on the man's buttocks. On the other hand, Andreas still allowed his masculinity to remain inside Vlora, showing no signs of rising anytime soon.Maybe they needed more time than usual to calm down. At least until their breathing returned to normal. At least until they truly regained their strength.Vlora slowly opened her eyes. Her embrace began to loosen, and she wiped away the drops of sweat that soaked Andreas' back. She smiled.“How long are you going to stay on top of me, Reas?”A vibration shook Vlora's chest, coming from Andreas, who immediately laughed at the question. He stood up and propped himself on one elbow, then looked into Vlora's face.“Why?” Andreas asked, stroking the side of Vlora's face. “Do you want to continue sleeping now?”There was another possibility that
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A moment passed and Jonas continued to press his foot against Alex's chest. Apparently, he felt no need to ease Alex's pain when anger and logic were at war in his mind. He fell silent, and Alex's string of defenses seemed to fall on deaf ears.Still, Alex did not give up. His life hung in the balance, and all he could do was plead as pitifully as he could. Forget dignity and shame; his life was more important than anything else.“Please, Sir, think about it. I could never betray you because my life and death depend on you.”Alex continued to express all reasonable thoughts to convince Jonas that his loyalty should not be questioned. He had done everything for Jonas, and he would like to remind him of that. Fortunately, his efforts began to pay off as Jonas' face gradually relaxed.It seemed that Jonas' logic was able to calm the emotions that had taken over him. The tension on his face slowly disappeared and Alex didn't want to waste this opportunity.Alex stood up quickly. With gasp
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The Judge
The sound of a kiss was immediately met with a sigh from Andreas. Immediately, his chest rose and fell with frozen breath as an unsatisfied expression appeared as Vlora pushed him to break the kiss that had just deepened.Vlora moved away. Both hands were raised and without saying anything, she went straight for the buttons of Andreas' shirt. With a gesture of impatience, she unbuttoned them one by one.Andreas swallowed hard. He felt a distinct scratch from Vlora's nails on his chest, no doubt done on purpose to set him on fire. His jaw clenched, and he did not mind at all when Vlora's lips landed after the shirt had come off.Eyes closed. Andreas' moan vibrated through his chest. But much to his disappointment, Vlora pulled away just as he was beginning to lose himself in the moment.Andreas opened his eyes. He wanted to complain, but was startled by Vlora's next move. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Vlora's slender fingers moved quickly and pushed him. He fell backwards and landed direc
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“So, you don't mind if I leave on a Sunday night?” Andreas asked as her breathing gradually returned. He gently stroked Vlora's damp back, then tilted his face a little to inhale Vlora's soft scent.Andreas shouldn't have done that. It turned out that the scent of Vlora's hair was like a historian, eager to remind him of moments of pleasure. He found himself dreaming again of Vlora moving sensually on top of him.Andreas closed his eyes and tried to push the sensual memory away. As tempting as a second round might be, he didn't want to neglect the energy he needed to restore and the answers he would get later.“No.”Vlora's firm and direct answer diverted Andreas' thoughts. Now he was more interested in something else than thinking about a second round.“I never thought you could be worried or even jealous.”Vlora's body tensed. Andreas noticed, but a moment later Vlora pulled away to look at him.“You are my husband, Reas. That makes sense. Where else would you spend your time?”Andr
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