All Chapters of The love of a King : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 81: A word of advice.
Isabelle was in the barns with Matilda and Lisette. They were discussing their next plan.”The first part is complete, now it's all up to Gwen and her acting skills.””Princess, do you agree with this? Should we be doing this? I mean, we're separating two siblings, all because of our selfish reasons and the elder sister is dumb and filled with jealousy."”Do I have any other alternative? I don't want to hurt Aurora. I mean, she's a good person and she helped me to get the job I needed. But I need to think about myself and my kingdom.””I've already told her this, but she doesn't get it. You're too kind hearted. In wars, you don't think about others, you only think about yourself.””And what happens if Gwen succeeds? She'll turn them against Aurora and then what happens to Aurora? What will become of her?”"Nothing, there will be no big damage caused. Just little whispers of allegations rto reduce their connection with her. And they will trust Gwen more. And it will be better if Gwen
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Chapter 82: Past
A little girl of around eight years is in her room, going through her closet. Today was a very special day and she was looking for the right outfit."Princess..”"Shh, I'm trying to concentrate.” She said with a finger against her lips. The maid bowed her head, deciding to leave the girl alone."I like this one, but it's to plain.” She picked up one cloth and tossed them aside. She continued for two minutes before the maid decided to speak up again."Princess, if you don't choose quickly, you'll be late. You do not want that, right?"”Yes, but I just can't choose from these thousands of dresses.” She exclaimed.”What if I help you? It will be much faster.” The maid said with a smile. She then walked over to the princess and started to look through her huge closet.”What about this one, it looks very nice.” The maid was holding a pink ball gown in her hands.”I don't want pink.””Alright,” After several more minutes, the girl found one that suits her taste.”Yes, this is the one.” Ther
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Chapter 83: Family problems
A few days later;After the wedding, things go smoothly for a while, until Isabelle's grandparents arrive.”I cannot believe you went against our wishes. You got married to her, when we specifically told you not to.” Karla Vallenciano, mother of king Marcus said to her son. She had a furious look in her eyes. ”You have no right to tell me who I can and cannot marry. It's my life and my kingdom.” He said calmly."It's only your kingdom because I handed it over to you. Do you hear yourself? Lauren is the daughter of one of our biggest enemies. And you got married to her? Do you want to put your kingdom at risk?" Said ”What they don't know won't cause any harm.” "Really? You think that the Gasha Kingdom won't search for their princess? Do you know how crazy their king is? I have fought hundreds of wars with that kingdom, so don't act like you know more than I do.”"So it's wrong for me to get married to the person that I love? Is that what you're saying?””Love, love, who cares about l
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Chapter 84: Lauren's secret
Across a stretch of wide land, lies a beautiful kingdom. Surrounded by huge mountains, they serve as protection for them.Gasha kingdom has been in existence for hundreds of years, way before Devon kingdom. Although Devon kingdom had more political power and allies, Gasha Kingdom still had power and were greatly feared by most.King Owen faced his men, a look of craziness lurking in his eyes. There were five men standing before him. They all had their heads bowed, a tremor running through them.”It has been two weeks, two whole weeks and none of you have new information about my daughter.” His gaze particular on the last man on the right.”Your highness, we are trying our best. TO assure you, we'll have something for you soon. Just give is a few days…."”A few days? My daughter has been missing for over two weeks. I don't know anything about her well-being. I should send you to the galleys.““Your highness..""Silence!" He raised a finger up. "One week, I give you one week for you to
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Chapter 85: Lauren's Secret 2
King Owen stormed into his room angrily. "Leave!“ He yelled at the maids. Instantly, they scurried out of the room. His brother must be lying. Lauren couldn't be smooth with that man. It was impossible! He knew his daughter better than that.His brother must be trying to trick him, trying to see his daughter as a traitor. But what if it was true? His daughter was in love with the enemy! If that was true, then he would never forgive her. That would be the biggest betrayal. An unforgivable one.After much contemplation, he decides to investigate. He rings a bell at his table and a maid immediately comes in."Your highness?“"Get me Falley.““Right away." The maid hurried to get Falley, the king's right hand man. Falley, after a few minutes of being informed of the king's awaiting his presence, arrived at his room."You were seeking me, your highness?“ Falley is a man of great height. His slender looking body and ageless looking face might make people think he's around his thirties, bu
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Chapter 86: Princess of Gasha
In the gallery, Gabriel, Darien and little Isabelle were all seated. Gabriel was busy painting something on a canvas, while he pretended like he wasn't paying attention to his siblings.“So grandmother told you that they weren't accepting Lauren as Queen?“ Asked Darien.“Yes, and so did grandpa. But I don't know why. For some reason, they do not like her. And I like her." Isabelle said with a pout.“And why do you like her already?" He asked.“I don't know, she seems sweet and I'm going to have a sibling!"“You already have siblings, Belle.“ Gabriel responded, as he finally decided to intervene."I mean a younger sibling. It's going to be fun to be older than someone for once.““I don't care about that. All I want to know is why they completely detest her. I understand that they might be mad about father not informing them about the marriage, but that doesn't seem to be the case here."“Of course that's not the reason. There's something more that they aren't telling us, something they
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Chapter 87: King Owen's rage
In the kingdom of Gasha;King Owen was pacing frantically in his throne room, waiting for some news from his right hand man, Falley. He needed to know if his daughter was really at Valeria, and with their miserable king. It's been two days, and he was getting restless.Fakkey assured that he would get news today.He finally decided to have a seat. All of this prancing won't help him. What will he do if it turns out to be true? Will he storm the kingdom until he gets his daughter back? Or will he send an attack to kill every one of the palace inhabitants, including his daughter.Yes, he was mad. In fact, he was furious at the thought that his daughter could be with that man, the son of his arch enemy. He will never be able to forgive her, no matter how hard he tries.“Your highness.“ He heard Falley say. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realise that Falley had arrived."Do you have news?"“Yes your highness, I just got word from one of our spies.“ He said, while holding up the
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Chapter 88: Invitation
Rupert decided to go to Valeria with his men of three, to caress his curiosity. Princess Lauren was in this Kingdom and he was going to dig every sort of information about her presence here.Right now, he had just found out something very shocking. The king of Valeria and his princess had gotten married a few days ago! He almost had a heart attack when he heard. He wondered what sort of game the princess, and now Queen of Valeria, was playing. Hooking up with the King of Valeria was bad enough, but getting married to him was even worse. He wondered if his King knew already.There was little information. Apparently the wedding was done low-key and only a few people were invited. That means they didn't want it to get out, knowing that King Owen might find out about it. But how long was she planning on hiding it? It was definitely a secret that would come out in a matter of time.He reported back to King Owen, telling him about when they got married, where when, and even the dress she w
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Chapter 89: Hunting session
A stablesman Prepared four horses like Isabelle commanded, she rushed over to persuade her eldest brother.“Darien, why do you always have to be a sadist? Queen Lauren has already agreed, why can't you do the same?"“I would follow if you hadn't invited her. We only hunt with our family. She is not our mother Belle."“But she's father's wife and he would like for us to treat her as our mother.““She can never replace mother. Father has literally brought doom to our kingdom by marrying her."“I know, but I just want us to put aside our differences. And maybe Father will even…““What? That he'll become the caring father that he was before? That will never happen Belle. That all perished when mother died. And now that he has another wife, it's impossible." He said bitterly. Isabelle stared at her brother in shock.“It's not impossible! Father will realise that we are giving her a chance and that we respect him. He will change towards us.“ Isabelle stated with teary eyes. Ever since their
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Chapter 90: Secret revealed
After their reunion, they all headed back to the palace. Darien and Gabriel had caught three Stags. Isabelle knew that at one point her brothers got competitive. Habriel always wanted to prove that he was a better hunter than Darken, and Darien being the eldest wouldn't allow his younger brother to surpass him. But she just didn't know who got two Stags, to become the winner.When they finally arrived at the palace, Lauren alighted from her horse and immediately went inside without sparing the siblings a look. Darien then pulled his sister and brother inside.“So what happened?“ Darien asked his sister.“Nothing. We talked for a while and I went off to get the Antelope. She followed later on.““So in conclusion it didn't go as planned.“ Said Gabriel.“It was slightly alright. But I asked her about her family and she said that her parents were dead.““Lies, how long do they think they can keep this from us?“ Questioned Darien. He knew his father well, and he knew that he would do anyth
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