All Chapters of My Dear Don: The Contract Marriage. : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
114 Chapters
51"Meeting with the Past"
Emma. While she headed to the bathroom, I looked at the closed door, wondering what else might be hidden in that ominous house. And as I waited for the pregnancy test result, my mind continued to race, trying to unravel the secrets of the DeLuca family and the mystery surrounding my own life. I entered the bathroom, my mind not making sense, you know when in a moment, it feels like nothing makes sense anymore? That's how I felt, and I didn't know if I could survive with this burden. When the time finally came to check the pregnancy test result, I felt paralyzed. My eyes remained fixed on the small screen, which seemed to take an eternity to show the verdict. Each passing second was agony, and my mind was filled with worries and uncertainties. When I finally mustered the courage to look, the word "positive +3 weeks" was clearly displayed on the screen. My heart sank. It was real, I was three weeks pregnant. A sense of despair enveloped me, and tears welled up in my eyes once again.
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52"Growing Suspicion"
Andrew. The best part of running your own business was not having anyone bossing you around. I hated this life in the mafia but the cash benefits it brought weren't bad at all . "Did you bring the doctors from the lab?" I spoke to Lorenzo. "They're here, Don, and they're the best in New York, just like you asked." "For the price they charged me for an exam, if they weren't the best I'd kill them," I said seriously "'Calm down, Dio mio'". I went to the door of the mansion to welcome those responsible for carrying out the test. I wasn't very patient, I woke up angry today. Emma didn't show up at the house, she was probably asleep in her room. She looked strange, I confess. And I had no idea what had happened, but I wasn't going to dwell on it either, that wasn't my problem. She was just another woman. Among so many others. I couldn't lose my head. Although having sex with her was a great choice, I hadn't regretted it so far. The security checked the doctors to make sure they did
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53"In Search of the Truth"
Emma I never thought my life would come to this point. I was married and pregnant with a man who could have familial ties to me, and who forced me into this marriage. Could it get any worse? I think so; there's always a way for things to worsen. Well, I regret it. I knew I could have avoided all of this if I had just not slept with him. All of this could have been prevented, why, God? I left the cafe where I met my father; I needed to act immediately. I had no one I could trust in that house, not even Ize. She couldn't know about these things, not yet. I entered the mansion; the security guards watched me, probably to report to the boss. I was skeptical and cold towards Andrew. In the contract clause, it was explicit that I couldn't get pregnant by Andrew. We broke that. But the blame wasn't solely mine. If he found out I was pregnant, firstly, I didn't know what he would do to me. Whether he would kill me, take the child, I couldn't trust him. I was in a position where I had no
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EmmaI knew I needed a plan to send the DNA samples on my own without arousing suspicions in the mansion.After much reflection, I decided the best time to do this would be when Andrew was away on mafia business. He had regular meetings and commitments that would give me a window of opportunity.I waited for a long five days when he would have a meeting outside New York, but Andrew wasn't a fool; he would have someone watching me. During those days, I stayed close to him, needing to appear as if everything was normal. But most of the time, I stayed in my room. I would vomit and feel sick regularly, possibly due to the pregnancy. Obviously, I needed tests, but I couldn't trust anyone.I couldn't trust anyone, knowing that everyone was under Andrew's influence and control. The only person who knew about my pregnancy was Ize, and she questioned when I planned to tell Andrew.Ize entered the room, observing me as I struggled to tie my hair back. My hair had grown longer."I'll help you wi
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55" Future"
EmmaThe tension in the room was palpable. The feeling that everything was on the brink of collapse hung over us. Andrew stared at me with furious and bewildered eyes, his grip tight on my arm."Let go, you're hurting my arm," I managed to say, my voice trembling.He dragged me into his room and pressed me against the door, staring intensely into my eyes. His normally hypnotic blue eyes now glowed with uncontrollable rage."What were you doing on the street? I'll give you one last chance to tell me, Emma," he growled."Nothing, Andrew," I replied, my voice shaky.He shook his head in disbelief. "Wrong, Emma. Don't think you can fool me; you can't, do you understand?" he said, his face dangerously close to mine.My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it might explode at any moment. I had to be brave and face the truth, no matter how terrifying it was.I took a deep breath and showed him the photo I had taken of his mother as a child. Andrew looked at the picture with a puzzled expr
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56"Intertwined Destinies"
AndrewI entered my office with heavy steps, a sense of despair weighing on my shoulders. The office routine often served as my escape, but today there was no escaping the flood of tumultuous thoughts tormenting my mind. I made my way to my imposing mahogany desk, where a bottle of whiskey patiently awaited next to a crystal glass. Without much ceremony, I poured a generous sip of the amber drink and raised it, gazing at the impressive view unfolding before me.New York, the city that never slept, stretched out like a sea of lights. However, my mind couldn't stray from the inner darkness that enveloped me. How could it be possible that Emma and I were siblings? Fate seemed to be having fun, playing cruel and ironic games with our lives.All my certainties and achievements seemed to be hanging by a thread, all thanks to a revelation I had never dreamed of.As my hands gripped the whiskey glass, I tried to rationalize all of this. How could my mother, an almost unknown figure, be someho
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Andrew DeLuca Two weeks had passed since the dreaded discoveries. Uncertainty and anxiety were eating away at us, and I knew it was time to make a decision. I went to Emma's room and gently knocked on the door. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring into space, lost in her thoughts. "Emma, we need to talk," I said seriously. She looked at me with a concerned look. "What do you have in mind, Andrew?" "I was thinking... Maybe it's better if we join forces in this search. Together, we can find answers more quickly." Emma looked surprised. "You want to form an alliance? That's unexpected." "I don't like being in the dark, and I don't think you do either," I explained. "Uncertainty is consuming us. If we are siblings, we need to find the truth. If we're not, we need to know that too." She nodded, slowly, pondering my words. "You're right. I'm willing to work together, Andrew. Our best chance to find the clues we need is if we help each other." I breathed a sigh of relief.
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58 "Uncle"
Andrew I called my uncle in a friendly tone, asking him to come here, pretending that I needed to talk to him about some business. I needed to uncover the truth about who I was, my origin, and he seemed to know a lot about it, much more than he was willing to reveal. Although, to be honest, I had never been interested in getting married or feeling anything for a woman, I didn't want in any way to have slept with my own sister, even unconsciously. And besides, I liked her, or at least I thought I did. "Do you know that if Emma is your sister, it's not your fault, right?" Lorenzo said. "You won't go to hell for something that's not your fault." "I know that. But I hope it's not," I said. "And I think most people in the Famiglia organization are going to hell, including me." "You won't," he said. "The number of people I've killed, my hands are completely dirty, Lorenzo. And for most of them, I don't regret it at all." "Changing the subject. Did you let yourself fall in love with h
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Continued As my uncle hesitated to continue, a flood of thoughts and emotions overwhelmed my mind. I was the Don of the DeLuca Family, but that revelation about my true origin changed everything. "Who is this man?" I pressed, trying not to lose my composure. "Your real father... he was one of the most powerful mobsters in Italy, that's the only thing my brother ever told me." My uncle's explanation raised more questions than answers. Who was this powerful mobster? And why did he leave me with another family and disappear from the world? If he was so wealthy, why didn't he ever try to find me? "But why was I never told the truth, uncle? Why was this kept from me?" I pounded the wall. "Your real father didn't want you to be dragged into the underworld of crime and the mafia. He believed that by leaving you with the DeLuca family, you would have a chance at a slightly better life, without having to run." I felt like a puppet, manipulated by the decisions of men who believed they k
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60"A Heart in Conflict"
Emma The revelations that I was Ize and Gian's sister killed me. I had two brothers who lived in the world of the mafia, and I would never have known. What comforted me was knowing that Andrew was not my brother. Not that it comforted me. Because I knew he was suffering, discovering he was adopted and knowing nothing about his existence is terrible. If I'm already feeling this way, just imagine how he must be feeling. But now, I could breathe a little easier. At least this child wouldn't come into the world in the wrong way. Andrew wasn't really mine, so we hadn't done anything wrong. I breathed a sigh of relief. But something didn't feel right. Out of all the houses, all the places in the world, I ended up here to be in a contractual marriage with Andrew. Given all these secrets, someone might have used my father to bring me here in some way. And we had no idea who that could be. My body was begging for a break; I hadn't rested in the past few days, or any day, for that matter.
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