All Chapters of Never to look back: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
282 Chapters
I missed my wife.
“Boss, Emile usually reaches the building by 10am, gets a coffee from the café outside the building before going upstairs; She usually doesn’t come downstairs till 4:30 on most days. Mr Walter usually comes to pick her up if she is any later than that.” George updated Daniel about Emile’s daily routine after observing for a week. “Um” Daniel nodded as he thought of a reason to be going down to the House of Dupont, Burke and Walter fashions. “Carry on with your work.” Daniel waved his hand, dismissing George who was standing still waiting for the next instruction. Daniel’s mind wasn’t on work for the rest of the day. He sat looking through the pictures of Emile that he had moved into a hidden folder on his laptop. He didn’t need the pictures to remember her, her every smile and gesture were etched in his mind. All he needed to do was close his eyes and he could see her; standing in front of him, smiling with stars in her eyes, waiting for him to look at her and acknowledge her. He s
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As long as my wife doesn’t despise me...
In the lift, on the way to the tenth floor, Chris messaged Ryan that he didn’t want anyone to disturb Emile till he notified them. The tenth floor was designed with four luxurious office spaces for each of the three partners and acting CEO, Ryan Redford. All the four offices had an identical layout with each having a rest room, bathroom and a small kitchenette. In addition, there was also an office adjacent to each of the four offices for the chief personal assistant and an office space that was divided into cubicles for the assistants on this floor. Emile’s office was furthest from the lift, at the end of the long corridor. Once inside the office, Chris got Emile a cup of water and waited patiently for her to drink before taking the glass back to the side kitchen. He lifted her up from her chair and sat down before settling her comfortably on his lap. He wasn’t worried about anyone interrupting as he had sent a message to Ryan asking not to be disturbed till they came out as he didn
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How could I blame my wife?
Daniel stood rooted staring at Emile’s disappearing back in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that she didn’t even give him a second glance even though he lowered himself and came to call her back. He didn’t come to his senses for a long time. “Sir, is there something I can help you with?” One of the waitresses approached him seeing him standing still like a statue for a long time. “Huh?” Daniel looked at the lady in confusion. “Sir, you are blocking the way for our customers.” The lady spoke hesitantly. “Apologies.” Daniel walked out of the café without looking back. He regretted not bringing George along with him; how could he have made a fool of himself? He could hear the comments of the people in the café as he walked out but the person he wanted to care about him, was nowhere to be found. Daniel sat quietly in his car, without driving as he thought back to what just happened; every second from the moment he spotted Emile walking into café till the moment they walked away. His ey
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His value is irreplaceable in my life.
Daniel was over the moon when he received a call from Natalie 2 days later to schedule a meeting with Emile. The requirement for the meeting was that it was held in an open setting, in a café of Mrs Walters preference and in company of her bodyguards who would be stationed close by for her protection. Daniel didn’t hesitate to agree to all the conditions that were put forward. He had been looking forward towards this meeting for a long time, 4 years to be precise. The only condition he had was that Chris couldn’t sit in on the meeting. In his mind, as long as he could have a decent chat with Emile, without any interference, everything would fall back into place. The arrangements for the meeting were all made by Natalie, of course with Chris’s approval. The meeting was arranged to be at the café of Royale Lux for 10am. Daniel called Ron in excitement as soon as the appointment was arranged. “What’s up?” Ron wasn’t one for niceties and there was no need for formalities between the two
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You really don’t deserve her…...
Chris hugged Emile close to him as he whispered coaxing in her ears “I am here”. Emile couldn’t stop trembling as she re-lived her worst nightmare with the perpetrator sitting right in front of her, adding stimulus to her already frail mental state. Neither Emile nor Chris predicted this. Chris raised his head to glare at Daniel with intense hatred, his veins bulging as he tried to rein his temper “Come anywhere near my wife when she is alone, and I will not give you the chance to write the word regret in your dictionary. I will disregard all friendship with Grandpa Holston if you ever so much as let your shadow fall on my wife when she is unaccompanied.” Chris stood up with Emile curled in his embrace and walked away once he finished what he had to say. Night Wing gestured for their men to leave as he hurried to Chris’s side. “Get a restraining order against Mr Holston for Emile.” Chris spoke through gritted teeth as he got on the car with Emile in his embrace. “Drive straight to
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Godmother will avenge you.
Night Wing decided to go Henry’s apartment first to report before going over to check on the little treasures. He rang Abbey on the way and asked her to come over to stay at Chris’s place. He told her that he would explain everything when she came and hung up without wasting time. “Which wind blew you here?” Henry smirked as he saw his butler leading Night Wing into the lounge. “Mr Burke, can we talk in private?” Night Wing was never one for jokes; the rare, odd occasions would have to have Chris, Emile and Abbey around. “What’s wrong?” Henry stood up with a frown and gestured for Night Wing to follow up as he took the lead walking towards his study. On the way, he sent a message to all his brothers ‘Come to my study.’ “Take a seat” Henry invited as he sat on his customary seat and gestured for the butler to serve tea. Night Wing wanted to quickly finish his report and hurry back to his little treasures and favourite woman; he was about to refuse the pleasantries when Henry interr
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Is the offer available to all kids?
“By the time I arrived at the airport in the morning, Chris Jnr messaged me to say that the meeting was being held at the Royale Lux and asked me if there was a way to spy on the meeting.” “Although I can hack into the surveillance system, I am not confident enough to do it without alerting Uncle Adrian. So, I went to straight to Royale Lux to figure out if there was another way.” Marcus’s voice went down by a few decibels as he continued to narrate; inwardly he felt terrible. If he didn’t have to maintain his eldest brother image in front of his younger siblings, he would have also cried with them. It was heartbreaking to see the little treasures crying their heart out as they heard their mother's words. At that moment he wished that it would have been nice if his little treasures were not too smart so that they wouldn't understand the meaning of what youngest aunt was saying. Sadly, they were too smart for their age and well trained by youngest uncle. Words they didn't understand,
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Would us going bankrupt qualify?
“Dring ….Dring…. DRING….” The melody of waves crushing against the rocks was rudely interrupted by the unpleasant ringing. Daniel sat up hugging his head with a confused gaze as he looked around. His body wasn’t feeling great either, aching and sore like that of an old man. Ron too sat up with an annoyed expression “Are you going to get that or not?” He turned around and found a comfortable position to curl and went back to sleep. “You better have something important, or I am sending you to the Bermuda triangle.” Daniel snaped into the mouthpiece as he accepted the call. “Would us going bankrupt qualify?” George mumbled in a not-so-confident voice. “What’s going on?” Daniel asked as rubbed his forehead in an attempt to soothe his aching head. “Boss, we lost the tender for the land in the eastern coast area.” George groaned over the phone. He knew the importance of this project for their future growth. “What???” Daniel was fully awake now; even Ron sat back up as he heard Daniel’
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How can I calm down?
Daniel hired the best team to look into the muddling of his bid affair and yet all they could come up with was ask Daniel if he forgot to add the zeros to his bid. “SCRAM….” Daniel bellowed as he kicked everyone out. He flung everything on the desk to the ground as he cursed “Such incompetence… why do I need such waste?” “Boss, calm down.” George who was standing plastered to the wall spoke in a low whisper after standing quietly for a while till Daniel vented his anger. Daniel sat back in seat, threading his hair with his fingers in frustration “How can I calm down?” “If it was just the loss of a bid, that would have been fine. We can come up with something …. But what about the face we lost?” “The PR department is working on it.” George sighed “Boss, this is a minor set-back but if we lose hope, that will cause irreparable loss.” “Go… get me coffee.” Daniel exhaled as he tried to calm his mind and picked up his laptop that was previously thrown on the ground in a fit of anger a
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Who’s stopping you?
Chris Jnr and little Emm had decorated the house with the help of Marcus and their cousins to welcome Emile back home after being discharged from the hospital. “Wow…. Looks like mommy entered fairyland.” Emile clapped with an excited expression reciprocating little treasures enthusiasm. “Mommy little treasure missed you mostest.” Emm ran up to Emile who had her arms opened and outstretched. She hugged her neck acting coquettishly. “Che! That is not even a word…. “Chris pursed his lips in dissatisfaction. “Is now.” Emm lifted her head arrogantly and decreed like an adult “From now on, mostest is the word that we use to express the meaning that 'most' cannot express.” Her younger cousins all clapped in favour; they were her blind followers. The older ones hesitated for a few seconds as they shifted their gazes between Chris Jnr and Emm; Phillip who was the oldest bend over to whisper in Chris Jnr’s ears “Let’s agree with Emm. If she starts to cry, all our butts will bloom.” Chris J
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