All Chapters of Never to look back: Chapter 291 - Chapter 296
296 Chapters
Lady, we are not fools ....
“Is everything alright?”“Madam, we are finished.” The young secretary breathed in despair as she recounted everything at happened.Amanda decided to keep the phone as she didn’t have one currently; she organized a taxi to pick her up from the rear end of the joint and checked her bank account to make sure she had enough to pay the taxi driver. To her shock, none of her accounts had a figure greater than 0 “What??? What is going on?”“Why is this happening to me?” Amanda swept all the bottles that were left on the table as she screamed maniacally. She naturally forgot the men in the room until she felt a few pairs of lewd eyes staring at her, their mouths drooling as they regurgitated the high voltage scenes from last night. They were all woken up by her screaming; she cursed herself inwardly as she thought about her escape plan.“Let’s go another round, a keepsake for the road before we part ways.” One of the men laughed vulgarly as he stood up and moved closer to her. However, before
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If daddy is tired holding up the skies, I will help him hold it till he recovers.
“Get your Boss deranged with such childish pranks? Che!” Adrian sneered “Are you giving them more credit than they are worth?”“That’s because you have overlooked the fact that it is Madam that is involved.” Night Wing shook his head helplessly as he stuck to his theory “Boss's IQ seems to drop every time something happens around Madam.”“If daddy is tired holding up the skies, I will help him hold it till he recovers.” A childish voice in a serious tone came from the door. No one in the room had to turn around to know who the owner of the childish voice was. Chris Jnr walked in holding his sister’s hand with an extremely serious look that didn’t match his voice nor his age.Henry coughed to hide his loss of composure while Simon and Timothy let out stifled laughs as they followed the little man into the room; the rest of the Burkes followed behind.“Daddy’s little man is here.” Chris chuckled as he extended his hand to carry them as he normally did. Little treasure was about to run to
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What’s brewing in your head?
Adam and rest knocked on the door and entered as they heard the childish voice inviting them in; the adults’ heart was smaller than a needle and pursed their lips pettily.Adam pushed open the door and entered but his steps paused as he saw a room full of people. He only expected Neil and the kids to be here.“Come… come… family…” Matthias stood up and invited as he moved the chair he was sitting on for Adam.“No…no…no… sit…sit… we will take seats over there.” Adam politely returned the seat as he walked forward towards Chris’s bed. He sighed in relief as he saw both Chris and Emile had woken up.“How are you feeling?” Adam asked, the guilt in his voice couldn’t be hidden.“Dad, I am fine.” Chris blinked, pacifying Adam while Chris Jnr stood up from his seat and pulled Adam to sit “Grandpa, you sit here and chat. I will get seats for eldest uncle and the rest.”Neil rubbed his nose in embarrassment as he stood up along with Adrian to get seats for everyone from the nearby nurse’s stati
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Why are you struggling when you are eventually going to give in and lose face?
“Son….” Adam called out his head lowered in guilt once the Burkes left, and he no longer needed to keep face “I have failed you and Emile and made the little ones suffer as well.”“Dad, I don’t blame you although I will not forgive mom.” Chris pursed his lips; he knew his dad was stuck between a rock and a hard place and didn’t want to make it any harder than it was. His thoughts were exactly the same as what his son said earlier ‘every debt had a debtor’.“Neither can I… no matter how hard it is…” Adam spoke in a low defeated voice “Your mother and I have decided separate.”“What???” Chris’s eyes widened; he didn’t expect this… what he didn’t want was his father to play the mediator for him to forgive his mother. Chris opened his mouth once the news sank in “Dad…I…”“This has nothing to do with you.” Adam interrupted shaking his head “If anything you are the victim. Perhaps it is all my fault…. Things wouldn’t have gotten to this stage if….”“Dad, no use mulling over split milk. Ther
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Partial truths are more believable… isn’t it?
“Now that, that is all out of the way…” Mark paused as he narrowed his eyes towards Chris who shrunk his head slightly as he knew what his big brother was going to ask, while the rest looked curiously.“I am more interested to know what you wanted Henry to do.” Mark raised his eyebrows challenging, daring Chris to lie.“Didn’t Harry say….” Chris asked weakly.“Do I look as easy to fool as Eldest uncle Burke?” Mark retorted before fixing his gaze on Chris.“Big brother, can I take a raincheck on answering that….”“Try again”“Emile wanted…”“Try again” Mark interrupted impatiently before throwing a side glance at Eric.“Don’t look at me… I am thoroughly and utterly innocent this time.” Eric raised his hands in innocence.“Big brother, I asked them to keep an eye on the old house and check out a few things.” Chris could only confess partly helplessly.“Why? What have they done now?”“Nothing new….” Chris shrugged “But I haven’t settled old scores, and you know my slate is always balance
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Mysterious man in white- was he real or a mirage?
“Big brother, are we really going to wait till Chris is ready to tell us?” Lorenzo asked on the way back, his face twisted uncomfortably, “What if he needs us and we aren’t there?”“My little brother has grown…” Mark smiled, the smile carried both loss and pride but not a hint of malice could be seen anywhere on his face or soul. “He will ask when he needs us.”“Us, staying out of the way is the best help we can give.” Angel spoke in a soft voice “I have a feeling the storm is coming.”“Dad, you are sure…. Like heaven and earth sure that you haven’t made a mistake?” Eric asked with a sheepish smile. This was the only thought in his head, from the moment this question was raised by Chris, from the moment he asked Adam if he had ever made a mistake. None of the rest bothered him; his trust in Chris was absolute. He knew his little brother wouldn’t keep anything from him unless it was absolutely necessary.“Son, are you itching for a thrashing?” Adam gritted his teeth before turning to M
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