All Chapters of Cruel Heart: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
89 Chapters
Sincerely? I wanted to say that I pushed him, that I didn't return the kiss, and that I even punched his beautiful face.But the moment his lips collided with mine, I just lost it. It's the same feeling of receiving something you knew you were craving. Which of course wasn't on purpose... at least not on my part.I responded with all the words to his kiss, not a romantic kiss like in the books, but dominant, intense and possessive. My hands grabbed her jacket, pulling it towards me, and Kaanadan pressed his body against mine, wrestling me with the shelf full of books. His tongue dove into my lips, tangling with mine without even giving me a chance to think through what we were doing. Better what I'm doing. Her taste was a little bitter from some kind of drink, but there was also something sweet like some kind of candy, whatever. Her rigid body oozed strength and heat as she held me closer. Her hand slid from the back of my neck into my hair, pulling me closer to her and deepening th
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Everything is silent, like this since we got home.I leave the bathroom after removing all my makeup and changing for bed. Kaanadan stands in front of the wardrobe, pulling out the weapons strapped to his bare torso. I look away quickly, heading for the bed.Silence.Ever since he tried to get something out of the conversation with my uncle in the car, silence was the most absolute character present between the two of us. Sometimes his eyes looked at me discreetly in order for me to say something. I knew. But I just couldn't. You can't say something that serious when you're not sure. I couldn't risk coming off as fake.I sat on the bed and looked at my lap. Victorio's words stuck in my head:"I'm pretty sure Fiore is the traitor... He's in control of everything Kaanadan thinks, acts, plans. Don't you think it's strange that a group of rebels know everything that happens to Kaanadan without anyone else with him being in it?" middle? I need you to observe him. I need you to help me
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- Anything else? the woman from the jewelry store asks as she passes a blue sapphire earring at the register.- No, thank you. - I say sympathetically.She puts the jewel in a black velvet bag and hands it to me. I already pay quickly, turning around and joining the bags of clothes Damiano holds. Scott only holds the shoes.“Come on, boys. - I say and smile.They both look at each other and follow me.With the boredom that I was at home, after taking a morning run, I decided to go out to do some shopping. Of course, I have new clothes that I had to buy for my move to Washington, but there was something specific that I had to focus on. Yes, those strips of cloth that I was told were nightgowns. I renewed it for something I would really enjoy wearing, and I also took the opportunity to buy some gifts for Gina and Celina. Gina because in a week it's her birthday. Celina because I'm sure she would come and kill me if I didn't send her something too.I get in the car, watching Scott
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With the drink in my veins, my fear and shyness disappear from my body. For hours my head just follows the music, my hips the rhythm, my hands my body, and I'm shaped in various ways as the music plays.Again I look at the VIP area. Kaanadan looks at me seriously, so seriously that my body shivers from his brutal gaze. I don't deny that it looks sexy when it's like this. Even more so when it's for something I reinforce to insist on doing.I turn to him and continue to dance, sliding my hands down my body and locking my eyes in the direction of his above. I dance for him, and he knows it. I turn to my back and continue my movements, losing focus when I meet his gaze as soon as I look at him. Igniting more my desire for revenge.I don't have a lush body. I have breasts that are full in relation to my body, and a little wide hips. Nothing fancy but decent enough to get what I want.I look at Marga and see her having fun with Silvério, who has seriously approached her. I bet it's from
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Kaanadan's eyes looked at me further than was possible. My poor heart would have a heart attack quickly if this continued. His blue eyes and serious was the symbol of a predator, while I had my breathing heavy, and a position identical to a prey.I took a deep breath and deviated from his body, moving away from it. I walked over to the pool table and ran my hand through my hair, forcing myself to look back at Kaanadan.“Look, I just wanted to take it out on what you did to me. - I try to explain. 'Nothing's going to happen, and whatever you've got planned, I think you'd better give it up.'- To give up?- Exactly.He looks at me and I return the look. God, what a look...I look to another corner and Kaanadan approaches, I look back to scold him, but he pulls me in a way that my body breaks down, and then he doesn't hesitate to kiss me in his voracious and intense way. I force myself to refuse to accept. Not to give in. Not corresponding. But then he threads his fingers into my h
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KAANADAN SALVATOREIt's been two weeks since you had that chase.I wake up with the cold arrival of autumn, which seems to chill the room a little more. I turn around and Celeste is still sleeping, she stays away when she sleeps, but I thank her for accepting to play sometimes. Like yesterday. I watch her for a while and then sigh, ready to get up.I sit up in bed and massage my temples. I don't know how many times I've slept in the last month, maybe five times I've been able to really rest. It affects my head, which starts to throb, and it affects my mood, which doesn't seem to wake up very well. My cell phone vibrates on the end table and I pick it up, answering it right away."Say it, Silverio." —I try to keep my voice as sleepy as possible.“Twenty dead in one night. This time it was the Russians. Informants saw a tattoo on the neck of several. It was their brand. - He says and by the voice, he seems tired too.Sigh.I get out of bed, putting on my sandals and head to the ba
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I woke up when I felt a certain cold. My sleepy eyes swept across the room, finding Kaanadan standing in a corner of the room. It's dark except for the faint yellow light of a lamp on a table next to Kaanadan, and it's just enough for me to see his bare torso sprawled with cuts and stitches. The biggest ones are on the belly and a single one under the ribs, also the only ones with stitches. I gasped when I saw blood still oozing from some cuts.That was enough for her gaze to come to me. My breath hitched. Her gaze was cold and gloomy... terrible, if it's any clearer. I thought I'd already known his dreaded look, in that engagement, That the look that for years haunted me was the ultimate of shadows, but... this one is worse.I swallowed and then sat down on the bed. "Kanadan..."- Go back to sleep. Her voice was harsh, cutting me off quickly with a hoarse, tired sound. It looks like it hurts, since right after, he touches his own throat.I feel a different fear invade me, but I i
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— I don't know what you think, but you certainly don't understand my reality right now. — I say on the video call with Victorio.Since the subject of distrust in Fiore reigned, I figured I was in for a moment to have to announce it to my uncle. I waited for Kaanadan to leave, then started the call. In Portuguese, it is clear that neither Damiano nor Scott will listen. Or understand. They're also too tired to focus on me and not their cuts and stitches.I get ready on the bed in the room, where I am at the moment.“Celeste, this is not a hot topic. It has to be in person - He says seriously, making me snort.This plan of wanting to be in Brazil again makes me certain that it will complicate my life more than adjust it. It would be good in parts, but the other part would be terrible. I can't risk it."Do you think Kaanadan will let you?" Uncle, we know not. You'd better make sure you come, because I very much doubt I'll leave.“Blame it on your sister's birthday. It's a week from
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— No. Celina hates me, why would I let her in my house?Lunch has already arrived, our plates are half full, and our conversation remains low but sharp. I stare at Kaanadan in confusion. He looks at me seriously.Yes, there went the good weather."Because she's my sister!" - I respond quickly. “It's her birthday and I want to be with her. Either let her come or I will.Kaanadan looks at me more seriously. I still don't give up.“Neither one nor the other. Full stop."Kaanadan, thank me for asking..." I threaten. “She comes with you whether you like it or not. In a way, the house is also mine and by right, I can put whoever I want in there!"Not without my permission.""Then you better give it to me."Fury. We looked at each other with fury in our eyes. I wonder what would happen if he also knew that Victorio comes with the baggage of this matter. But for starters, I just need confirmation.Kaanadan goes back to eating and I do the same. But even the taste is no longer the sa
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Celina got a ticket for three days later. She was anxious, as was I, even though my greatest tension is the arrival of Victorio. Of course, suppose Kaanadan has a nervous breakdown, he couldn't throw me out of the house, right? Especially because he couldn't stand my sister and uncle alone.I hope so...It was already dark when we arrived at the airport. The car stopped in front of us and together with Scott, we went to look for Celina and Victorio who had certainly already arrived. Or are almost there. The cold made me huddle more tightly in the top, while Scott still looked at me tensely.“He won't freak out. - I say almost to myself, seeing him not agreeing with that statement.“Kaanadan will kill you when he sees Victoria here. Three Savoia in a Salvatore's house? This is crazy...I look at him seriously. “He can't do anything. He has an alliance with my family.“But there's nothing to prove that Kaanadan accepted that any Savoia other than you sleep in the penthouse he live
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