All Chapters of Auctioned to a mafia boss : Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
232 Chapters
Chapter 221: Witness stand
Arya's POVEveryone stared at the door with anticipation, including me. I wanted more than anyone to see who was going to walk through that door. This was certainly the last trick my lawyer had up her sleeve and from the look of things. It was our golden ticket to winning the case. The bright smile on her face was warm, unlike her usual smirk that sent chills down the spine of the other lawyer. I shifted my gaze from her and locked it on the opening doors. The wooden two-way doors spread apart to reveal the much eagerly awaited arrival of the testifier. I knew it couldn’t be any of my friends because my lawyer Natalia, had briefed me on how Andrew would destroy their testimony so both Bella and Emily were out of the picture. With them out I didn’t have much hope for anyone else. Even when I suggested getting the butler of Andrew’s household to testify as a witness of the domestic violence, she pointed out why that couldn’t be done. It’s a risky cause that would cost him his job,
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Chapter 222: Case closed
It’s rather hilarious that Andrew’s anger was directed at Lucinda. He was the one declared impotent yet he had the guts to get mad?Everyone found this strange but they soon learnt where his anger generated from. He took delicate steps towards Lucinda, the people nearby created space because the grim look in his eyes was venomous. His presence caused her to stand up and everyone else waited for the show. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” Andrew’s voice sounded like he was suppressing his rage but Lucinda couldn’t bring her gaze to meet his. “Answer me!” He roared louder but she only flinched and took retreating steps causing Andrew to stomp his feet in anger while ruffling his hair. “Why’re you so quiet, huh? Didn’t you say they were mine? Didn’t you bring proof of DNA results of Shawn and Anna?! Why won’t you speak?!”“I’m s-sorry…” Lucinda’s shaky voice responded but he cut her off.“Bullshit!”Arya and Melissa watched with bemused interest. Andrew always prides himself
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Chapter 223: Reunion
Arya’s POVThe colorful lights paraded around the streets weren’t compared to the bubbles of happiness that formed in my heart. I usually dreaded the cold of snow during this time of the year but in this very moment I never wanted it to end. If the cold air of winter could bring so much peace into my heart, amidst the storm raging outside then I never wanted it to stop.I stood watching Melissa cradle Aiden in her arms and the little one had never looked more excited to be carried by someone. ‘This is it…’ I mentally motioned, the love of a family. I thought Aiden wouldn’t live a day in this blissfulness but here he was basking in the happiness that comes with a Grandma’s love. I never got to experience that because Melissa’s parents died before I was born and Andrew never let me see his parents. All I had was my mother’s love and it was enough for me but I wanted Aiden to experience more…He shouldn’t suffer the same fate as me but sadly I might not be able to fulfill that promis
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Chapter 224: Hello, beautiful
Bella’s POVChristmas Eve was going smoothly with Amiee. I cooked while she… well, she played games as usual, now that she got the new video game set from Klaus she even neglected eating! Not if I can help it though, she certainly wouldn’t starve on my watch. There were medications to be taken so not skipping meals was as important as breathing.“Amiee! Food is served!”“Coming!”That’s the third time this evening, I matched over and held her favorite stuffed animal.“Come eat or I’ll feed Ms Pears some food”“You can’t do that, you ruin her fur!”At last, something finally got her attention off the screen. It’s cliche that a teenager is still hung up by a stuffed toy but who am I to judge? As long as Ms Pears can get the Job done, she’s welcomed to stay.“The choice is yours, choose wisely”“Fine! Leave Ms Pears out of this”She stood up and abandoned her gaming machine. This made me wonder, just how important was Ms Pears to her.Would I be ranked lower than a stuffed animal
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Chapter 225: I want babies
Without a word Klaus grabbed Bella’s hand and led her outside. She couldn’t help but think, wasn’t she the one who came to drag him out? How did she end up being dragged instead?He released her hands in front of his car and ruffled his wet hair against the cold air. “Aren’t you cold? Why did you get soaked?”She asked out of sheer concern but deep down she wasn’t complaining about the view he was feeding her lustful mind. It wasn’t bad enough his shirt stuck to him like tissue but a few buttons were undone to reveal his protruding chest. No straight woman could remain a nun when faced with this temptation yet she tried to peel her eyes off and focus it on his face but his face wasn’t any better!The base of his hair was turning black and because it was wet it appeared darker with the blonde tips that dripped off stray water droplets. “I’m fine, I needed to wash off the tipsiness”.“A-alright…” she stammered and it finally dawned on her, just how flushed she was at the though
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Chapter 226: Mother's love
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!”“POW! POW!”Fire works graced the sky of the Smith’s residence, the atmosphere was bright and bubbly as were the hearts of everyone present witnessing the glorious scenes of colorful Fireworks bursting open in the sky.“Look Aiden, do you like it?”Arya voiced to the cheerful little man who was swinging his hands with great excitement. Luke and Melissa stood together while Arya stood some distance away with Aiden in her arms and all other members of the household including Jane went back inside to prepare the elaborate meal and Aiden’s necessary arrangements. It was twelve midnight, marking the dawn of a new day, and in this case a new year! So of course Aiden won’t be joining the fun. Jane took him to his cot while Arya, Melissa and Luke had a splendid time at the dining. A completely joyous family was all she ever asked for, it seemed impossible from the start and even the only one she had was taken away but life wasn’t so cruel afterward. It found a way t
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Chapter 227: Just tears
The tension in the room immediately tightened, Lucious’s focus was now on Arya. Juliet’s words seemed to do the trick and he began his questioning.“Is this true?…”Of course, his question was met with no reply, of all the times Arya would be in the right state of mind to answer that, right now was definitely not the freaking time!“Are you going to keep avoiding me even if I’m right here? I saw the news and wanted to check in with you but you never answered the phone. So it really was you, Arya”His tone had a tinge of sadness lurking underneath its solemn feel but Arya heard none of this, in fact, she hadn’t spared Lucious a glance the entire time, her gaze remained fixed on Juliet.“I’ve brought the documents, hand over Aiden or there will be serious consequences!” The shakiness of her voice came from her boiling anger, she was so mad it felt like she would explode in rage but Juliet kept adding fuel to fire!“I didn’t know you had hearing impairments… Come tomorrow at noon to
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Chapter 228: Aiden’s stroller
As expected the night was torture for Arya, she didn't dare lie down, afraid of what she'd see in her dreams tonight. Luke had sent a driver to retrieve Arya’s car so she held her phone while staring at the stars from the balcony. The chair she sat on still had Aiden’s scent and she couldn’t stop crying. How can what felt like heaven a few hours ago suddenly become hell?Such is the pain of longing, It casts a vague appearance in the memories and leaves behind fragments of pieces that end up becoming history. With time they start to feel warm in the heart, no longer the cold of the void space left behind but even the warmth is just the heart’s coping mechanism, nothing can truly replace the missing piece.Above all, it’s the guilt that eats deep into the heart that does the most damage, maybe if things were different seeing a brighter light would be possible sooner than later but that’s never the case.And that’s definitely not the case here!Arya clenched her chest tighter,
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Chapter 229: Now, choose
“Nicklaus…drop your gun”Arya’s voice cracked but it was audible enough. Her eyes on the other hand were no longer sharp and full of life. It looked like a drawing with no emotions.Just desperation clouded her mind, she was at that point where selling her soul to the devil didn’t sound like a bad idea. Anything would do to get through this nightmare, “Please, just listen to me!” She screamed out in pain, her breathing was haggard and slowly Nicklaus lowered his hands and tossed his gun aside.“Very good, I knew you’d be useful in taming this beast. Now, hand over the ledger”All eyes rested on Nicklaus right now, amongst those eyes were Arya’s shocked gaze. Was she referring to the same ledger that got Luke killed? A shudder ran through her spine, she knew it was very important to Nicklaus, what if he doesn’t give it up and Aiden ends up paying with his life? After all, she hid him from Nicklaus all this while.What if he resents her for it and as retribution he lets Aiden,
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Chapter 230: Die for you
“Please…I beg you, I can’t do anything else but this, I’ll find a way to repay you, I promise… Just please spare Aiden”What sounded like a hysterical laugh ended with a scorn from Jane.“Does that mean you’re choosing to pay with your life?… Don’t you get it? There’s no point begging. Juliet had to die because I knew she was in on it, even though she lied and pretended to be a saint, even when she made me take months of gun training, and even when she placed me instead of the real Jane to be Aiden's nanny. She claimed she did all that for my revenge but I knew, I've always known I'd kill her for what she did! So, you see… everyone involved dies, only then would it be fair!”Melissa seemed to have recovered from the shock and shouted.“Let me die instead, please!”“No!” Arya screamed with uncontrollable pain. “I would never let that happen! This has nothing to do with you-”“Shut your mouth, how can a mother be alive when her daughter dies? I’d hang myself if that should happen, I’
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