All Chapters of Auctioned to a mafia boss : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
207 Chapters
Chapter forty one: Pick your yacht
The docile and calm ride was a complete contrast to Arya’s raging emotions. She was furious, why would he forcefully detach Pearl from her embrace? She’s been long convinced that he’s a psycho but anytime he shows his true colors she can’t help but be alarmed. In annoyance she folded her hands against her chest while staring through the window zealously as though not wanting to miss her stop. Anything to get away from his presence.“We’re here ma’am-” the chauffeur announced but he was cut abrupt by the sudden shut of the door and within seconds Arya took hurried strides to her apartment and evidently flexing the cold shoulders she’d served Nick through the ride. But the person in question had zero clue to what wrong he had committed and only knitted his brows in confusion. But we all know who’d take the heat for this misfortune as Nick turned his gaze to his phone.Arya slumped on her bed, ready to shut her eyes to dreamland but then it hit her, she can’t sleep with makeup on. “Argh!
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Chapter forty two: cocked my gun
Nick’s POV ‘Maybe it’s just a coincidence I cheated sleep the last time. I’d much rather believe this than Klaus unconventional theories’ these thoughts solid in my head while I take interval sips of wine as I stare through the huge windows while waiting for sunrise to grace my desperation. “I’m beginning to lose faith in the hypnotist” I declared to Klaus who just made his presence known. “Needless to say. You’ve got a much better option but you’re too stubborn to admit it” Klaus opined hinting on his theory for the one thousandth time since that occurrence, while I did nothing but shoot him a glare that revealed my ire.“Uhm hmm...I’ll get him replaced” Klaus announced sensing the impending danger, at least he knows better than to get on my bad side this awry morning. “How’s the clean-up going? Any result?” I inquired but it was really a bad morning as I heard Klaus reveal “nothing yet”, or maybe I just jinxed it? “Fuck!” I growled. The thought of hosting Juliet’s spy is threateni
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Chapter forty three: Come get her
Arya’s POV My body tensed as Nicklaus’ voice echoed through the phone, each word like an arrow shot to my heart piercing through without mercy as I felt my saliva turn to stone. It was like a thorn that could neither be swallowed or thrown out. My hand slowly massaging the sore spot lost stamina with Nicklaus’ final words. I felt cold shivers run through my spine. Realization choked me hard while my breath failed to rescue my dying lungs. This reality was cruelly enlightening, digging painfully deep without sparing my sanity. ‘How reckless of me, up until this very moment I’ve denied the feared truth that’s capable of paralyzing my rationality. ‘I...Ive fallen for Nicklaus. I’ve unknowingly given my heart to a monster, one who wouldn’t bat an eye or twitch a lash to tear it to shreds. Is this what heartbreak feels like?’ I wondered vibrating from the immerse pain slicing through my heart, but all I could do was helplessly let hot tears slowly stream down aimlessly. My attention is
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Chapter forty four: I’d rather die!
Hello” Nicklaus voice answered a man over the phone. “Yes, boss. I need a little more time” he demanded. “We can’t afford more time” Nick gritted out. “I understand boss” the man affirmed. “Create an opening and send the signal” Nick declared ending the call and staring at the midnight view through his study’s window. Few minutes later his phone rang interrupting his thoughts, but what’s worse? His brows knitted at the sight. “Hello, Adam” he muttered but of course Adam was furious “you rascal! How dare you cause all this ruckus for a woman. Two useless good for nothing sons, turning the clan upside down for a girl” he roared. “Lucious’ involved?” Nick curiously asked. “The punk override my authority to station men” Adam scoffed still in disbelief before adding “That scum Martin is messing with both of you and you’re playing right into his trap. I can’t believe he got you riled up by a mere plaything”. As the words left Adam’s mouth Nick’s eyes grew cold like an ice in mid-wint
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Chapter forty five: I love you
She smiled in his arms letting hot tears moisturizer her cheeks while he clasped her frame that was losing stamina by the second. Silence rang through Nick’s head as a glimpse of his mother’s last memories swept through his mind, a memory he thought he could never recover. His brain finally caught up to reality as he lifted his hands to behold a palm filled with Arya’s blood.Time started ticking again for Nick as he carried her bridal style into the car and declared “drive. Fast!”. He clenched his chest in fright wondering why it felt like his inside was twisting, grinding and slowly ripping to shreds. Minutes later all ears were filled with siren wails as the stretcher wheeled in Arya to the emergency ward.For someone who has never experienced such burst of emotions, Nick was really doing a good job keeping his composure but I guess maybe he was just too good at it ‘cause the next second Lucious stormed towards Nick who was standing outside the theater and threw him a punch that ti
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Chapter forty six: It’s all busted
Anyone would be alarmed at the sight of the numerous armed men guarding the theater, and although Melissa seems to be doing a pretty good job holding up, in reality her mind was deeply troubled, not to mention the little booklet Nicklaus showed her earlier. A lot of questions needed some answers but at the same time she dreaded the possible outcome of her unanswered questions. The presence of the doctor rocked trouble in the eyes of everyone waiting but surprisingly the doctor’s eyes reflected more terror, he had no idea the patient he just operated on was someone of great backing. “My sincere apologies to keep you waiting” the doctor portrayed making a ninety degree bow. Although Melissa sensed a dignified aura from this man, she still couldn’t help but feel a stir in her heart from the current happenings.“What’s the status?” Nick demanded, cutting to the chase as the doctor quickly adjusted “oh yes, luckily the bullet missed her vital organs, but there’s a case of severe damaged
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Chapter forty seven: Let me kiss you
‘Oh that’s right, we didn’t get a chance to have dinner before we got abducted’ Emily thought as it now made perfect sense why she felt so hungry. Slowly her consciousness returned planting a gaze on the perfectly seated sculpture beside her. She didn’t even bother to blink as she watched him flip through his file while adjusting his specs. He looked like a nerd but an extremely handsome one with a choco brown hair that calmly hovered above his glasses. Keeping fit was healthy and all but judging by his career he looked as though he spent a truck load of time working out which was insanely suspicious.“Something you wanna say?” Alex voice breaks Emily’s gawking while his gaze remained fixated on the documents like a robot.“Me?” Emily cluelessly asked and he finally shifted his gaze to her “anyone else around?” He sarcastically asked while she kept batting her lashes in nervousness before stating “uhm..I’m hungry”.“A meal will be brought to you shortly” he announced clapping the
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Chapter forty eight: Tingled my senses
Bella’s POVBelieve me when I say I had no idea how I ended up in such an unfamiliar place. Yes, I did agree to live with him for the three-months duration of the contract but something about it all makes it seem like I’m signing up for a slavery term instead of a mistress. His place reeks of grandeur in the most sophisticated way that it’s almost too magnificent as everything’s fighting for my attention. I don’t mind spending my days here but then again knowing I’m gonna be seeing that ‘stalker’ everyday is edgy, what’s more? We’re gonna be sharing a bed! Hold up, this is what I signed up for anyways but still...Maybe it’s cause I was tipsy the last time but it’s so difficult to imagine it now that I’m sober. Yikes! The whole thing is making me a nervous-wreck. “Argh!” I whined in frustration, throwing a tantrum on the King-sized bed I was instructed to wait but then I’ve been waiting for almost two hours. Doesn’t he have a sense of courtesy?!“Forget it, I might really loose my mi
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Chapter forty nine: Sucking me whole
Bella’s POVI was in no position to decline as I felt him plant hot kisses down my neck, igniting a fire within me that slowly numbed my brain. Needlessly to say, this was my first time making out while being sober. My first Time was when I escaped Frederic, I just wanted to get this shit over with and loose my virginity already, so I lost it with a one night stand while very much wasted and I could barely recall those memories. Second time was of course with this stalker while I was also intoxicated, but now...this is different. I could feel his every touch, suck and lick of my skin. They fan the flames of my darkest desires that’s capable of sucking me whole.He turned me over finally ceasing the teasing as he claimed my lips as though they were a reward and without seeking permission he stole his way through, intruding and plundering my lips leaving me squarely with no room for refusal. My tongue danced to his rhythm as he played and chased it, sending wave signals to my core as
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Chapter fifty: Walking temptation
It’s been two weeks since the gunshot incidence and you can say everything’s kinda peaceful except for Arya’s raging emotions of course. Living in Nick’s mansion for the past days have been nothing but ‘self-torture’. The man was a walking temptation and although he didn’t make any advances given the situation, honestly he didn’t need to. The thought of Nicklaus was the only thing needed to make her feel extremely uncomfortable especially between her legs. A tingling sensation would prick her core just by glancing in his direction. But who could blame her? Imagine a seven foot perfectly sculpted man that dripped of ethereal muscularity and a face that beats even your wildest imaginations was caught feeding you breakfast?! And yes, Arya did decline a lot of times saying she could handle it but needless to say those excuses were nothing compared to his resilience.Sadly, this beautiful scene wasn’t for long as Arya sought to escape and thankfully after her most recent check-up she w
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