All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
640 Chapters
Chapter 521 An Uproar
"Do you think that handsome guy is mixed? He's gorgeous!""Doesn't look like it. He's probably a foreigner. He's quite handsome, but why does he seem familiar?""You think he looks familiar too?"Lana was in the airport departure hall. She was clad entirely in black—a black tank top, jeans, a cap, and a face mask. It was like she was trying to blend into the night.She was examining some bills on her phone when she heard two women in the same lounge discussing something. Unwittingly, she looked up and turned in the direction they were pointing at.However, what she saw almost shocked her out of her wits.In that instance, she gave up leaving the country. She quickly pressed her cap lower to hide her face and fled hurriedly.Even so, her quirky behavior didn't attract any attention. Everyone had their eyes on the dashing foreigner who had just stepped off the plane.With a black backpack on his back, he left the hall and immediately took out his phone. "Hey, Marcel. I'm back."
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Chapter 522 You're Missing Someone
Those who killed their parents were their sworn enemies. After listening to Violet, the Kanes were all filled with righteous anger, especially Liam.He clenched his fists and didn't let go even though his veins were bulging to a horrifying extent.Violet's assumption wasn't baseless. Liam had never stopped probing into the horrendous death of his parents.However, the truth behind it became more confusing as he dug deeper. It also was closely related to the Snyder family."This is a godsend. To think our enemies will come to us on their own accord. We must take the opportunity and do our best to get rid of them," Violet said.She had been waiting for this day for too long. She had thought their enemies were too far away, but now, they were just within their reach."Grandma, what should we do if it's proven that the Snyders are involved in our parents' death? Are we really going to fall out with Balany?" Darla asked.She was older, and her perspective of the situation was more th
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Chapter 523 Is He Married
Nicholas exclaimed, "Look at the blush on his face! He must've returned to Zanteles because of that certain someone."For once, Marcel nodded in agreement. Obviously, that was Adrian's true feelings, even though he acted as though it wasn't on the outside.Adrian realized Marcel and Nicholas were staring at him. He looked away, pretending to sulk when he was actually shy. "Don't look at me like that. Well, you're right. That's why I came back."Nicholas and Marcel nodded together. "You can always come back if you miss that person."Adrian fiddled with his fingers and suddenly looked like a shy squirrel. "It's been many years. How is he? Has he found himself a wife? Does he have children already?"Upon hearing that, the other two exchanged a doubtful glance. They looked confused. What was he talking about?"Hey, I'm asking a question here!" Adrian waited for them to answer, but no one did.Sitting up, he couldn't help but protest, "You guys are flirting with each other! Did you e
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Chapter 524 Return to the Past
"What rotten luck!"When Lana recalled her fate with Adrian, she felt helpless.His handsome face always put people in a daze. Thinking of that, she shook her head and quickened her pace.Surprisingly, when she returned to Gilsbury, she saw a familiar face."Nadia, when did you come back?"Nadia had returned to Gilsbury and lived in their former luxury condominium.She smiled and quickly helped Lana pack her luggage."With the things happening to the Watson family, my parents and Alex were worried that it would affect my mood. They wanted to send me overseas to relax."But how could I be in the mood to relax overseas? So, I told them I wanted to stay in Gilsbury for a while. Alex sent me back overnight."After hearing about Nadia's situation, Lana realized she had been worrying about Adrian recently and ignoring the people around her."Nadia, I'm happy for you."It was a blessing in disguise. After reuniting with the Watsons, they doted on her so much that it made even Lana
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Chapter 525 Break off Engagement
"He's busy at work. When did he help you?" Nadia asked, her voice laced with doubt.Whether now or then, Howard's focus was always on Dawsbury.When Lana asked him to check on Nadia, he only did it for Lana's sake. But after their relationship ended, they rarely interacted, let alone matters in Gilsbury City."Howard is a nice man!"When Nadia heard her tone, she could guess what Laura wanted to say next."I've met many people. I can tell who is good or bad. Even though Howard looks cold, he's very kind. I know nothing about legal matters or psychological counseling. When I encountered these things, I didn't know what to do."One day, it was raining heavily, and there was no business. I planned to sweep the floor. But when I went out, I saw him standing at the door in the rain. After I got him in, he didn't say anything and ordered pasta."Then, I discussed my house's problem with other employees. When he heard about it, he took the initiative to help me find a lawyer. He even h
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Chapter 526 Sad and Pitiful
Seeing that Howard seemed determined to leave, Wilson chased after him. "You've caused such trouble to the Rein family! How dare you leave!"Howard suddenly couldn't help but admire his grandfather, Jaden. Even though he knew that Wilson wasn't the best heir to the Rein family, he still indulged Wilson until now.Howard couldn't figure out what was going on in Wilson's mind.It was clear that Emilia disliked and cut them off. But Wilson thought that Howard had betrayed her. "Didn't you want me to leave?"After being refuted by Howard, Wilson was stunned and couldn't react.After a while, Wilson pointed at him and yelled, "You can stay in the Rein family. But you should apologize to Emilia and get her forgiveness! I'll forgive you after she returns to be my daughter-in-law!"Howard was on the verge of laughter. His father was pathetic.Wilson was so lucky to maintain the Rein family until now with his foolishness."I won't do that!" he refused Wilson's rude request. "Since you
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Chapter 527 Her Trap
Emilia felt that she had already made things clear. If Howard knew better, he would give up and never appear in front of her again. However, Howard's response was unexpected."It's okay. I've already waited so long. What's another few years?"Emilia frowned as she assessed Howard with her cold eyes. "Howard, you're not an idiot. Do you really need me to say it out loud? You might not want to hear them."She was done acting.Howard shrugged as if he hadn't understood. "You've said plenty of harsh words to me. I've heard them all. Besides, you were the one who came knocking on my door to marry me. Have you changed your mind so quickly?"Emilia was beyond words."Oh, I get it now," Howard continued, "They say money changes a person. It seems that applies to you as well. Now that you've become a new elite in Dawsbury City, you think I'm not worthy of you anymore, right?"Emilia sneered. Took him long enough to figure that out!"Fine, I won't force you. I'll help you find someone
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Chapter 528 Trying Her Luck
It was said that Duke Snyder and his wife would secretly arrive in Dawsbury City tomorrow afternoon. Emilia had put in a lot of effort to obtain this precise information. The moment she received this news, she decided to try her luck at the airport tomorrow.One had to take initiative in their life, as good fortune seldom came knocking on the door willingly.Emilia's proactive outlook in life led her to her success today. Only fools daydream for luck to arrive at their doorstep. Wise people would actively seek such opportunities.The next afternoon, Emilia showed up at the airport exit, pretending to wait for someone to return. She was dressed elegantly in a white gown and a white lace hat adorned with pearls.According to the information she gathered, there was indeed a middle-aged foreign couple emerging from the airport with their luggage around 2:50 pm. Though they had no entourage, their refined attire indicated their noble background.After a short while, Emilia also notic
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Chapter 529 Wastrel
Maverick was too naïve. Even Emilia had no idea what to do with him anymore.Emilia dismissed him with a wave of her hand and said in a defeated voice, "Go and have someone buy the books you need first."Maverick was more than happy to be away from Emilia's nagging and ran off joyfully.Emilia lay on the sofa, looking outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The gloomy sky reflected her current mood. Everything she had achieved through various means, she couldn't just hand it over to Maverick, who was nothing but a wastrel."Can't you see? You're taking care of someone who's nothing better than a wastrel. Do you still want to continue working for them?" A voice suddenly sounded.Emilia frowned, looking displeased at the person who spoke. "How did you come here? I already said this isn't the place for you to come and go as you please."Cynthia sneered, casually sitting down beside her. "Say it again? Am I not allowed to be here?""Didn't we say so?" Emilia found Cynthia's presence
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Chapter 530 Unreasonable
The store manager noticed that Lana seemed to not recognize the person in front of her. So, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Have you forgotten? When our store just opened, it was robbed, and this manager was the one who helped us resolve it."Lana finally remembered. There was indeed such an incident. When her perfume store had just opened, for some reason, it became a favorite target for thieves, getting robbed every few days.Eventually, the manager came up with a solution. They assigned dedicated security to guard the perfume store at night, preventing further thefts. Since then, Lana had a great impression of the manager.However, she never expected that the manager was such a young man. It also seemed like he had a crush on her.Lana immediately extended her hand to the manager, who came to strike up a conversation. "Hello, I'm Lana. Thank you for looking after our store."The manager, Jason, stared blankly at Lana's hand extended toward him. His face turned as red as
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