All Chapters of Night of the Rogues: Bound In Darkness: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
111 Chapters
41. Cyrus
I slowly climb down from the carved stone ledge. Only Raze knew I hid here. When I told him about the moonshine makers, he wanted to know how I discovered their scheme.This means he told Mireille where to find me.I could send myself mad trying to work out the implications of who told who what. Why would she go back to see him? It's not the full moon until tomorrow. Will she go back again for that foul-smellling tea? How much of his bullshit did she fall for?I breathe in and enjoy her fresh, mountain air scent for a second. Raze had made everything so complicated, so twisty. It's all to make me fall on my ass. Try to contort myself around a web of lies. All in pursuit of a future I know is not mine.So I'm not playing. I spent hours trying to think of some crafty, dirty trick I could use and came up with nothing. I don’t have any. It’s not who I am.I'm just going to be me. For better or worse. "No wonder I could never find you," she murmured, tracing her way along the shelving.
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42. Mireille
Observing someone as self-contained as Cyrus talking is a bizarre experience. He’s beyond uncomfortable. Huge jaw clenched. He moves from one foot to the other.But I believe every word he’s saying. That edginess is pure discomfort, building towards the point of no return. When he took his top off and wrapped me in it, I felt my wolf rise powerfully. It’s not even the full moon until tomorrow, and all I wanted for a few hazy seconds was to open my legs wider on the ledge.Seeing his bare, mountainous chest and shoulders really didn't help. Especially as he's covered in eye-grabbing tattoos. Each scene is darker, more miserable than the last. Chains, bars, prison walls. Skulls and bones over his pecs, but they’re damaged, chunks missing. He is carpeted in despair. Pure curiosity sees my eyes drawn to his collarbones. He has the tell-tale scar that suggests a matebond. Maybe that's the part I'm meant to start hating him at.His hazel eyes keep flitting up to look at me. Not for long.
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43. Hope
I haven’t decided exactly how I’m going to exact revenge on Elvie and Reu, but I’ve come to the conclusion a bullet in each would be a strong start. Then, whatever my father has done to Cal, can be revisited on them tenfold. They should bear the burden of guilt. They were weak enough to be fooled by him. I killed time imagining the pain I could unleash. I’ve never hit anyone in my life. I haven’t even hunted in shifted form. My wolf is much more of a gentle wanderer, finding the sunsets. But right now, she’s ready to commit atrocities. The full moon is certainly close. Prickling, teasing sensations are running up and down my spine, agitation intensified by the pull of the moon. I’d gingerly tested the silver bars. Reinforced and inches thick. There was no bending or breaking through, even in wolf form. So, for all my devious scheming and rabid imaginings, I remained exactly where Elvie left me. Finally, shards of bright, fake daytime light shredded the black floor. I remained sat
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44. Cal
One blast of shotgun and my world went black. I didn’t need to be conscious to know that every second after leaving Hope in my room had seen my situation swing from bad to worse. I knew Ervin was on the precipice. That conversation through the racking, maybe I pushed him into this whole thing. Made him think he had to prove his rebel qualities.Clearing the corridor, it was hard to work out what the hell was happening. The shouts and cries over the wailing siren left my wolf on edge. I slinked carefully around the walls. Hope had laughed, repeatedly, at the whole Alpha ego thing, but it turns out, if I'm worrying about Hope, I become a bit of a scaredy-cat. Mainly because I knew she'd open the door eventually. She can only listen to someone else’s instructions for so long. Hope only sits still when she’s drawing. That's why when I heard a growl and gunfire, I knew I had to act. Because if someone had turned savage down here, then they could harm her. Now, in my excellently crafted
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45. Mireille
Instead of chasing after Cyrus, I forced myself to sit back up on his stone ledge. Inhaling rosemary scent like it could reverse time I pieced together the wreckage of his life. Even before his Lycan heritage took over that night, he was living a life nobody could approve of.A life my father had once been part of. My mother saw past his Rogue background. Except I doubted my white-haired quietly spoken father ever went on a solo killing spree.And that's it. All my knowledge about men who can do bad things. Cyrus, Raze, and my father. Ryan is clearly a piece of shit but not quite in their, that I know of anyway. I know nobody else, never spoken to anyone who has lived differently to my parents. Pilgrims came and went. Those who wanted to stay were of 'good character.'Cyrus has yanked open my sheltered eyes. The world isn't a fairytale. Not even close. It's survival. Forcing himself to trust Raze, to subject himself to this place. For an address, pack name. Knowing everyone fears h
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46. Cyrus
Her beautifully desperate pussy finally took every bit of me in. Holding me close we both bellowed with raw pleasure.I'm completely addicted to watching her orgasms. Feeling her breathing change, irises flare, her whole body clenching around me. Jagged nails down my flesh, merging pain into the pleasure of her touch.The unrelenting pressure of being seated so deeply inside saw me begin to tense up. There is only so much torment a man can stand no matter how sweet. With curses sputtering out, I begin to deliver on my roughly spoken promises.I groaned, eyes clamped shut, thighs quaking whilst I filled her. My hands were wrapped in her silvery locks. Seizing her, all inhibitions cast into the wind, I claimed her mouth with ever fiercer kisses. All the while, my body jolted and jerked, pumping into her with everything I had. Keeping her pressed against my chest I almost lifted off the fucking ground with the force of the sensations she ground out of me.I never stopped moving, every s
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47. Hope
After leaping onto Cal and smothering him in rabid affection it took me a minute for me to truly take stock of what was happening. It wasn’t the romantic moment I had hoped for. He still smelt of that warm oak and cinnamon, his crazily rumpled messy brown curls immediately filled my head with images of washing him down in a huge bubble bath.But his arms didn't wrap around me, pressing his body to mine. No swearing to never let me go again. Instead he stood stiffly, somehow taller. His abs and v-line as sharply defined as ever and when I kissed his cheek it had the same deliciously stubbled roughness I adored.But everything felt strange. Foreign. He didn’t yield under my touch; he remained as immovable as a statue.His hands rested on my hips, keeping me at a distance. His dark eyes were not fixed on me, but instead on the crumpled figure of my father. The atmosphere of the room was so strange I wanted to turn around, walk out and scream at them to try again. What the hell is happen
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48. Cal
I’ve never been the kind of guy who is lost for words before. Talking myself into trouble has been more of a problem in the past. I was still reeling from Howen’s insane suicide note when Hope flew into the room. Well, someone who looked like a Hope from a different fucking planet. How can two weeks apart leave her so broken, reduced? The ghost of Hope flew into that room.Even her scent is weaker. Where are the freesias that could knock me off my feet?The sight of her made me seize from head to toe in the worst possible way. Her questions flew at me, her voice so manic and frantic I couldn’t even begin to process what a good answer would be. Stuck in here with Howen, it had been a silent, poised standoff. I’d basically read a letter and insulted him. Now I had a flailing, screaming, grabbing, crazy-eyed whirlwind and my new found ability to stay conscious was being severely tested.Of course I saw the scars on her arms straight away. Those silvery lines just echo pain. Because o
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49. Hope
I lied to Cal. His shoulder is in an absolute state. I could actually see the tendons knitting back together, his wolf’s work in action. How he was even standing up is a miracle. It looks like it got infected, and then, in digging out the stray bullet pieces, they decided to do it with a jagged ice cream scoop. I stare at it for longer than I should. I feel sick knowing that had I been allowed to look after him, he would never have been left in this state.I know I’m a hypocrite. I shouted at him for not talking, then he started to mutter some words, and I told him to shut up. But I guess neither of us is our normal selves. When he passed out again, there was nowhere for me to sleep but near to his chest. So I curled into a ball and tried to get some rest.When I woke up, I was holding his huge arm. I looked up at him in panic and saw his eyes were still shut. The steady rise and fall of his chest, he must still be sleeping. Then I gasped to realise I had clamped his fingers in betw
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50. Mireille
Waking up and finding Cyrus still there was almost a greater relief than realising I could fit his knot inside me. Last time, I woke up alone. This dawn feels like the start of something special. Tucked up warm surrounded by furs and pelts, we resembled a couple of hunter-gatherers. My fearsome caveman lies tamed, his huge chest and powerful legs filling the space around me. To my immediate regret, the marks I left on his body have already healed up. The depressing black and grey tattoos remain. My face is staring directly into an artistically shattered skull.Quick flashes of my actions and words came back, and I could feel my face lighting up like a flare.Oh Goddess, I really did mock Raze whilst showing off my pink ass and knot-crammed core? Never in a thousand years, not in all the romantic daydreams I had of falling in love, did that one fall into the playbook. But mixed in with the embarrassment was a strange pride. Raze entered that storage room with the sole intention of r
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