All Chapters of Be a wife After Five Years Apart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
96 Chapters
11. Bridal Night
Nighttime is the most anticipated time for newlyweds to channel their passion for each other. But what if the partner you're currently sharing a room with isn't the one you love? Will the biological desire still grow in warm feelings and run through both of their bodies? Encouraging them to go several rounds with each other for mutual satisfaction.Jonathan lay down on the bed with a tired sigh. He had yet to take off the shirt he had worn to the wedding earlier in the day. Even to clean himself, he was reluctant.With a pounding chest, Elena walked over to Jonathan, who was lying on the bed."Jo..." she said, sounding spoiled.Jonathan only looked away for a moment before exhaling tiredly. Being beside Elena all day made Jonathan feel very tired. Although standing hand in hand was actually not a hard thing to do.Elena, who was already dressed in a skimpy nightgown, spluttered in annoyance at her husband, who didn't stare wildly at her beautiful body.She slowly lay down next to Jona
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12. Which one should be compressed?
Elena stared in annoyance at the man who was still sleeping shirtless next to her. Her wish to have a pleasurable first night was dashed by Jonathan's rough foreplay."Shit!" she swore as she scrambled out of bed. She winced, bearing the sting of a chafed sex organ from last night's struggle.Theresia and Edmund turned their heads as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. A well-dressed young man smiled at them as he carried his black suit. He walked over and pulled up a chair at the dining table.The man went downstairs alone, raising questions in Theresia's head. Where was her son-in-law? This morning was supposed to be his first breakfast with the new member of his family."Where's Elena?" asked Therseia with a questioning look as her son innocently placed food on his plate."She's still in her room, Mom. She's probably tired at the moment," replied Jonathan as he popped some bread into his mouth.Inwardly, Theresia smiled happily because she thought that Jonathan had really
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13. Meeting again
One month had passed since Amelie first started working at Demiurge. The girl adapted very well and quickly to her new job. Moreover, the workers there welcomed her very well. They even asked her not to hesitate to ask if there was anything she didn't understand in carrying out her work.From a distance of two meters, two women were watching a girl who was writing down an order requested by one of the customers. The pretty face always looks friendly and offers a smile to the visitors."Julie, are you thinking the same thing as me?" asked Anne from behind the counter. Her gaze could not be separated from Amelie's figure."Hm? What do you mean?" asked Julie with a frown on her forehead. The girl had no idea what her friend was thinking."Haah. I feel Amelie's physique changing. Her breasts look full, and her body temperature is warmer than that of a normal, healthy person. Plus, the most striking difference is that Amelie's stomach has gotten bigger. Didn't you notice the change?"Julie
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14. Photo of woman in Jonathan's drawer
A woman with curls walked through the grounds of the E&H Food Company. All the workers greeted her kindly. But unfortunately, the woman was arrogant and did not answer any of the greetings from the workers she met."Young lady," Damian greeted as he bowed respectfully to the young woman who had recently married the only son of his employer, Edmund Hayes.Damian Cyrilo has been the head of security at the Hayes family company for the past five years. During this time, the 56-year-old was quite close to Jonathan and his father. He was always specifically asked by Jonathan to maintain security in front of the boardroom when meetings with outside parties were taking place. He has always successfully carried out Jonathan's duties."What brings Madame here?" the 56-year-old man asked politely.Elena haughtily rolled her eyes and said, "I came to see my husband.""But, sorry, ma'am. Mr. Jonathan advised that if any guests arrive, they should wait in the lobby until the meeting is over. The y
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15. Remembering love with the rain
Jonathan, who was used to sleeping with his back to Elena, didn't react to his wife tossing and turning on the bed. Elena was upset about the woman named Amelie. Elena decided to assume that Amelie had been her rival since the first time she heard Jonathan mention her name.Jonathan chose to remain silent and did not want to know about something that was bothering Elena's mind. The man's eyes were staring at the wall. His mind was full of Amelie. Jonathan misses her a lot right now.For a long time, Elena tossed and turned, causing the bed to creak. This time, Jonathan felt disturbed. He decided to leave the room and get some fresh air in the garden.Elena scowled in annoyance. Jonathan didn't ask her how she was doing. It was late at night, and a husband and wife should be asking about what was bothering their partner and what was making their bedmate unable to close their eyes. But, lo and behold! Instead, the man came out and stood on the balcony.Elena's frustration grew. She want
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16. Truth Serum
With his clothes soaking wet, Jonathan walked into the mini bar located in the corner of the family lounge. He grabbed a few bottles of whisky and quickly left the minibar for his room. He didn't want his parents to see what a mess he was in. Which would only earn him a scolding from Theresia if she knew his mess was related to the servant girl his mother hated so much."Honey, what are you going to do with those drinks?" asked Elena, who arrived in the room first, seeing her husband hugging five bottles of whiskey."Oh. It's nothing. My body feels so tired. I just want to get a little drunk tonight.""Really, you just feel tired?" asked Elena, pretending not to know. Actually, she knew that he wanted to forget about his problems for a while by making alcohol his friend.Silence. Jonathan began pouring whiskey into the glass until it was full, gulping it down brutally in one go. And it was done repeatedly until the third glass. Jo was feeling very frustrated at this point. Elena began
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17. A confession
That afternoon, the Demiurge was packed. The sun is quite hot. The workers are required to work diligently at this time, and Amelie is no exception. The girl forced herself to move quickly, even though she was currently very tired. She staggered along with her growing belly."Waiter, over here!" exclaimed a man in a mask as Amelie carried the tray with her order. She almost bumped into the back of another worker standing not far from her."Oh, yes, sir." Amelie replied kindly. Slowly serving the food that the visitor had ordered."Are you alright, miss? Your face is so pale," asked the man with glasses who noticed Amelie's pale face."O, no, sir. I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." Amelie replied and turned around.It was a very hot afternoon, even though all the fans in the hall were spinning.Cold sweat poured down Amelie's forehead. She limped along with her body, which felt so heavy. Her legs were so heavy to walk on, like they had no strength at all. It was as if all her bones
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18. Declaration of love
Since his meeting with Amelie at Demiurge, Gideon Issac Victor has been spending most of his lunch time at Benitto's shop. Looking at Amelie, who was working from a distance.Gideon and Benitto knew each other well. It was not uncommon for Benitto to walk up to Gideon and chat with the young doctor once he spotted his entity in the hall of his shop."Doctor Gideon!" greeted Benitto as he shared a fist with the young man. Gideon happily greeted him. Pausing for a moment to enjoy his lunch."How are you? Sorry, the shop has been too crowded lately, and I've been busy. I neglected your presence." Benitto said it with regret."It's not a problem at all, Ben," she replied as she turned to where Amelie was.Benitto followed the man's direction. And found Amelie as the young doctor's object of observation."Yes, she is so beautiful and graceful." Benitto said, trying to tease Gideon.Instantly, the man's face flushed red with embarrassment. Gideon cleared his throat to normalize his mood."
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19. Meeting an asshole
A few days after a well-known man in the Waikato declared his love for a Demiurge worker, many men came to visit the shop. They were curious and wanted to see firsthand what kind of woman could resist the charm of a Gideon Issak Victor.Many of them recognized Amelie's beauty. The girl's pot belly did not in any way diminish her charm and grace.At one of the tables sat three men who had come with the same purpose as the men before them: to see firsthand the woman who had openly rejected Gideon."Jav, look over there!" whispered a lanky man to one of his friends. Staring in a direction with rounded eyes.The other two men also stared in the direction where the thin man's gaze was directed. There were several girls in waitress uniforms standing in front of the counter, doing their jobs."The red-haired one?" asked Javier Kristofer to his friend, who was pointing at the hordes of working girls.The man's face was facing Hendy Carlson, while his eyes glanced at the girls working at the s
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20. Indebtedness
A white Mercedes Maybach was blocking the car they were driving. Danny immediately got out to meet the owner of the car.The car owner got out when Danny was about to knock on his windshield."Don't touch my car with your dirty hands," said the man who owned the car in a flat voice.Seeing the male entity getting out of the car in front, the three pairs of eyes inside were rounded. A glimmer of hope to be free from the traps of those men made Amelie smile."Shit!" cursed Javier and Hendy almost simultaneously. Both of them immediately got out to help Danny, who was fighting with Gideon.Unbeknownst to Amelie, that afternoon Gideon came to Demiurge and didn't find her there. He got information from his coworkers that Amelie was taking a break in the employee break room. Julie and Anne also told him that Amelie had been threatened by Javier for slapping him in front of many people. The man felt humiliated and angry.Hearing the story from the girl's coworkers, Gideon said that he would
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