Semua Bab Imperfect Marriage : A Billionaire Love Scandal: Bab 131 - Bab 140
215 Bab
128. Dear Uncle
"Ghea, where are you going? You're in such a hurry." Denisa, who was Ghea's friend and playmate on campus, immediately addressed her as she unintentionally passed by the library. She found her friend getting ready to go home, even though the clock showed it was only three in the afternoon. This was not Ghea's usual routine. As a diligent college student, Ghea tended to stay late. If she didn't have classes, Ghea liked to hang out in the library, either working on assignments or just reading books. Usually, she would decide to go home around five in the evening. But now? The day was still scorching hot. It was strange to see her friend preparing to leave so early. "I have plans to meet someone outside tonight," Ghea replied while zipping up her backpack. "Plans? Do you mean a weekly date? With whom? Rio? I thought you had already broken up with him," Denisa questioned without pause. 
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129. Meet You
From the plethora of food and drinks laid out in front of him, Randy didn't show the slightest hint of interest. Since he arrived, the chubby-cheeked guy had chosen to lean back casually, playing with his cell phone in his hand. After his meeting with the last girl named Ghea, instead of going home, Randy decided to visit Darwin and Kennedy, who were playing billiards at one of their favorite cafes. Randy thought, rather than rushing home, which would lead to an interrogation by his mother, he might as well hang out here for a while until it's time to go back. "What are you thinking, Ran? Your face has been so crumpled since you got here," Darwin commented after finishing his game and approaching Randy. Kennedy, who had just finished straightening the billiard sticks she was holding, also joined Darwin in responding to Randy's strange and unusual behavior tonight. "You're probably thinking about a gi
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130. Marry You
"Mom, are we really visiting the girl's house that I've chosen right now?" Verona Wood nodded casually in response to her son's question. Not only that, they were all on their way to the girl's residence now. Today, after hearing Randy's answer, Verona deliberately instructed her son to come home from work earlier than usual. She then took him and her husband to visit the parents of the girl Randy had previously chosen. It was Maxwell Denovan's residence that Verona and Adrian Walters were heading to this afternoon. After previously giving notice and getting the green light for the visit, they hurriedly left and didn't want to waste any more time. They were worried that if it wasn't executed quickly, their son might change his mind halfway. Randy had such a habit. "Alright, you just relax, Ran. If we don't visit soon, someone might snatch your future wife. Besides, you need to meet your future in-law
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131. Be Aware
On the way home after dropping off his two parents, Randy couldn't stop laughing. Even when he arrived at his house and found Darwin and Kennedy there, the laughter still hadn't faded from his lips. "If you looked sad yesterday, your face is so bright now. Did you just land a big deal or something?" Darwin guessed curiously. Actually, he was also curious why he was asked to come to Randy's house at this late hour to discuss who knows what. Earlier, Darwin had refused because it was already too late. But because his cousin had whined and promised it would only be for a short while, he reluctantly agreed and finally came along with Kennedy. "It's not about getting a big deal, Win. Just so you know, I just came back from the house of a girl named Ghea," Randy said as he handed two cans of cold coffee to his cousins. Then, he joined them on the sofa, ready to tell the story. "Anyway, I was so satisfied seeing her face, not b
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132. Make a Deal
"Ghea! What are you thinking, huh? During class, you seemed really down the whole time." Denisa, who had been observing Ghea's movements from the beginning, appeared surprised. It was strange to see her cheerful friend now looking so solemn, as if she had a heavy burden on her mind. Usually, if something was bothering Ghea, she would always share it. The girl didn't hesitate at all to call or even meet Denisa in person to vent her frustrations. "I'm feeling really stressed right now," Ghea complained while repeatedly massaging her forehead. Her breathing sounded heavy, and her demeanor was that of someone under a lot of stress. "Let's chat in the library, shall we?" Denisa suggested. The girl then got up, reached for Ghea's wrist, and pulled her to move to a different place. They often did this when they wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation; the library was more comfortab
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133. Prenuptial agreement (1)
"I wonder what Randy is really chasing. As if not wanting to waste time, the next day, like a gentleman, he picked up Ghea at her parents' house."OMG, Uncle. It's only half past seven. Why are you picking me up so early? I'm not even ready yet," Ghea complained as she approached Randy, who was sitting in the living room."Don't be conceited. I came early because your dad invited me to have breakfast together. As the ideal son-in-law candidate, of course, I agreed to that invitation. Besides, relax. I wouldn't mind waiting for you to shower, have a cream bath, or get a pedicure. Even if I had to wait for you for a lifetime, I wouldn't mind.""It's still early, don't sweet talk. Besides, having breakfast here is essential.""Of course, it's essential. Especially when invited by your future father-in-law. Moreover, starting the day with breakfast is a must. Because yesterday, I started my day with a smile, and by noon, I was starving."Ghea squinted while making a pouting face. Unwillin
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134. Prenuptial Agreement (2)
"Alright... before we start, I'll explain to Ghea what a prenuptial agreement is so there's no misunderstanding."He then turned to Ghea, looked closely, and slowly explained so that the girl in front of him would understand what they would do next."So, a Prenuptial Agreement or Premarital Agreement itself is an agreement made by prospective spouses before getting married. This agreement is made based on the mutual agreement of the prospective spouses to separate their assets and debts when they are married. Besides the changing times, now it's not just about assets that are used as references. There are many other agreements that prospective spouses make to be mutually adhered to in the future."Ghea nodded. Finally understanding after Bobby gave her a brief explanation."So, the agreement doesn't only talk about assets, right?""Yup. You can also propose other agreements if you want.""For example, Mas, if the groom is caught cheating, the punishment is to have a circumcision again
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135. Make A Wish
Laughter spilled loudly from Darwin's lips after hearing Randy's recent grievances. Ever since his cousin decided to get married soon, the three of them had been gathering almost every night to chat over coffee or play billiards. "So, after marriage, you're asked to fast first?" Darwin said, holding back his laughter. "Are you sure you can resist temptation? Especially when you're sharing a bed and sleeping side by side?" For God's sake, he was genuinely concerned about the fate that the narrow-eyed man in front of him would face. But, on the other hand, Darwin felt somewhat pleased to see his 'cursed' cousin suffering like this. At least, Randy could experience the kind of suffering he had once endured. "Just imagine, Randy, who is usually the center of attention for women, with many offering themselves for free to sleep with him. Now, after getting married, he's told to fast by his own wife. Quite pitiful."&nbs
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136. Bad Planning
"Mom, are you sure that Ghea, that nerd, wants to marry RRandy Walters? He's famous, you know, Mom. Handsome, the only child, and rich. Why not arrange him to marry me?" Grisella asked her mother Clara. The two of them looked relaxed on the balcony, chatting. Since a while ago, they had been discussing Ghea's engagement and imminent marriage plans. As the second child in the Diharja family, Grisella was clearly jealous. She, who considered herself superior to Ghea, found it unfair that her stepsister got this golden opportunity. According to Grisella's perspective, Randy was more suitable for her. They were a match. Both respectable, well-educated, and with excellent prospects. "But you're prettier, Grisell. You could get someone better and more everything than Ghea's fiancé. Besides, Ghea has to marry Veronica's son to get out of this house soon. I'm fed up with her being with us for so long." 
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137. Relax
In Indonesia, the wedding ceremony is indeed quite extensive, especially when it comes to the customs and cultures of specific ethnic groups. From the engagement process to the wedding day, each step has its own unique procedures. Among the many ethnic groups in Indonesia, the Chinese ethnic group is one that has unique customs, both in the engagement process, known in Chinese as Tingjing, and in the dowry ceremony, also known as Sangjit. These two processes are exactly what Randy did when he was about to marry Ghea. This morning, for example, around ten in the morning, Randy's extended family arrived at Ghea's residence. According to the initial agreement, they would conduct the Tingjing or engagement process, followed by a lunch together with both extended families. It was evident how enthusiastic the Diharja family was in welcoming the arrival of the Prawira family, who brought many gifts that morning. After the recep
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