All Chapters of Rejected and Torn Between Two Alphas: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
157 Chapters
Chapter 101
  Ruby's POV    I knew I had to act quickly. Time was of the essence, and Ethan's life hung in the balance. I pushed the window open as quietly as possible and peered outside, taking in the height and the best way to descend.As I prepared to climb out, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Leaving my room without consent was a breach of pack rules and the trust my father had in me. But the urgency of the situation outweighed my personal dilemmas.Cautiously, I lowered myself out of the window, gripping the windowsill and hanging onto the edge. My heart raced as I dangled there for a moment, my eyes scanning the ground below. It was a considerable drop, but I had to do this.With a deep breath, I released my grip and let myself fall, landing on my feet. The impact sent a shock of pain up my legs, but I pushed through it. I couldn't afford to hesitate.I moved quick
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Chapter 102
 Ruby's POV I sat on the edge of my bed, my emotions were still raw, and my mind a whirlwind of regret. Ethan's execution was still pricking my conscience, and I couldn't escape the guilt that was staring at me. The manipulation that had taken hold of him was now forever lost in the silence of his death.Suddenly, my father's voice echoed from behind the closed door, stern and filled with frustration as he addressed the guards for their incompetence. It was clear that he was holding them accountable for the events that had unfolded. I quickly wiped my eyes, trying to compose myself. The last thing I wanted was for my father to see me in such a state. I stood up from the bed and straightened my clothing, taking a deep breath to steady my emotions. The sound of his voice grew closer, and I assumed he would pass my door without stopping. However, as I watched the door closely, it didn't open. A moment of an
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Chapter 103
 Ruby's POV  I lay on my bed, the weight of the world pressing down on me. My father's stern decision to confine me to my room and the consequences of my actions left me feeling trapped. The feeling of isolation was unbearable, and I couldn't escape the guilt that ate at my conscience. The mysteries and dangers that lurked in the pack were still unresolved, and I felt a desperate need to do something.As I stared at the broken window through which I had escaped earlier, a thought crept into my mind. Perhaps it was time for me to take matters into my own hands. I couldn't stay locked in my room while danger loomed over the pack. The window had provided an escape once, and with determination, I could make it my way out again. Tomorrow might be too late.The idea was daring, and it carried its own risks. But I couldn't stand idly by, knowing that the darkness that had manipulated Ethan might still be at play. I sighed and sta
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Chapter 104
  Ruby's POV"Two months later"..Two long and uneventful months had passed since my confinement to my room. The time I spent all by myself was almost suffocating, but it had given me enough time to think, plan, and prepare. The competition that would decide my future as the Alpha's mate was just a week away, and I had been going through rigorous preparations, both mentally and physically.During my isolation, I had taken every opportunity to gather information about the competition. The only interactions I had were with the maids who brought me my meals and tended to the room. I had developed a rapport with one of them, Amelia, who shared some insights about the competition.Amelia was kind-hearted, always willing to share stories and information. As she entered my room with the tray of food, she began to explain, "Miss Ruby, you know this competition is more than just a test of physical strength. It's about bond
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Chapter 105
  Ruby's POV  I frowned in confusion."Why would you say that?" I asked, taken aback by his advice.Vincent leaned back, his expression serious. "I feel like Gonzalo doesn't have your best interests at heart. The fact that he came to see you secretly... It makes me think he's desperate to become your mate, not because of love, but because of what he'll gain from it."I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Vincent had crossed a line, and I felt a surge of anger. "I didn't expect that kind of advice from you. Besides, you don't have the right to suggest anything to me."His demeanor shifted as he sighed, clearly becoming upset. I could sense the tension in the room. I couldn't let his unwelcome advice pass unchallenged. "Maybe my father was right to restrict you from seeing me," I stated firmly.Vincent's eyes flashed with a mix of frustration and regret. Without another word, he stood up an
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Chapter 106
  Ruby's POV  I sat with my back still against the door, I couldn't shake the thought that was still raging within me. Vincent's words still echoed in my mind, leaving me confused and wary of the upcoming competition. I wasn't ready to face the challenge of choosing a mate while dealing with the weight of his unsolicited advice. I wondered how our relationship would change after his unwelcome intrusion into my thoughts.Suddenly, I heard the distant sounds of music, and my heart skipped a beat. It was the same music I had heard on the night of the festival, a memory that was forever etched in my mind, for that was the night I had met Ethan, and it had marked a significant turning point in my life. I moved towards the window, my curiosity hightend.Though the window was still barred, I could see glimpses of the festivities down below. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere were unmistakable. It was the Night
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Chapter 107
   Ruby's POV As we took our seats, I noticed Elena's gaze locked on me, and I returned the stare with equal intensity. The silent tension between us was palpable. The room seemed to buzz with unspoken words and unsolved mysteries.Alpha Ralph's eyes flickered between Elena and me, his expression remaining neutral. I couldn't figure out his thoughts or feelings. He was as enigmatic as ever, and it left me anxious and on edge.My father, oblivious to the unspoken tension, continued to engage in friendly conversation with Alpha Ralph, welcoming him and his pack to our home. Their interactions were polite and cordial, but beneath the surface, there was a world of complexity.Despite my father's warm welcome, I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped between the past and the future. The necklace hung as a silent reminder, a testament to the tangled emotions that bound Alpha Ralph and me. The competition
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Chapter 108
 Gonzalo's POV The months had passed in a blur, each day more unsettling than the last. There had been no sign of Teresa or her father, Drako, since the day of their daring escape. The pack was on high alert, and I couldn't help but feel that we were trapped in a web of uncertainty and danger.I sat alone in my office, staring out the window at the gathering of my pack members outside. They were laughing and teasing one another, the atmosphere light and carefree. It was a stark contrast to the weight that had settled on my shoulders.I couldn't fully hear their conversations, but it was clear they were having fun, something I was supposed to be glad about, but it made me feel even more unsettled, the frown on my face was evident. This was a scene that should have comforted me, knowing that my pack was strong and united. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were vulnerable, that the enemies we faced might be lurking within our own
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Chapter 109
   Ruby's POV   Alpha Michael ordered the maids to begin serving the dishes for the feast, the room filled with the aroma of delicious food. The long table was laden with a variety of dishes, a true feast before the upcoming competition. The pack members around us chatted excitedly, their voices creating a lively atmosphere.My father turned to me, a warm smile on his face. "Ruby, this feast is in honor of Alpha Ralph and his pack. It's a time for us to share in the spirit of camaraderie and competition."I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. "I understand, Father. I'm just not sure I'm ready for all of this."Alpha Michael patted my hand gently. "You're stronger than you think, my pumpkin. You have the spirit of a true leader. You'll see this through."I appreciated his words, even if they didn't fully dispel my anxiety. The competition would change everything, an
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Chapter 110
 Ruby's POV  My father's question hung in the air, leaving me with a sense of unease. His words were direct and carried the weight of expectations."Why would you talk like that, Dad?" I replied, trying to buy some time to process his inquiry.Alpha Michael's gaze was unwavering as he continued, "I need to know, Ruby, have you already made your decision? If that's the case, it would significantly affect the competition."I paused, the complexity of my feelings weighing on me. "Dad, it's not that simple. I haven't made a final decision."My father's eyes reflected his understanding, though he still seemed concerned. "Then why is Alpha Ralph wearing the same necklace as you? It seems to indicate a level of intimacy."I took a deep breath, knowing that the time had come to reveal the truth about the necklace. "Alpha Ralph rescued me from the Moonshade Pack when everything was going from bad to worse. He p
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