All Chapters of One Night With Alpha Ace: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
NATALIE'S POV "Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked, running my hand through his hair. Ace looked away and tried to push me but I wouldn't budge. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Natalie, I'm tired and I need to sleep. We can do this some other time," he said, grabbing my hands and pulling it off him. He began walking away but I stepped in front of him. "You've been ignoring me since that day, what's wrong? If you were going to ignore me like this then it'd have been better if you let that man have me!" I yelled, angrily then stomped out of the room. Ace didn't even bother to call out to me or follow me. He just stood there. And it hurt. I ran my hands through my hair and entered the kitchen. I moved to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I sat down at the chair angrily and took a swig. "Trouble in paradise?" someone asked. I flinched when I looked up. It was Jayden. He had a cigarette between his lips and he was puffing out smoke. Speaking of which, ho
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NATALIE'S POV "What are you doing here?" I asked her. A scowl was slowly forming on my face. Emily grinned at me and walked forward as if to hug me. "Natalie, I've missed you," she said, tears in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me and I could feel her baby bump dressing against my flat stomach. Using my Emily intuition, I came to the conclusion she was rubbing it in my face. "Didn't you miss me?" "No. What are you doing here? Did something happen to mom and dad?" I asked. Not like I cared about those two, but in front of these people, I had to show concern for my family. Yes, Ace, Jayden and the rest were here, having a front seat to all the drama. "Nothing has happened to them but…." she said then trailed off. I raised a brow at her as I waited for her to complete her sentence. She glanced behind her and then looked at me. "Can we talk in private?" "Yes,"I said as I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. No way in hell would I take her to one
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ACE'S POV "Fuck! This is bad!" I cursed, running my hands through my hair. When Jayden told me one of our hideouts had been attacked and massacred, I thought he had been exaggerating. Turns out, he had been putting it in mild words. Whoever did this was a monster. "Whoever did this is a demon," Jayden murmured, tapping the replay button. I flinched when he said that word. That was a sensitive word for me. Jayden murmured an apology and our focus went back to the screen. I had watched the video a thousand times but I still couldn't figure out a thing. In the video, my men started dropping down one by one and their blood was spilling. After that, each body set on fire individually. One strange thing was that the building didn't burn. It was just the body and the place it lay on. Then whoever did it came closer to the camera and smeared blood over the lens. Then it blacked out. When we arrived at the scene, there had been strange markings on the area of each person's body. It look
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NATALIE'S POV "What happened last night?" I asked Ace immediately he came into the kitchen. He stilled then shook his head. "Nothing. Just a small problem at work," he answered, avoiding my eyes. Strange. I nodded then proceeded to place his plate in front of him. I sat beside him as we waited for the others to come in too. "I know you're lying to me, Ace. What's wrong?" I asked. He ignored my question and kept eating. "How was your night?" he asked. "I saw your bloody shirt," I continued. I'm sure he'd forgotten about that one. His fork clanged on the plate and he stood up abruptly. "You should learn to mind your business, Natalie. It's not everything you're meant to know. On that note, I'll answer your question for the last time, nothing happened." Then he left. As he was leaving the kitchen, the rest were coming in and they each gave him and I strange looks. I noticed a look pass between him and Jayden. "What happened?" Sophia asked. "
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NATALIE'S POV As the lady and her acquaintance turned around, I swerved and faced the other side. I didn't want whoever it was to see me. I waited a bit then I turned and I couldn't see them anymore. "Strange," I whispered then I left. I had been feeling a bit dizzy so I went to one of the rooms to lay down. I texted Annabelle and Talia where I was as I lay on the bed. I don't know how long it took before I felt a sudden dipping of the bed. My heavy eyes flew open and I strained them in the darkness. It was an unknown person. My guard immediately raised. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to sit up. The person grabbed my hands and put me under them. They had a wolfish grin and I knew I had gotten myself in some trouble. "Just keep quiet and let me do my thing, yeah? If I like you, I might consider spending more time after tonight," the person said. The stench from their mouth attacked my nostrils and it took everything in me not to gag. I struggled against
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NATALIE'S POV "What's going on?" Sophia asked, sipping her tea. "What do you mean?" I asked back, genuinely confused. "I could use a knife to cut through the tension between you and Ace. It's suffocating. Also, you snuck out last night and ever since then, Ace's anger has multiplied," Sophia answered, looking at me closely. I bit the inside of my mouth to hide my nervousness. I didn't know it was that noticeable. Ace hadn't spoken to me since last night and I hadn't even made any effort to talk to him. He misunderstood and wouldn't let me explain. Unconsciously, I looked down at the ring on my finger and rubbed it gently. "So?" Sophia pressed on. "It's nothing. I'm not at fault, he is," I told her. Sophia raised a brow and she had a look on her face that told me that she wasn't taking anything I said seriously. "What did you do?" "What makes you think it's me?" I fired back. "One, whenever Ace walks by or is near, you have this guilty look on
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NATALIE'S POV "You're slacking!" Ava yelled from the distance. I breathed in and out as the sweat ran down my face and I bent on my knee. "And you're training me too fucking hard!" I yelled back. "Talking back to the coach? Two more laps!" Ava yelled and sipped on her drink. I grit my teeth as I stood straight and continued running round the field. How could a mere beta's sister order the Luna? 'Well, she is pretty skilled so…' Tania said. I growled. You might be wondering what was happening, right? Well, I'll rewind a bit for you. EARLIER THAT DAY! "Get up! You can't expect to be respected if you keep sleeping like a fucking potato!" Ava yelled in my ear. I jumped up from the bed, cradling my ears. My ears were ringing and I think I just got a headache. "The fuck was that for?" I asked. She was pissing me off too much these days. Why the hell was she in my room? "You have to be at the training grounds in the next 15 minutes. If you're even a second late, I'll have to pu
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NATALIE'S POV The door burst open and I quickly stuffed the envelope and its contents inside my shirt. I kept my back to whoever it was that came into the room. "What are you doing, gattina?" Ace's masculine voice asked. My insides knotted as I tried to find the perfect reply that wouldn't make him suspicious. I moved sideways to the closet. "Oh, nothing. Just trying to recuperate after the torture you and your best girl put me through," I answered, sarcastically. Ace's laugh filled the room and I was shocked. "It's for your own good, love. You'll understand when the time is right," he said. "Shouldn't you be at work? And weren't you angry at me a few days ago? Accusing me of wanting to cheat?" I asked, raising a brow. I slowly slipped the envelope into my jeans so it would hold then I turned to face Ace. "True, I should be at work and yes, I was angry at you. To answer the first question, I'm working from home. It doesn't look like you'll stay put
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NATALIE'S POV I flung the box away along with the contents and immediately stepped back. The eyes of the bloody head stared back at me and even though I knew it was lifeless and couldn't do me any harm, I let out another scream. "Ah!" I yelled, putting my hand over my mouth. Emily stood frozen in spot, her eyes wide and mouth agape. Ace and Jayden came running down the stairs and into the living room. "Natalie, what's going-" Jayden asked, coming to stand beside me. Ace's eyes followed Jayden's movement and he frowned. If it was any other time, I'd have teased him but this was important. "What's that?" I croaked out, pointing towards the head. Jayden and Ace looked at the head and released a sigh. I noticed them exchanging looks. "It's nothing, don't worry yourself about it," Jayden assured me, patting my shoulders. I felt uncomfortable with his touch so I tried shifting away. Unfortunately, he didn't get the memo and probably thought I was still scared so he wouldn't let go
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NATALIE "He looks like you," I said, caressing the tiny thing in my arms. Sophia smiled as she looked in our direction. "I hope so," she replied. I was still in awe at the beauty of the baby and how tiny it looked. By just one glance on it, I knew this little boy would have us wrapped around his fingers. "Thoughts on names?" I asked her. Sophia didn't even think about it. "Devin," she stated. I paused. The name sounded familiar to me and I tried to remember where I'd seen it. A memory flashed through my brain and I remembered. That day at Ace's office, there was a letter addressed to somebody named Devin. "It's a nice name. Is it special to you in any way?" I asked, cautiously. I caught the slight quiver of her lips. "He is. He's more special than you'll ever know," she whispered as tears pooled in her eyes. She must have noticed her strange behavior since she didn't let her tears fall and immediately began acting as if she hadn't just showed me suspiciou
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