All Chapters of The Alpha’s Blessed Mate : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
Chapter 21
Thea The slightest tingles tickle my cheek as Knox swipes his thumb across my face. His touch has been the only one to bring me and my wolf this level of comfort since we got here. I guess his saving us from being raped or killed gave us a deeper connection. I don’t want to leave this moment. I feel so at peace. I suck in a breath, sighing softly, and the knot in my stomach loosens as Knox accepts my secret and insecurities. “Thank you, but what about the pack?” I lift my head away from his touch, and his hand falls gently to my thigh. “A white wolf can be dangerous for a pack. My Father said if anyone ever knew, I’d be hunted. I don’t want your pack to be in danger.” Knox’s handsome face softens, his dazzling, forest-green eyes sparkle with an emotion I can’t quite place. “Thea, this is your pack now too. We’ll make it official during the next full moon, and no one in the pack will care about a gift.” His eyes glass over, a flash of pain and sadness dancing across them before he
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Chapter 22
Knox My breathing is quiet, my heart rate is slow, and my wolf is pressed flat to the ground behind a large boulder next to a dead deer. I’ve been hiding for just over ten minutes when I just barely hear her. Her footfalls are getting quieter, but I can still hear the way her heart quickens as she picks up the scent trail. I hold my breath, waiting, but nothing happens. Just when I’m about to push myself up, my body is slammed flat, and a set of canines graze the nape of my neck. She nips lightly before she steps back to let me free. I stand up, shaking out my fur as I turn to face her. She sits there, glowing in the sliver of moonlight that cuts through the trees. We’ve been training in wolf form for almost a week now, but every time I see Thea’s wolf, I’m mesmerized by the way her pure white fur sparkles. ‘Nice job, you’re getting quicker at tracking,’ I say through the mind-link. Her wolf yips before lunging forward and nipping my paw, then takes off towards the packhouse. I
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Chapter 23
Thea I let out a sigh. I’ve changed my outfit at least a dozen times. I’ve never been on a date before. This is it, though. I twist my body around and smile at my reflection. I look hot! The periwinkle tank top clings to my body, showing off all the new muscle outlines I’ve worked my ass off for. Scratch that. My ass looks fabulous in this black tennis skirt! I sit down in front of the vanity and tousle the loose waves left by the French braid I had earlier. I brush a bit of lipgloss across my lips and add a few swipes of mascara to my lashes as I work to contain my excitement. Soft knocks sound at my door. Eek, this is it! “Coming!” I call out as I slip on the tan suede sandals and head to the door. I take one last, deep breath and let it out slowly as I pull open my door. “Evening, Princess,” Bennet says with a rich and playful tone. My breath catches at the sight of the handsome man in front of me. Holy hell, he looks so sexy. Every ripple of muscle in his body can be seen
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Chapter 24
Knox ‘Change of plans. We’re training with the others on the field today,’ I mind-link Bennet. ‘Okay? Be down in a sec,’ he replies instantly. I’m seething as I make my way across the clearing. It's bad enough that I stood by and let him ask her out first, but he went and slept with her too! The anger I’m feeling is not only shared but magnified by my wolf. When I smelled Thea’s arousal mixed with Bennet’s scent, it took every bit of my self-control to not walk into his room and kick his ass right then. I don’t know if I’m angrier that she’s another tally on his tail count or because he got her first. Okay, I’m fucking jealous. “Alpha? Uh… everything alright?” Travis’s voice wavers slightly as I approach him. Shit, I need to reign in my aura. “Fine. I’m leading today. I need to spar,” I grit out. Travis is smart. He just nods his head and jogs to stand beside Adam and Derrick. I cross my arms, digging my nails into my biceps as I scan the group in front of me. Tracy’s head i
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Chapter 25
TheaI can feel my bottom lip tremble as the anger and the hurt fight for dominance. I won’t cry, not out here at least. Here I need to be strong, it’s what I’ve worked for, and I won’t let two boys' dick measuring contest break me. I don’t know how much everyone heard, but we all saw those two rolling around like a couple of pups. Knox may have told us to get back to training, but the way everyone was standing with dumbfounded looks on their faces, I doubt training will go on much longer.“Thea, are you okay?” Tracy asks as I join the group of girls standing to the side of the training field.I nod my head, pushing the tears back. A whore? The sting of my Fathers words echo in the back of my mind. Is that what Knox really thinks of me?“Are you sure?” Daisy asks. She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders, “I’ve never seen Alpha like that before… I don’t know what’s going on.”“Isn’t it obvious?” Harlow snorts.I narrow my eyes and tilt my head to the side as we all wait for her
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Chapter 26
Kenrik I should be locked away in my room with Ahlana, creating an heir and readying myself to take over the throne from Father. Instead, I’m sitting in my office, waiting for her father, Alpha Jonah, to get here to transport her body back to Dark Fang. There won’t be a funeral here. Father said she hadn’t done anything worthy of a formal goodbye, and as she died before we could seal the chosen mate bond, she was nothing to the pack. Just when I thought she was finally becoming obedient, she had to go off for a run in the woods. I know I need a mate of alpha blood to keep the Adler heirs strong, but it’s such a hard spirit to break. The smell of burnt flesh has been permanently etched into my senses. The look of horror that her eyes held as they stared lifelessly as Anders carried her back to the castle was no match for the pure rage of Father’s eyes. Three tentative knocks rap out against my door. “Come in,” I growl. Our Gamma, Niko, slowly opens the door, dropping his head and
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Chapter 27
Thea My mind is still trying to wrap itself around Ahlana being killed. I’d only known her for a short time, but she was so young and innocent. When the talks of me being used for a deal came up, I knew she sympathized for me. I could see it in her eyes. That could have been my fate; traded off for an alliance to a cruel alpha or even being killed by rogues. I roll over on my bed and notice the time. I suppose I should get ready to meet Knox for training. I feel a little guilty that among all of this, I am still anxious to meet with Knox. I never got to finish what I went to his office to talk about anyways. After Knox and Bennet told me how bad the rogue issue really is and how they have been actively tracking them with the goal of eliminating them, I was stunned. They said they had to get the full team together to review all activities. No matter how much I wanted to sort out what happened at training, I wasn’t selfish enough to hinder their mission. I push myself to sit uprigh
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Chapter 28
Knox “I need time, Knox.” Thea’s words have been on a loop in my head for the last three days. Time was the least I could give her. I owe her that much to sort out her own feelings. If she wants to stay with Bennet, I told her I’d accept it. But I’d be a fucking liar if I said giving her time doesn’t have me on edge. Her body responded so perfectly to my kiss that night. Everything about that moment with her felt like a fucking dream… Focus, Knox. I sigh and return my attention to the latest rogue warfare updates from Bennet. Another large group of rogues has been spotted working its way through no man’s lands across the Southern Territory. It’s possible that the ones calling the shots are in this group and heading North to convene with the others that are still camping out at Bria’s borders. If our predictions of their movements are correct, they will pass by our borders tonight and be heading toward Golden Claw. With the full moon celebration and lunar lap tonight, I want to
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Chapter 29
Thea It’s been a whole week since Knox and the others left to hunt those foul fleabags. The packhouse now feels as lonely as the one in Golden Claw did. Tracy has taken over group training for Travis, while Harlow is helping me in the evening with extra sparring. Either Travis has to be taking it easy on me, or Harlow is just a savage. I have more bruises and sore muscles now than when I first started. I feel like I am bothering the girls enough though, so I keep my night runs to myself. The pack is familiar with my wolf now, so there isn’t any danger of not being recognized. It also serves as the perfect opportunity to be alone with my thoughts. After Bennet told me about the night I was brought here, the strange pull to Knox has intensified. I feel like a real jerk knowing I’m going to have to completely break Bennet’s heart. I really did feel something for him, but whatever I’m feeling for Knox is stronger. Bennet has been nothing but kind to me, and I hope he’ll still be my fri
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Chapter 30
Knox We’ve just stopped for the night on the outer edges of Crimson Valley pack lands. The Alpha and those on patrol know we are here but that’s it. We can’t afford for just anyone to know where and when we stop. The rogues have led us all across the south. We followed them past Golden Claw, and then they doubled back near Onyx ridge before returning back to Golden Claw. Finally, they are heading North, like we initially expected them too. It seems like the primary group we started following has been meeting up with the other groups before sending them North. I’m worried for Bria’s pack. I don’t know if they are strictly after royals or what but with the Luna to be of Golden Claw being killed, it’s safe to assume that Bria is in trouble. We took out a few of the smaller groups after the main group went through. With just a dozen of us out here, it's too risky to try to eliminate the large groups by ourselves. I know we are all eager to kill them off, to end this and get home but,
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