All Chapters of The Billionaire's Submissive: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
239 Chapters
News on John
Adam's POV.   I parked my car into my mother's driveway trying to resist the urge to turn the vehicle around and bail the hell out of there. I was tired. I was weary. All I wanted to do was take a long nap. It was a hectic day at the office.   And a hectic day in my mind.   Grumbling incoherently under my breath, I eyed my mother's building, wondering if I couldn't bail on dinner today. I had missed having dinner with her last week and she had granted and granted as if I had publicly disowned her.   So dramatic. I was going through shit. I had found out my shitty ex accountant was getting released. I had also found out that Eve had returned to Tom.  The last thought made me punch the steering wheel even though clearly, none of this was it's fault. It was just appalling to see. Or hearing and knowing she had chosen to return to that bas
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A way to get Adam Stone's approval
Tom's POV The ride back home was hell. All I could think about was Barlow's stupid face asking to sleep with Eve again. It had been one time dammit! Just one time! And I had been a desperate man. For him to suggest it again only meant he was a dirty old bastard. Oh he would regret it. I would make sure of that.  But the redevelopment plan, a voice in my head whined and I closed my eyes briefly, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.   Damn it all!  If the redevelopment plan had worked out, I would rake in billions by the end of the year! I would have enough to finally be worthy of Stone's time. Except I doubted if that jackass thought anyone was worthy of his time.   The last meeting I had with him, he had collected the contract and claimed he would get back to me. Well that was weeks ago and I hadn't received a single call, not one call at all, f
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The plan to get rid of an obstacle
Madeline's POV He wouldn't look at me. The only thing he had said to me all through the car ride was to stay away from his mother. I had laughed it off because he had to be joking.   There was no way he believed that I would stay away from.his mother just because he had asked me to. That was hilarious.   From then on, every single attempt I had made to start a conversation had ended up in silence and nothingness. He had his eyes fixed on the road, his jaw clenched so hard I could literally hear those teeth grind against each other. I couldn't give up though. I had to make Adam mine. We were so good together while we dated. All I had to do was remind him just how good we were together it would seem. He parked on the sidewalk of my home and killed off the engine, still not saying a word.   "Ah Adam," I teased, chuckling softly. "Why so tense?" 
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A huge disastrous blow
Tom's POV "Sir?" My secretary called, stepping into my office.   I gave her a grunt in response, not looking up from the files I had been reading.  "There's a call for you from the manager of the hotel in New Orleans," she said and I raised my head at that.   Why was the manager in New Orleans calling? His hotel was one of the thriving hotels I had. It made up at least twenty percent of my company's value. But I hadn't received a personal call from him in a long time.   I beckoned for her to hand me the phone. "Hello Asher, to what do I owe this sudden call?"  "Hello Mr Harrison," was it just me or did he sound quite glum? "I'm afraid I do not have good news,"  I sat up straighter than. What the hell was going on? Was it the government? Was it the people? What on earth was
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Barging in without an invite
Adam's POV"Thank you Mr Stone," one of the directors said and the others chorused one after the other as I rose to my feet. I bowed to them lightly, out of courtesy.  "If that will be all gentlemen, I'll take your leave now?"  They chuckled among themselves as if I had just told an inside joke while some simply nodded. Satisfied, I made my way out of the boardroom. Only then did I allow myself to sag in relief.   I was tired. I could only hope that I didn't have eye bags lining my eyelids at this rate. I didn't sleep much last night. Or the night before either.   My nights were the same- usually. I would work on a couple of documents, settle some business plans and have a conference meeting with a few investors in and out. I slept late all the damn time, but it wasn't something I was new to.  But the past few nights had been crazy. It fe
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When between the devil and the deep blue sea, who will you choose?
 Tom's POV The car behind mine honked hard, irritating the shot out of me. I rolled down the windows and stuck my middle finger out before driving on the green light.   Bastards! All of them! Him, Adam Stone, Damned Barlow who caused this ruckus in the first place and everyone else!  I slammed the steering wheel, breathing heavily, trying not to slam my car into the road side and just be done with it all. Where the hell did it all go wrong?! One morning I was fine. I was on top of the world and then in a blink, everything came crashing down.  "Damn it! And that Jackass didn't have an ounce of pity, not one lick of pity!" I yelled in my vehicle as I drove down the city road.   He had tossed me out of his office with that stupid pompous look on his face and those words on his lips as if he hadn't just determined my future in a damned sente
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Ravaging her
Eve's POV "Master is home," Nuren announced as if we hadn't both heard him drive into the garage.   I gave her a small nod while fixing my gaze on my phone. I had wanted to catch up on whatever it was that was going on out there, since Tom wouldn't let me leave the house, and had gone to the news section.  What I hadn't expected to see was that Harrison and co company was going through a crisis. Tom's company was on the brink of ruin and he hadn't told me anything. Not a word. Nothing.   But that certainly explained a lot of things that had been going on at home in the past few days. Tom's temper had been even more foul than usual. I hadn't thought that was possible, but apparently it was.   The day before, I had opened a bag of chips and headed down the stairs from our room to grab the bag of chips and throw it in the dustbin.  
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Betraying an old alliance
Madeline's POV I was a mess.   My feet hit the ground, making a shuffling sound as my slippers dragged against the tiled ground. I could feel my heart beat increase as my pacing increased. He had to be successful. He better be. If he wasn't then I was doomed.   I glanced up at the ceiling, trying to regulate my breathing. Considering I had just had a spa session a few weeks ago, I could not stress myself or I would get wrinkles. And there was nothing worse than getting wrinkles.  My phone hummed in my hands and I nearly hurled the device across the living room in fear. Scratch that, there was one thing worse than getting wrinkles at the moment. And that was John getting released.   I hadn't heard anything from my hitman. Not a word. He had promised to get the job done and that I would know when the work was done, but John was due for release tod
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Signing a deal with the devil
 Tom's POV "Do I really have to do this?" I muttered to myself as I made my way to MidTown, New York city.   It wasn't particularly a friendly neighborhood and I couldn't recall the last time I had driven past the area, not to mention, drive purposefully to one of the buildings there. But it had been the address where he wanted to meet.  And considering my stocks were crashing faster than I could blink, I couldn't exactly refuse to meet him there. I was back to square one again. That square of desperation and the fear that you would never amount to anything ever again. It sucked. I hated feeling this way.   I resisted the urge to turn around and drive back home. I resisted giving in to the thought that plagued me, that I could just leave New York city, take Eve with me and we could go somewhere else to settle down. We could go to Ohio, or maybe even Canada. 
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His repulsing touch
Eve's POV "Madam?" Nuren called from behind the door, her fist rapping on the wood gently. "It's noon and you haven't had your breakfast,"  I could hear the pity in her voice. It was heavy, and it permeated through the door and settled on me like a dress. I hated it. I hated that my maid had to pity me. I hated that she sounded like she would never trade anything to be in my place, not even for a day.  I hated that if I were her as well, I would never wish for the same.  Tears stung my eyes as I laid on the bed, face down, wishing I could drown in my tears and escape from the harsh reality I lived in. I wished I could overlook the scars, I wished I could stay away from it all, that I could detach myself from the scene before me and just float away.   Wouldn't that be amazing?  "Madam?" Nuren's voice reminded me that those thought
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