All Chapters of The Virgin Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
142 Chapters
Chapter 71.
Eve.I closed my eyes as I screamed loudly in fear."Eve!" I heard the voice again but it was familiar.It wasn't the helmet man and his side kick. It was Jade and Patricia. Ugh! "You scared me!" I yelled in a broken voice."We didn't mean to." Jade said apologetically."I..." "I.."I stuttered as I was unable to form words. I felt a lump in my throat and my hands were still shaking in fear."Eve.." Patricia called softly and that was when I broke into sobs."We're so sorry." She said apologetically but I sobbed even more."I was so scared, I thought I was going to die!" I said loudly as I sobbed harder."We're so sorry, we'll never try to scare you again." Jade said quietly.They both tried to help me stand but my legs were weak and wobbly."Can you walk?" Jade asked and i shook my head."Okay, we'll help you." He said and put his arms around my shoulders.Patricia did the same.I was in the middle with my arms around their shoulders and one of theirs around mine too I looked aro
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Chapter 72.
Alice..Ring ring ring.I could hear the sound of my ringtone resonating in the entire shop from where it was being charged."Ma'am, your phone is ringing." One of the apprentice said as she brought my phone to me.I was currently at the salon making my hair and doing my nails. Nothing brings me joy these days so I thought I needed a new look.The look I'm going for is the one that would sweep anyman off his feet. One that can seduce even the president of the United States. That's over the top but that's exactly what I'm going for. A look that says - I'm here! I looked at the ringing but it was an unknown number, there was no caller ID. I groaned loudly. Some people really need to learn."Hello." I said as I picked up the ringing phone."It's Mark." Mark's annoying voice sounded over the phone."Mark?" I scoffed."Why don't you just stick to one number?" I groaned in frustration."Well, I.." He paused and tut."That's not the issue right now, I've got the juice." He said laughing.
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Chapter 73.
Jason..We were currently on our way to get food from a fast food restaurant that was close by."What did you guys do to Eve?" I asked jade and Patricia who were walking beside me."We simply pulled a prank." Jade said again and I nodded."I believe you." I said truthfully.But I couldn't wrap my head around it.Are people truly affected by scare prank that much that they cry and shiver like one who've seen a ghost?Is that even possible?That a prank can scare someone shitless?"What should we get?" I asked changing the topic so they can feel relaxed. But I wasn't relaxed at all.I was very worried. I'm worried that there's something I don't know.Because there's something I didn't tell Eve. I didn't tell her what truly happened the day Alice came to my office.Because as at then, I simply took it as a groundless threat.Flash-back.I heard a knock on my door and without waiting for me to give permission, the door opened. "Eve, did you forget something?" I asked raising up my head
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Chapter 74.
Eve.After Jason had left with the others, Max bombarded me with questions."Eve, what's really going on?" He asked and I shrugged.He got up from where he sat with Ethan and came to sit by my side. Ethan simply watched us in confusion."What's going on?" "Is someone after you?" He asked and I smiled."No, stop asking absurb questions." I said quietly. I was no longer scared nor shivering. So it wasn't hard for me to speak up."Then why were so you scared?" Max asked again and I sighed heavily."I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who has been scared out of their wits so why are you so bothered about it." I said in a snappy voice hoping it would make him back down but he seemed unfazed."Yeah but I know you, you hardly get scared so what's different now?" Max countered."I'm no longer like that, you know change is drastic." I said tilting my head and smiling."I know what you're hiding." Max suddenly said and I laughed."Hiding?" I scoffed."What could I possibly be hiding?" I as
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Chapter 75.
Jason.."Jade, you can take the van along with Patricia, I called someone to bring my car." I said to jade who simply nodded, grabbed his bags and walked away with Patricia.We were done with our lunch and ready to leave."Just do the right thing before it's late." Max said to Eve who shrugged in response.I'm sure Max knows something and I'm going to find out what that thing is."Let's go?" I said as I turned to face Eve with a smile on my face."Yeah." She said and placed her smaller hands in mine. We walked hand in hand along with Max and Ethan until we got to the car park where Ethan parked his car."We'll see tomorrow." Ethan said to Eve as they shared a hug."Later dork." I said to max who smirked in response."Bye." Eve said giving Max a hug but the hug was an awkward one.We walked away to where my car was now parked and Eve started small talk along the way."How do you plan on getting those tickets?" She asked quietly."Oh, I have a friend that works in big hit, I'm sure he c
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Chapter 76.
Jason..Luckily, I got home in time for dinner and it tasted delicious."Thankyou for the food." I said to mom as Eve and i retired for the night.We both took our baths in turns and changed into our night wears.As I laid on my back staring at the ceiling, I just wanted her to know that I care about her."Eve, I know I've not been the best person to you but if something is bothering you, I want you to be able to tell me." I said quietly and she hummed in response.Was she asleep already?"Eve.." I called out her name."Yeah?" She answered and I sighed."I know you care about me and I trust you." She said after a short pause."I care about you too." She said as she moved closer to me making me turn to face her instead.She moved closer to me until our lips were touching and there was no space in between.I connected our lips and she left out a soft moan. We kept kissing until we stopped to catch our breath. Eve sat up and I did the same too. I looked her at her already swollen lips an
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Chapter 77.
Eve..Two weeks later.I walked down the stairs ready to go to work. I've been in a very good mood for the past few days though I've been feeling a bit sick but there has been nothing out of the ordinary so far. Jason's birthday is in two days and I promised to make it up to me when he gave me that necklace so I'm planning to bake him a cake.So right now, I'm going grocery shopping. To get some stuffs for Ethan's shop and also for the cake I'm going to bake for Jason's birthday."Good morning." I said the moment I saw mom in the living room."Morning Eve." She said quietly."Is anything the matter?" I asked in concern."I have to go to the store with Sophie but I also have to go to a business gathering." She said sadly."Oh, that's fine, we can go together." I said."You and Sophie?" She asked and nodded."That's great then." She said and gave me a hug before she disappeared into her room. I walked around to look for Sophie so I could tell about the change of plans but I couldn't fi
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Chapter 78.
Eve..It was quite late when I woke up from my sleep. I thought I would just take a nap but when I checked the time, a few hours had passed. "What a day!" I thought as I got out of bed and walked to the dressing table where I kept my phone earlier.I checked my phone and I realised I had over seven missed calls. Two from Ethan, three from Max and another two from Jason. I bet they're worried sick. There was a piece of paper next to my phone that wasn't there before. I dropped the phone back on the dressing table and picked up the piece of paper. "Why didn't you go to the store today?, We could have had some fun together.""Are you wondering how I have access to your house?, Well don't be. I'm watching your every move. PS - the man in black." I read what was written on the piece of paper.It was like the air in the room felt more tensed. I felt a lump in my throat and i tried to hide my fears."The man in black?" I muttered quietly.I crumpled the paper and grabbed my phone to leav
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Chapter 79.
Alice..I waited restlessly in the car for Mark and the mole I planted at Jason's residence to come.I saw them approaching the car and I got down from the car and waited for them to get closer."So did she die?" I asked the moment I saw them."Die?" Mark scoffed."Do you think it's easy to have someone killed?" Mark hissed and got into the car."Why are you so cranky?" I hissed as well and turned to face my mole."You tell me, did she die?" I asked but she didn't say anything and simply looked down."Sophie!!" I yelled in anger."Speak up when I talk to you, did she die?" I asked once more in a cold voice making her shiver in fear."No." She answered fearfully and I slapped her in rage and she winced in pain."Why?" I asked angrily."Get in the car Alice, let's talk somewhere else." Mark said igniting the engine already seeing as I couldn't drive with the surge of anger in me."Get in the car as well." I yelled at her and she did as she was told.We drove away from the back of the ho
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Chapter 80.
Jason.."You have two meetings left sir." Patricia said as she dropped another set of documents on my table."What is the finance department doing?" I asked in annoyance."Why haven't the CFO come to see me yet?" I asked again.All I want is just to see Eve, I miss her so much but this people just won't spare me a minute. I haven't even had time to call her since morning. I badly want to ask about her health since she's been acting all weird for a while."Sir, it's..." Patricia was about to answer me when the door to my office bursted open with jade running inside like all hell has been let loose."Jade, I'm busy." I said the moment I saw him but the look on his face said otherwise."Jason.." he said quietly and i knew something was wrong.I told him to call me by my name when we're both alone and not at work but if he's calling me my name at work with that kind of expression that means something has to be wrong."What is..." I was going to ask what was going on but my ringing phone c
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