All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 761 - Chapter 770
827 Chapters
Chapter 761 For the Sake of Justice
Totally unfazed by Zachary's threats, Darren smirked and set his phone aside. In fact, Zachary's call appeared to be nothing more than a warning. Darren spent the whole afternoon in peace. However, things were different in Taylor's case.Due to her young age, she was quick to regain her vigor after she was released from the police station. On the next day, she was found skipping her way back to the film crew.Just as she finished her scenes, someone threw eggs at her."You bitch!" It came from a group of ordinary teenage girls. The one in the lead looked plain. Her face grew distorted as she hollered frantically, "You shameless and ruthless piece of shit! Do you think you can do whatever you want with Hannah backing you up? You'll be very sorry for being greedy!""What are you doing?" Avery was furious. He grabbed the girl's wrist, bellowing, "Do you know this is a crime? Just you wait—I'm calling the cops now!""So what if you do? I'm doing this for the sake of justice!" Ma
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Chapter 762 You Have No Right
Moreover, Taylor could barely move. Avery's back was facing the girls, and she was enveloped in his tight embrace. Wary of her struggles, he tightened his arms around her. Seconds felt like hours as she watched as the translucent liquid made its way toward them, merely inches away from their faces. Just as she was awash in dread, an immense force yanked her away. She staggered, and Avery lost his balance as well. Both of them tumbled to the ground.The liquid came into contact with the ground, emitting a pungent smell. A few drops splattered on Avery's calf. He paled instantly, gritting his teeth. A muffled groan escaped his lips. "And I thought you guys could fight, huh?" Hannah's complexion turned slightly ashen as well. She was worried about Taylor and Avery, so she decided to pick them up. She didn't expect to come across such a scene. God knows how shocked she was when she saw the liquid being splashed at them. Nonetheless, she managed to come to their rescue in the nick
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Chapter 763 Face the Consequences
"Yes, it's not my place to say anything," Hannah replied coldly, her expression remaining calm.Facing Marie's bewildered gaze, she continued, "Did you really think I would sit down with you, reason things out, and persuade you to mend your ways? Wake up, I'm not your mother. I couldn't care less about what kind of person you are."You're just a girl from an average family, with average grades, and decidedly average looks. You're living a mundane life being overlooked at every turn."A derisive smirk played on Hannah's lips as she scrutinized Marie. Her eyes were pristine and bright, yet sharp enough to pierce through to the depths of one's soul, as if nothing could escape her gaze.With a tone mixed with amusement and pity, she remarked, "You can only attract attention online through desperate antics. Foolish girl, what do you think you'll achieve?""Shut your mouth!" Marie's face turned deathly pale, and she couldn't help but scream, "You're talking nonsense! Stop it!"Though h
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Chapter 764 Unforgivable
Marie couldn't bear to imagine what would have happened if the sulfuric acid hadn't splashed on the ground but on a person instead.Hannah was right about her coming from an average family. So, how would her family, already struggling with their finances, afford compensation if she had actually harmed a person?The thought of her hardworking parents, who had pinned their hopes on her, made her cry louder. She truly felt as if she had lost her senses to have acted so impulsively.Marie should have known being a keyboard warrior was enough to show support for her idol. She sobbed miserably, shielding her face with her hands as tears blurred her vision.Indeed, she was just an ordinary high school girl. She was completely defenseless under Hannah's control, making retaliation rather meaningless. After Hannah's initial anger had subsided, hitting Marie felt more like bullying the vulnerable than finding any satisfaction in revenge. So, she withdrew her hand expressionlessly."You sa
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Chapter 765 Just Before Dawn
Hannah was rational and polite as usual, and the female officer had an increasingly good impression of her. Without saying much more, the latter nodded and got into the car.Meanwhile, Hannah and her friends didn't follow to give their statements. Instead, they first took Avery to the hospital to treat the injuries on her leg. Sulfuric acid was difficult to thoroughly remove with just water, so professional treatment at the hospital was necessary.This incident served as a wake-up call for Hannah. If they hadn't resolved the situation in time, Taylor's safety could also be compromised.After returning home, Hannah immediately went into her study to continue contacting the female artists she had previously called. Even when rejected, she kept cool and moved on to the next.The situation didn't change much. However, during the time she was making calls, Taylor's incident of being attacked with sulfuric acid by crazy fans began going viral on social media.Apart from a few who took p
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Chapter 766 Whose Fault?
"What do you mean?" Misty looked up, her eyes burning with anger. "Are you implying that all of this is my fault?"Here it came again. Ever since the trip to the police station last time, she had become even more unpredictable and short-tempered.Ionna felt a bit impatient deep down, but she remained expressionless. "I didn't mean that."Keeping a straight face, she said in a somewhat formal tone, "I'm doing this for your own good. Hannah has a lot of luck and skills. She's not easy to deal with. Unless we can strike her down in one blow, we should remain silent."Ionna paused, rubbing her temples when she felt a headache coming. "Misty, we're already in a precarious situation. The incident of us going to the police station hasn't blown over yet. It's best not to attract too much attention."Every word she said was calculated for Misty's future development. Ionna believed she had thought it through thoroughly.With no news from Connor recently, and the influence of the Emersons n
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Chapter 767 Chain Reaction
No one imagined that the seemingly high and mighty Scarlett had endured so much hardship. When Scarlett, who was once alone and weak, encountered such injustice, what about the other artists under Starshine Entertainment?Many fans of other Starshine Entertainment artists ran to their idols' Twitter accounts, filled with concern and distress, asking about their situations. However, the artists chose to remain silent together. With an A-list star like Scarlett leading the way, many artists followed suit, boldly speaking out about the persecution they suffered at the hands of Starshine Entertainment.While some were just fishing for attention, most provided detailed accounts with abundant evidence, every word filled with anguish.Too many young men and women who entered the entertainment industry had their dreams shattered at Starshine Entertainment. When exposed to the dark side of society, the once-innocent teenagers struggled in pain.Fans were completely outraged to learn how t
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Chapter 768 Barking of a Dog
Darren's Adam's apple bobbed slightly, and the palm holding onto her waist tightened as his muscles tensed for a moment.Hannah peered up at him with a smile, her red lips forming a pout, as if inviting him for a kiss. She chuckled and asked, "Have you made up your mind?"Before Darren could answer, the phone that had been set aside rang. It was a call from a strange number. Hannah raised her eyebrow at it and then answered the call."Ms. Emerson, you're quite resourceful!" A voice tinged with fury sounded, the words uttered through clenched teeth in obvious hatred. It was Zachary.Hannah instinctively straightened her back. With a nonchalant smile, she replied, "Mr. Lautner, your abrupt praise truly flatters me.""Ms. Emerson, don't play dumb with me." Zachary was seething with anger, his eyes burning with rage. He had underestimated Hannah, thinking she was just like any other pretty woman with nothing but looks to offer.Unexpectedly, she had managed to quietly take away all t
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Chapter 769 Ambiguous
Hannah blinked at him playfully, her silent laughter bubbling up. "It's quite amusing to see him raging around, biting at everyone. Don't you think?" Despite the mischievous smirk on her face, there was no hint of malice—only sweetness and charm. Darren's gaze softened even further, and he gently pinched her cheek, opting not to say much.Meanwhile, Zachary was on the brink of losing his mind. Who were they calling a rabid dog? If it weren't for his disadvantageous position, he would have...His eyes glinted with ferocity as he clenched his teeth. "Mr. Winchester, are you going to allow your wife to act so recklessly? Are you not interested in Starshine Entertainment's shares?"It was evident that Zachary was stressing out. Initially, he had offered to compensate Hannah monetarily, but now, with Darren in the picture, he was talking about offering shares.It was a clear display of contempt toward Hannah. He believed that a few dollars could placate her and resolve the issue. Desp
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Chapter 770 Try It
Although she seemed bold with her words, her cheeks were honestly flushed pink, and her eyes remained tightly shut. Her long lashes trembled with nervousness, casting flickering shadows.Gathering her courage, she leaned in toward where she remembered his mouth was and pressed her lips against it. Instead of the soft warmth she imagined, she felt a slightly rough and hard sensation.Hannah opened her eyes to find Darren's hand blocking her kiss. "Are you rejecting me?"She widened her eyes in disbelief while straightening up, frozen in place.Every time they kissed, she could feel his enjoyment of their intimacy, with each kiss being wholeheartedly devoted. His body always reacted honestly, and besides, he was the one who requested a reward. How dare dared to refuse her noe?Interesting, Hannah thought.Meeting her sharp gaze, Darren cleared his throat and withdrew his hand, saying, "I'll use these two rewards to exchange for a few days of your time. Is that okay?"Exchange for
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