All Chapters of After A One Night Stand : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
JADEMax and I left the restaurant after having lunch and agreeing to get married the next day.As we approached our different cars, I said, "Max, hold on. I promised my girls I would take them to the park tomorrow. Since we'll become a family by tomorrow, can you bring your daughter to the park?I want to get to know her better since I would be her stepmother. My daughters would also be happy to get a new friend and sister."He hesitated, "I don't think that would be possible or ideal."My heart began to race. If I couldn't get access to my daughter, then what was the need for everything I was doing?"I smiled, trying to hide my fear, "Why would it not be possible or ideal?""Her mom.....she might not be comfortable with her daughter spending time with the woman who took her place." He explained."But isn't Aurora your daughter as well?" I asked, trying to hide the irritation I felt because he wouldn't stop referring to my daughter as Stacy's."Once we get married tomorrow, it would m
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JADEI chuckled, "Why do you suddenly look so glum?"He scoffed, "Glum? What do you take me for, Daisy?""Come on, Max," I spoke softly. "We are married now, so you need to watch how you speak to your wife. I told you my terms from the very beginning so don't act surprised.Throwing a party without telling me in advance, don't do things like that."He scoffed, "Wow! I didn't think being married to you would be this difficult.""Don't be ridiculous," I replied. "I still don't know you that well, let's give it a few months. I'll say within three months.""Three months?!" He exclaimed. At this point, I was grateful we were the only ones left on the beach."Daisy, what married couple waits for three months before having sex?" He asked.I chuckled, "Don't misunderstand me, darling. I don't want to feel pressured in this marriage. Give me time to get to know you better, get used to you, and fall in love with you. I promise that everything else will fall into place after that."He regarded m
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JADEI arrived home after Max left and started making preparations for all my children and me to meet at the park.I was happy that everything was going according to plan while Ella and Phyna were excited to meet their sister, Aurora."Mummy, why are you wearing us makeup?" Phyna asked when I began to apply makeup to their faces to alter their looks.I sighed, "I know I already dyed your hair and dressed you up like girls but you are meeting your sister today. Remember she looks a lot like both of you. We can't have anyone figure out that you are both related because it will ruin our plans, okay?"We arrived at the park thirty minutes before the time and as the minutes wore on, my heartbeats became faster.There were other children at the park so I said to Phyna and Ella, "You guys should start playing for now.""But we want to see our sister first," Ella protested."Listen to me, if you stand here and keep waiting, Aurora's nanny might get suspicious if she arrives. Go ahead, you wil
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MAXI was upset and frustrated. I drove back to my company, got into my office, and slammed the door shut.Picking up a few unwanted documents on my table, I scrunched them with my hands as I gritted my teeth, "How dare you, Daisy?"It was obvious that she was taking me for granted. She knew from the start that all I wanted was a taste of what she had between her legs so she came up with the trap of marriage.Fortunately for me, it was a fake wedding, otherwise, I would have been the one on the losing end. First, "I want to get to know you better."Next, "Let's give it three months."And now, "I want to fall in love with you first."The more I mimicked her the more upset I got. "Does she think I am a fool or someone she can toss around?"I took my seat and sighed, "There hasn't been a woman I have wanted in my bed that I did not have. I have the wealth and the looks so, Daisy, you wouldn't be the first."I hated attachments and only had sex with women once. No matter how beautiful or
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MAXI arrived at the park and stood unnoticed watching my daughter. Just as Agatha had said, she looked very happy and was playing with two girls whom I assumed were Daisy's daughters.Agatha and Daisy both sat down, staring at the children with smiles on their faces.Looking at Daisy smiling, I became mesmerized. I suddenly came up with an idea to get what I wanted and smiled.When I began to approach Daisy, her two daughters who seemed to have noticed me, suddenly exclaimed, "Daddy!" And began running.At first, I thought they were running to someone else and looked around for a sign of their father, already feeling jealous that he was so close to Daisy.While looking around, I felt both my legs being held and looked down to see Daisy's daughters both holding my legs and calling me daddy.Aurora stood in the distance, staring at us with a look of confusion on her face.I smiled at her and gestured for her to come close. As I stared at the two girls who were looking up at me, I had a
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JADEAs Max drove us to the club, I felt anxious. I didn't know how low he had sunk over the years so I worried about the extent he would go just to have his way with me.Meanwhile, I was still shaken up by what had happened earlier. The conversation Agatha and I had shared was still fresh in my mind. I had done everything possible to ensure that no one recognized me but she did.When she had first called me by my real name, I had been so shocked that I didn't know how to respond. Nevertheless, she had said, "It's fine Jade, you can trust that your secret is safe with me."As minutes rolled by, I stared at her, my eyes brimming with tears. So many options came into my mind. The foremost was knocking her unconscious and running away with all three children.However, I knew firsthand the consequences of acting in haste. One too many times, I had suffered for doing so and this time, the odds were not in my favor.The only option I had was to solicit her help. Like I did five years ago, I
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JADEI didn't trust Agatha. Heck, I didn't trust anyone and that was why I had to use two of my trump cards. The two bodyguards: Vin and Sawyer, who had worked for me in Madison had been laying low, waiting for when the time came to swing into action.I had brought them along when I came back home because I didn't want to make the same mistakes I made before. They were to remain in hiding, away from me until when I was ready to run away with my three children. They were meant to be my protection but with Agatha in the picture, I had to call them.I couldn't just leave my three children with her. What if she ran away with them or took them to Max's house without my knowledge? I had cameras installed inside my house so I could see everything she was doing.I hoped that the opportunity I had gotten would make my daughter feel comfortable in my temporary house and love her brothers like a true sister would.Vin and Sawyer were keeping watch outside the house. If Agatha tried to sabotage m
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JADEMax did not stop taking me with him until we got into a room and he locked the door.I stood facing him, without still saying a word. He was quiet for a while before he finally spoke, "Are you staring at me strangely because I called you someone else's name? It was a slip of my tongue.""Could he be telling the truth?" I wondered. I didn't know if Max was playing games with me or if he had truly called me Jade by accident. I hoped it was the latter but I had to be sure."Who is Jade and why did you call me that?" I asked him.I watched his expression for a sign but when his eyes dimmed, all I could see was pain and loneliness. Was I mistaken?He looked away after a while and replied, "I told you, my tongue slipped. I just suddenly felt like you were the girl, Jade and I didn't realize when I called you someone else's name."I sighed and moved closer to him, "I don't like being called other people's names, Max. But I'm curious about this girl. Did she mean a lot to you? Your eye
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JADEI turned and snapped at Max, "What now? Eavesdropping on my phone conversation and questioning me rudely is not acceptable, Max. I don't like it."He sighed, "Why are you being difficult? I did not eavesdrop on your conversation. Your voice was loud enough for me to hear because I was right behind you. If you feel my tone was rude, then I apologize for it. I am sorry.However, I still want to know who Henry is and why he is so important to you."I smirked, "Why? Are you jealous?""Damn right I am," he replied. "You are my wife and it's only natural for me to feel jealous."I knew I had to answer his question, lest he became suspicious of me. But I didn't want to take any chances so I lied, "It wasn't Henry. I was speaking to a man named Terry. He is a client who needed my services a few months ago because someone referred him to me.I told him I wasn't in the city yet but would reach out to him when I arrived. You have kept me so occupied since I arrived that I completely forgot
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JADE"Do you like what you see?" Max asked, his voice almost a whisper.My eyes moved upward and held his' as the words I wanted to speak got stuck in my throat.He held my hand and pulled me closer to him until our bodies were touching and his length was poking me. His smile towards me was loving as he placed his hands on my shoulders, making my heart beat even faster.His lips inched closer and I thought he was going to kiss me. However, he rather moved toward my ear and whispered, "Do you want me to pleasure you, instead?"I gulped again as I still found myself unable to make a reply."Should I take your silence as consent?" He asked further and I tried to speak, to tell him to get lost because I didn't want to make such a mistake with him. However, my desires got the better of me and I nodded.I had underestimated Max's appeal and effect on me and now, all I could think about was how pleasurable it would be to have him fill me up with his dick and make love to me.The mere thought
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