All Chapters of Playing the Devil's Game: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Chapter 51
The sun had started to set, and its long shadows could be seen stretching across the peaceful streets of the city. I had made the decision to go on a solo walk as a means of gaining mental clarity and getting away from the stresses that had come to characterize my existence. When I went out for a stroll in the evening, I had no idea that it would develop into the worst nightmare I could have ever imagined.I couldn't help but feel the weight of the world on my shoulders as I strolled along the dimly lighted street, with the faint glimmer of lamps producing an ominous atmosphere. The allegations of espionage that had damaged my relationship with Russo continued to hang over me like a black cloud, and I wished for a moment of reprieve from the craziness that I was surrounded by.My footfall reverberated in the desolate lane, serving as a spooky reminder of the alone existence that had come to characterize my life. The absence of people on the streets brought about a quiet that was parad
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Chapter 52
Russo surprised me with a vacation to a high-end shopping destination, during which I was able to fully update my wardrobe thanks to the chance. In spite of the fact that my thoughts were racing through a turbulent sea of contradictory emotions as we made our way through the posh boutiques, I remained silent the entire time. He had chosen clothes that were extravagant, with each item being more extravagant than the one that came before it, but I was unable to bring myself to give my opinion on what I thought of them.We were given the royal treatment by the sales workers, who were more than willing to cater to Russo's every whim and fancy. He picked out stunning gowns, form-fitting clothing, and expensive dresses for me, all of which are indications of his financial stability and his commitment to provide for me. In addition to that, he selected a vehicle for me to drive. In spite of this, while I was going through the motions of putting on different clothes, I couldn't escape the fee
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Chapter 53
After such a challenging and dramatic journey, Russo and I had at last arrived at a tentative cease-fire understanding with one another. In spite of the fact that the wounds from the past were still very fresh, there was still a possibility that we may have a future together, and the fact that this possibility existed was a glimmer of hope that we were unable to ignore. The weight of our shared history put a strain on both of us, but as the sun began to drop, we recognized it was time to leave the past in the rearview mirror and focus on the here and now.We found ourselves in the bedroom, which was only dimly lit, and the air was thick with anxiety and a sense of desperation all around us. Our eyes met in a silent interaction that said volumes about the sentiments that we were both harboring but were unable to say. Our eyes met in a way that told volumes about the feelings that we were both harboring. My eyes had a glimmer of forgiveness, but Russo's were filled with a mix of desire
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Chapter 54
The lavish party that was held for the city's wealthiest and most influential leaders was an event that brought together a large number of significant individuals. The opulent location, which was decked up with crystal chandeliers and other luxurious touches of décor, served as a reflection of the expensive nature of the event that was being held there. Russo and I were there because we had been invited, and as soon as we walked into the room, everyone began muttering and staring at us with appreciative expressions on their faces.At the beginning of the party, the guests were already mingling with one another and engaging in animated conversation while sipping their beverages. At this lavish venue, a gathering of society's most famous personalities had taken place, and the dynamic and pulsating energy that was present in the atmosphere was a direct reflection of this fact.I felt at peace as I made my way through the crowd, the pressures of the past being nothing more than a distant
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Chapter 55
After I had another shot of cocktail, Russo broke away from the conversation he was having with his friends and made his way towards me. The party was fun, and it was beginning to take on the feel that I like for a good time. He had to step away from me for a little while in order to discuss business with a few other individuals, and as soon as he was out of earshot, I made my way over to where the alcoholic beverages were being sold. I didn't drink much outside before tonight, but now that I have, there's a sense of liberation all around me, and I adore it. "There is no way you can drink again." He didn't lie about me not being able to drink anymore, but if there was anything he was lying about, it was that I could scarcely stand. Butterfly, you can barely stand anymore," he groaned, and I could tell he was smirking as he spoke those words. He didn't lie about me not being able to drink anymore, but if there was anything he was lying about, it was that I could barely stand. I drew
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Chapter 56
It was my first birthday since I had left home, and I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. Nobody here knew it was my birthday nor do they even know the real me. If I was at work, back at home. Madea and Christy would have probably put together a silly party for me. As the day dawned, I knew that there would be no family to sing to me, no friends to throw a surprise party, and certainly no lover to bring me breakfast in bed. Mike stopped the breakfast in bed charade almost three years ago, now that I think of it. The signs were presenting themselves early, but I was just the one that chose to ignore it fully. I was still stuck in the delusion of us, I should have known. This was a different world, a world I had chosen, but it sometimes felt so far away from the life I had once known. This world was starting out fast to become the one that’s for me, with each passing day I find the line between good and bad getting blurry for me. I find myself leaning toward the crime world. The da
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Chapter 57
"My father was a monster," he said, his voice low and filled with bitterness. "He made our lives a living hell. We were just kids, and he treated us like garbage."I could tell the anger behind those words; he sounded like a man who had a lot to say, and I was grateful he trusted me enough to tell me this part of his. Russo had always been an enigma I wanted to solve, one that I wanted to turn into reality without fear."For every time he got back from meetings and everything, we lived in fear. My mother, my brothers, and I included Nobody was free of his clutches. My father was a principled man, one who had witnessed the Cold War as a Soviet Union soldier and he had lots to pass down; love wasn't one of them. My brothers and I had to find our own paths. We had to craft our own emotions. My father rarely showed emotion. The only emotion he showed was anger, and he did that without fear. An angry father meant that we would be whipped till we bled."Russo went on to tell me about his ol
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Chapter 58
For me, going shopping has always been an excellent method to keep a low profile, and today was no exception. I needed a reason to go back into the FBI office, which was a location that I had once considered to be my home. As I navigated my way through those well-known passageways, I couldn't help but experience a range of feelings. I detested the way it felt right now, and I loathed myself even more.In the first place, this was way too dangerous; if Russo was watching me, this would be a terrible way to give myself away, but checking in at this point would have been way too late. I needed to reassure my superiors and let them know that I was working, so I communicated this to them. I had been pretending to be someone else for a number of months, and I was still not in the thick of things. I have to confess that I have been doing an outstanding job, even if it has been at the sacrifice of my personal feelings.As I make my way through the deserted laundry, I go back to the days when
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Chapter 59
As I was getting dressed for the fundraiser, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. The black dress I had chosen for the evening was sleek and sexy, hugging my curves in all the right places. I paired it with a pair of stilettos that made my legs look endless.Russo was sitting on the bed, watching me intently as I applied the finishing touches to my makeup. He leaned back, looking at his watch with a mock sigh. "We're going to be late, Alissa," he teased.I turned to him with a playful smile, not bothered by the time. "Oh, come on, Russo," I said, walking over to him. "Fashionably late is the way to go, right?"He chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement. "You always have an answer for everything, don't you?"I leaned in closer, my lips almost brushing against his ear. "Well, it's not just any event. It's a fundraiser," I whispered, my voice taking on a sultry tone. "We need to make an entrance, don't we?"Russo's breath caught, and he cleared his throat, try
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Chapter 60
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, gently coaxing me awake. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the new day, and then noticed the enticing aroma wafting through the room. My senses quickly came to life, and I realized that breakfast in bed awaited me.Russo stood by the bedside, holding a tray laden with delectable treats. He wore a playful grin on his face as he presented the meal. "Good morning, my beautiful Alissa," he greeted me, his eyes filled with a hint of mischief.I sat up, a mixture of surprise and curiosity coursing through me. "Breakfast in bed? What's the occasion?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity.Russo placed the tray in front of me. "No special occasion," he replied with a wink. "I just wanted to spoil you a little."A wave of warmth washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile at his sweet gesture. "Well, you've certainly succeeded," I said, running a finger along the edge of the tray.As I started to indulge in the delicious breakfast he'd
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