All Chapters of Wolfless Temptation : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
102 Chapters
Chapter 51
Feyre’s POVThe Vampire acknowledged my agreement with a nod and said nothing more on the matter.He rose then and I felt a stab of fear pierce through my gut, bracing myself for the indignity to come.“Rabbas?” He called in that soft way that should have made it impossible for any not in the room to hear him. Yet his manservant appeared promptly through the adjoining door.“Alert the guard at the end of this hall that I have need of his presence.” The man nodded and moved to obey. I remained stiff-backed in the chair, anticipating the worstuntil he said“You may go.” I stared, unable to believe he really meant it until he slid out of the sitting area and headed for the door to the adjoining room not looking back even once. Only then did it hit me that he really had set me free.Rabbas returned shortly and I knew that was my cue. I rose on shaky legs, my features contorted in disbelief even as I wobbled towards the door.I made to remove the jacket but the man shook his head, holding
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Chapter 52
Dymon’s POVI returned to the room after the girl left, the faint scent of whatever perfume she’d been practically bathed in, lingering in the air. I reclaimed the chair I’d earlier vacated and withdrew, as I often did, into my thoughts. She was an interesting person, Feyre Manning, but then I’d known that since the moment she’d walked into the room with the rest of the others. It wasn’t just that she stood out physically─although with that wild dark mane and brilliantly violet eyes, she did─ it was the aura that hung around her. One that most would certainly be oblivious to─ but then, I was not most.I’d been unsure at first, what it was that called out to me about her. There was an impressive ball of energy that pulsated from deep within her, but that was not enough on its own. I’d seen nothing else of note or importance. Until I looked with my other eye. Or rather, until I couldn’t look.In the eight hundred and thirteen years since I began to walk the earth, never had I met someon
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Chapter 53
Feyre’s POVIt took a while for me to fall back to sleep after the dream I had of the wolf, but eventually, I did. When I re-awoken, it was a few minutes past eight AM and the first thing I did was glance over at Mishka’s bed.It was empty to my disappointment and I frowned wondering if the girls were still being occupied. Most nights out ended at six AM so she should have at least been back to catch some sleep.I threw back my duvet and climbed out of bed, engaging in a deep stretch before cleaning myself up for the day. I dressed in the most covering attire I could find which did little in the way of protecting my dignity and resisted the urge to throw on the jacket Dymon had given me. It would likely attract a punishment. I’d save it for the next time I had to perform a walk of shame through the palace halls.I put on my mother’s necklace with far more thought than I usually did, wondering what secrets or answers it held within it.I had spent the three hours I’d been up for after
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Chapter 54
Feyre’s POVI followed the maid all the way to the official wing of the palace where the King’s throne room and offices sat, mind racing the entire time. Xaden was supposed to have been done with me by now. I had no idea why I was currently being taken to him. That I was going along with a maid and not Garrick whose quiet presence usually gave me some measure of strength made it all the more harder. I kept my head as low as I could get away with and trailed quietly behind her, ignoring the pointed looks from the men and women we passed in their various suits. It was the busiest area by far as evidenced by the sheer number of people we passed, all of them eyeing me unkindly. I wished I had Dymon’s jacket to protect me from the staring eyes, but I’d been given no time to prepare for this impromptu visit. Plus I’m pretty sure I would be severely punished if I covered up to see Xaden of all people.I had to deal with walking through offices in a bright blue teddy and it made me feel like
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Chapter 55
Feyre’s POVI ran all the way back to the harem without stopping, not bothering to wait for the guard to call me an escort. The moment I was out of Xaden’s grasp, all I could think about was being away from him and the safest place I could do that within these palace walls was back in the harem.When I returned to my room and took in the still-empty bed, my briefly forgotten anxiety about Mishka returned in full force. Where was she? I thought morosely, mind considering all the possibilities, yet rejecting the one that stood out most glaringly.She could not be gone. Mordric could not have just taken her life like that. Not without some sort of repercussion. After all, even though he’d been at the party, he was still not one of the King’s favored allies. He was but a lackey. A high-ranking one quite all right, but still only a lackey. Not King, ruler, or even a general.There was no way he could get away with murdering her.Yet he would have gotten away with doing it to me, what was s
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Chapter 56
Feyre’s POVI struggled as hard as I could, each and every move I made futile, but it did not stop me from trying to get out from under his hold.He seemed to enjoy my helpless flailing, chuckling as he practically bundled me out of the harem. We attracted stares from many onlookers but no one intervened. How could they without risking a fate even worse for themselves?He forced me out the door and paused at the guard that was coming at that same moment. “Are you blind boy? Get the hell out of my way.” He snapped, and the guard’s eyes fell on me then widened “Um, I’m sorry sir, but I was requested to escort this girl to the King’s wing.” General Oben snarled “Requested? By whom? The King has his own special set of whores. He doesn’t need the likes of her.”“By Lord Dymon General.”Oben paused, a deep scowl stamped all over his features. “Surely he can stand to wait. I’ve already booked her, you see.”“Sir, He left clear instructions that I was to bring her to him my Lord, whether sh
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Chapter 57
Feyre’s POVWe played many rounds of the game, conversation sparse, yet easy between us. He won each one, but I did not mind, and losing to him was almost fun, especially when he would mockingly encourage me with little quips about how Rome was not conquered in a day, and eventually, I would run into some luck. I was surprised to find that I was enjoying myself in the end, a decidedly different outcome from how I feared to be spending my afternoon.“Ha! You can’t use that move on me twice. I’m on to you now!” I exclaimed, getting far ahead of myself and he gave me an indulgently amused look.“Oh? Heavens then. I must be careful.” He drawled before lazily moving one of his pieces in a way that had my look of triumph turning into confusion and then disbelief as he once more cornered my King.“How did you… that’s not…”“Your eyes must see the entire battlefield Feyre. Not just the little spots of action I try to distract you with.”I flicked said eyes up to his, and almost immediately lo
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Chapter 58
Dymon’s POVI was surprised she handed me the necklace, as attached as I knew she was to it. Yet she did, with a brave face and slightly trembling hands.I opened my hand to receive it, careful not to touch her. I was not particularly averse to her contact, but I suspected it might startle her too much. Considering her experiences with other patrons, I didn’t want to risk it.“Thank you Feyre. I know this must be hard.” I closed my fingers over the pendant curious to find that while it was overcast in steel, the interior was pure silver. I felt the familiar tingling I associated with silver run up my palm and knew it was no mistake. I could speculate as to why it was designed that way, wolves were incredibly weakened by silver after all so it would make sense to coat any jewelry made for them with another material. Considering it was a talisman, however, the choice of silver for it was quite interesting seeing as silver was a poor conductor of magic.Later when I was alone, I would ex
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Chapter 59
Feyre’s POVI was left alone for the rest of the evening, to my complete and utter surprise. Even though Dymon had said he would make sure Madame Esmelda knew I was occupied for the night, I still half expected Oben to burst in and drag me back over to his room.I couldn’t relax even after being let off the hook for the night. Worry about what would happen to me tomorrow and about Mishka enveloped me.I slept poorly, tossing and turning the entire night. By the next morning, I was exhausted, face drawn, eyes sunken and puffy, mind sick.I only just managed to crawl out of bed in the morning and clean myself up before dragging my body out to get some food in it. My period of refuge was up, the time Dymon had bought me expiring with the morning.I expected General Oben to pull up any moment now, and wanted to get a little strength before he carted me off. I wondered if I should go find Madame Esmelda so I could ask her about Mishka. I was probably going to die soon anyway. I wanted some
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Chapter 60
Feyre’s POVI remained hidden within my room for the rest of the day, only venturing out in the evening when hunger would not allow me to isolate myself for much longer.I almost turned back, due to the hostile looks I received as I passed, but no one stopped me and I went to the mess hall uninterrupted to get my dinner.I had no idea what Dymon had done, but I wish to the gods that he hadn’t. I was more terrified now than I’d ever been before, an even bigger target on my back than the one Garrick unwittingly set on me. Everyone in the harem now hated me, and whatever immunity he’d bought me now, would fade in no time. I would regret this more after he departed and I was left to deal with all the people who felt slighted. From the girls, to the madame to General Oben.I came well after the dinner hour, so aside from a handful of girls, the mess hall was empty.I took my dinner from the serving maid, a small bowl of chicken noodle soup, and after a brief internal debate on whether or n
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